Documentation for Administrators

Master Schedule Snapshots

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The Master Schedule Snapshots screen is used to restore the master schedule and student schedules using system backups, backups created when importing sections in the Master Schedule Builder, or manually created backups. System backups are created automatically based on the scheduled job "Master Schedule Snapshots." This is set to run every hour but can be modified as needed. Backups can also be created when importing sections in the Master Schedule Builder. Manual backups can be created as needed. Hourly system backups are saved for 24 hours. Daily system backups are saved for 2 weeks. Manual backups are saved for 12 months. Backups created when importing sections in the Master Schedule Builder are not removed.

Profile permissions control which profiles can view and edit this screen, restore schedules, and restore schedules after the first day of school. Restoring schedules after the first day of school is not recommended.

Setting Up the Master Schedule Snapshots Scheduled Job

System backups are created automatically based on the scheduled job "Master Schedule Snapshots." This is set to run every hour but can be modified as needed.

1. In the Setup menu, click Scheduled Jobs.

2. Locate the Master Schedule Snapshots scheduled job in the Jobs tab and click Edit next to the job title.

3. Modify the Run Time, Start Time, End Time, Weekdays, Priority, Store Execution History, Start Date, End Date, and E-mail address as needed and click Save.

See Scheduled Jobs for more information on setting up scheduled jobs.

On the Master Schedule Snapshots screen, snapshots created by the scheduled job display "System" in the By field.

Creating a Manual Snapshot

Manual snapshots can be created as needed. Before making a change that could significantly affect the master schedule and student schedules, create a snapshot so that the schedules can be restored back to a previous point.

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Master Schedule Snapshots.

2. Click Create Snapshot at the top of the screen.

The snapshot is created and added to the list. The user who created the snapshot, the date and time the snapshot was created, the percent of students scheduled, and the number of sections in the master schedule are displayed.

3. To add a description to the snapshot, click the Description field and enter the text.

Entering a useful description is recommended so that you and others involved in scheduling will know what this snapshot will restore.

4. Click Save.

Restoring the Master Schedule and Student Schedules

1. Next to the snapshot you want to use, click Restore.

2. In the pop-up window, select Master Schedules, if needed.

Selecting Master Schedules will revert the master schedule to the snapshot. Student Schedules is always selected by default. This will revert student schedules to the snapshot.

3. Click Yes to continue.

A green check mark and confirmation message is displayed at the top of the screen.

Deleting a Snapshot

1. Next to the snapshot you want to delete, click the red minus sign.

2. In the confirmation message, click OK.

3. Click Save.

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