While required and optional re-enrollment forms can be assigned to students in specific schools and grade levels in the Student Re-enrollment Setup tab in the Application Editor, the Re-enrollment tab in Student Info is used to assign a required or optional re-enrollment form to an individual student.
The "Profiles Allowed to Assign" setting on the form in the Application Editor dictates which administrator profiles are allowed to assign this form to students in the Re-enrollment tab in Student Info. Therefore, you may only be able to assign certain forms to students.
Required or optional forms can be mass assigned to students in Mass Add Log Records in both the By Student and By Group tabs. Select the "Re-enrollment" option in the Logging Field pull-down and set the form options. Assigning forms to students in Mass Add Log Records will also update the Re-enrollment logging field in Students > Student Info > Re-enrollment tab.
See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.
After searching for and selecting the student, the student's record is displayed.
1. Click the Re-enrollment category.
2. In the blank row, select the Form to assign the student.
Only the forms your profile has permission to assign will be available for selection. This is designated using the "Profiles Allowed to Assign" pull-down in the Application Editor.
3. Select the Publish Date (when the form will be available on the Portal).
4. If desired, select the Cancel Date (when the form will be removed from the Portal).
5. Select Re-enroll Student to re-enroll the inactive student into the Applicants school once the form is submitted.
6. Select a School Year option. This determines the schools that will receive the Portal alert for a form that needs processing and can review and approve the form.
Current - The form will be visible in the student's currently enrolled school only.
Future Year -The form will be visible in the student's next year enrollment school only.
All Years - The form will be visible in both the student's current and next year enrollment schools.
When the field is set to null, it will be considered as All Years.
7. Select Parent Portal or Student Portal to dictate where the form will be available for active students.
8. To assign the form to an inactive student, select Parent Portal of Inactive Students or Inactive Student Portal to dictate whether the form will be available for the inactive student on the Parent Portal or Student Portal.
The profile permission "Show Previous Year Inactive Students" for parents must be enabled in Users > Profiles in order for parents to be able to see their previous year inactive students in the Parent Portal.
9. Select Custodial Parent Portal to only provide the linked user that has a contact record flagged as "Custody" access to the form.
10. Select Do Not Require Approval to automatically approve any changes the student submits to their information. The student's information in Focus is immediately updated each time a page of the form is submitted. Do not select this option if changes should require approval in Students > Online Enrollments > Unprocessed Forms. The student's form will display in the Processed tab on the Online Enrollment screen.
11. Select Optional to make the form available to the parent or student, but not required.
12. Press Enter to add the row.
13. Click Save.
For required forms, when the parent/student logs into the Portal, a message will display indicating the re-enrollment form must be completed, along with a link to the form. Optional forms are available on the Forms Summary screen for parents or students.
When the parent/student has begun the re-enrollment form, the Started Date will display in the Re-enrollment tab in Student Info. When the re-enrollment form has been completed, the Completed Date will display. When an administrator has approved or denied the changes requested by the parent/student, the Processed Date will display. If the form was automatically processed because approval was not required, the Processed Date will display the same date as the Completed Date. Administrators view, approve, and deny re-enrollment change requests in the Online Enrollments screen.
Click the View button next to a form to view the re-enrollment fields in a list view.
There may be some instances where a required form that has not been completed in Focus should be marked as processed for a student. For example, if a parent turned in a paper form to the school and did not complete the form in Focus, the form would need to be marked as processed so that the parent/student can access the Parent or Student Portal.
See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.
After searching for and selecting the student, the student's record is displayed.
1. Click the Re-enrollment category.
2. In the Outstanding Required Forms pull-down, select the form you want to mark as processed.
3. Click Mark as Processed.
The re-enrollment form information is populated in the table, with today's date at the Started Date, Completed Date, and Processed Date.
In Students > Online Enrollments, the student will display in the Processed tab. The Parent Portal and/or Student Portal (depending on form settings) will be unlocked and accessible to the parent/student.