Documentation for Administrators

Uploaded Files Report

Updated on

The Uploaded Files Report is used to search for files that have been uploaded to any student field with the type of File Upload. Users can search based on date range, uploader, student, student field, and file text. Files can be selected and exported to a zip file or to PDF.

Viewing the Uploaded Files Report

1. In the Students menu, click Uploaded Files Report.

Uploaded Files Report

2. Enter one or multiple criteria with which to generate the report. Leave all criteria blank to return uploaded files for all students.

Date Range: Limits report results to files uploaded in the specified date range.

Uploader: Limits report results to files uploaded by the selected user(s). Scroll and select the desired user(s), or type the user ID number, full name, or partial name into the filter and select the desired user(s).

Student: Limits report results to selected student(s). Scroll and select the desired student(s), or type the student ID number, full name, or partial name into the filter and select the desired student(s).

Student Field: Limits report results to files uploaded into the selected student field(s).

File Text: Limits report results to files that have the specified word or phrase either in the file title or mentioned in the file itself.

3. Click Run Report.

Uploaded Files Report

Uploaded files that meet the search criteria are listed. The report includes the student name, file name, file type, field where the file was uploaded, date, and uploader.

4. To download one or multiple files, select the check box next to each item or click Check All at the top of the column to select all items.

Uploaded Files Report

5. Click Generate Zip Archive to generate and download a zip file of the selected files. Click Generate PDF to generate a PDF of the selected files, which can be downloaded to your computer or printed.

Uploaded Files Report

6. To save a report, including the search criteria and other filters set, click the Save icon at the top of the screen.

Uploaded Files Report

7. Enter a Report Name and click Save.

8. Click the X to close the pop-up window.

Uploaded Files Report

The report is now available in the pull-down, and can be selected and regenerated as needed.

9. To modify a previously saved report, select the report in the pull-down, make any desired changes to the criteria, and click the Update icon.

Uploaded Files Report

10. In the pop-up window, click Save, and click X to close the window.

This will overwrite the previously saved report with your new changes.

Uploaded Files Report

11. To delete a saved report, select the report and click the Delete icon.

Uploaded Files Report

12. In the confirmation message, click OK. says

Like other saved reports, saved Uploaded Files Reports can be accessed from the Saved Reports screen under the Reports menu. If the report was created by you, you will also be able to access it by clicking the report name in the Reports menu.

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