Documentation for Administrators

Absences by Course and Student

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The Absences by Course and Student report shows a total number of absences, sorted by either students or courses, and the calculated percentage of total absences per class days for the given timeframe. When these totals are 10% or higher, they are displayed in red. The reports timeframe is adjustable, and defaults to the current term.

Student Search

1. In the Attendance menu, click Absences by Course and Student.

Absences by Course and Student

2. Before conducting a student search, click the By Student By Course tab or the By Course By Student tab for the corresponding report.

  • The By Student by Course tab sorts by individual students, all students, or a specified group.
  • The By Course by Student tab sorts by school courses and can be used to view only courses with a selected minimum of student absences.
Absences by Course and Student

3. Regardless of the tab selected, enter the applicable search criteria in the Student text box, such as student name(s) or number(s), as well as any other applicable search criteria.

4. Click Search.

For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

By Student by Course Report

The By Student by Course report sorts by individual students, all students, or a specified group.

1. The screen defaults to the By Student By Course tab.

2. Follow the steps in Student Search.

3. Once the report has been generated, you can further customize the data by setting a Report Timeframe. Select a month, date, and year from the provided pull-downs. You also have the option to click the calendar icon to select a date.

Absences by Course and Student

4. Click Go to update the report.

5. Click the All Classes pull-down to select the classes with 1-15 periods absent. You also have the option to Only show classes with 10% or more periods absent. Once an option is selected, the report will refresh automatically.

When a selection is made from the All Classes pull-down, the filter is automatically applied, as shown in the image below. For more information about the Filter feature, see Additional Features.

Absences by Course and Student

6. For applicable situations, you can click the Deny Credit for S2 (or the current marking period, such as Deny Credit for S1) button for students with excessive absences. In order to utilize the Deny Credit for [S2] feature, you first must select the students listed in the report via the check boxes displayed next to each student.

Absences by Course and Student

The By Student By Course report displays the students' Photo, Student name, Student ID, Grade level, the Course, the Course Num (number), the Teacher (if enabled), the Period, the Section, number of Periods Excused, the Periods Unexcused, Periods Absent, Days Possible, and Percent of Days Absent.

Absences by Course and Student

7. Select the Show Teachers check box to add the Teacher column to the report.

8. Click the Student name to open the student's Attendance Chart in a pop-up window.

By Course By Student

The By Course by Student report sorts by school courses and can be used to view only courses with a selected minimum of student absences.

1. Click the By Course By Student tab.

Absences by Course and Student

2. Follow the steps described in Student Search, and click Search.

Absences by Course and Student

3. Once the report has been generated, you can further customize the data by setting a Report Timeframe. Select a month, date, and year from the provided pull-downs. You also have the option to click the calendar icon to select a date.

Absences by Course and Student

4. Click Go to update the report.

5. Click the All Classes pull-down to select the classes with 1-15 periods absent. You also have the option to Only show classes with 10% or more periods absent. Once an option is selected, the report will refresh automatically.

When a selection is made from the All Classes pull-down, the filter is automatically applied, as shown in the image below. For more information on the Filter feature, see Additional Features.

Absences by Course and Student

6. For applicable situations, you can click Deny Credit for S2 (or the current marking period, such as Deny Credit for S1) for students with excessive absences. In order to utilize the Deny Credit for S2 feature, you first must select the students listed in the report via the check boxes displayed next to each student.

Absences by Course and Student

The By Course By Student report displays the Course, Course Num, Teacher (if enabled), Period, Section, Photo, Student name, Student ID, Grade level, Period Excused, Periods Unexcused, Periods Absent, Days Possible, and Percent of Days Absent.

Absences by Course and Student

7. Select the Show Teachers check box to add the Teacher column to the report.

8. Click the Student name to open the student's Attendance Chart in a pop-up window.

Absences by Course and Student
Additional Features

Click the floppy disk icon to export the students and attendance data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Absences by Course and Student

Click Filters to filter data and apply filter rules. Note: If a selection is made from the All Classes pull-down, filters are automatically applied.

Absences by Course and Student

See Filters for more information.

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Absences by Course and Student

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Absences by Course and Student
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