Documentation for Administrators

Manage District Fee Templates

Updated on

Manage District Fee Templates allows program fees to be set up at the district level so there is no variation of fees throughout the school district. For larger districts, this is helpful because it allows set up of program fees once rather than setting up fees at each individual school.

Setting System Preferences for Manage District Fee Templates

To enable functionality of program or course fees and billing, several parameters must be defined via System Preferences.

1. In the Setup menu, click System Preferences.

System Preferences

2. Click the School Preferences or Default School Preferences tab. Then, click the Billing tab.

System Preferences

3. There are a few fields that need to be addressed before setting up fee templates. For an explanation of each setting, see Billing. Review the following settings:

Use Internal Accounts in Fee Groups

Allow Individual GL Accounts on Fees

Ignore Schedule Drop Date When Billing

Hide Hours Calculation

Allow rebilling of students when mass invoicing

Merge Tuition Fees when Printing Receipts/Invoice

Allow editing of ‘billed’ column on the student schedule record

Allow Fees to be Assigned At

Default Bill Student By

Prorate fees for students that begin after the start of term

Round fees to the nearest dollar

Allow fee amounts to have up to 4 decimals

Use Student Daily Scheduled Hours Instead of Section Daily Hours

Enable Daily Fees

Use Bill By Schedule

Only apply once-per-program fees once when billing multiple classes by course/section/hours

4. Click the School Preferences or Default School Preferences tab. Then, click the General tab. Review settings that enable billing and invoice functionality.

System Preferences

Select the Enable Course Fees. Automatically create student fee(s) based on the enrolled course check box in order to assign fee templates to programs and/or courses.

Select the Enable invoices to be created from the Student Schedule screen check box to turn on the ability to create and access invoices directly from the Student Schedule screen.

For more information on each system preference, see General.

Setting School Information for Manage District Fee Templates

It is important to link the school in the Student Information module to the appropriate facility in the ERP module. Linking the school will allow student names to populate in the customer pull-down on the Point of Sale screen when the specific facility is selected.

1. In the Setup menu, click School Info.

School Info

2. Click on the Primary Info tab.

School Info

3. Select the applicable Facility from the corresponding pull-down. The facilities that display in this pull-down originate via ERP > Setup > Settings > Facilities tab.

4. Click Save.

School Info
Managing District Fee Templates

1. From the Billing menu, click Manage District Fee Templates.

Manage District Fee Templates

2. Existing templates are displayed in the table. To add a new template, enter a Template Title in the provided text box of the first row.

Manage District Fee Templates

3. Once the title has been entered, press the Enter key to save the new template. Once saved, a Template ID is automatically generated, the delete button (red minus sign), and the Manage Template Fees button display.

Manage District Fee Templates

4. To manage a new or existing district fee templates, click Manage Template Fees for the applicable template.

5. The template displays in a new tab, Selected Template.

Manage District Fee Templates

6. In the first section, define specific fees by item number, title, amount, and resident/non-resident fees and accounting strips. The ID is automatically generated upon adding an item fee and saving the data.

Manage District Fee Templates

7. Start by entering the Item Number and Title.

8. Select how the item should be billed from the Bill Per pull-down: per Hour, by a Flat Fee, or by Day. The options displayed in the pull-down depend on the system preferences enabled.

If a fee should not be applied or available for billing, the Inactive check box must be selected. Before version 9.0, you could enter 0.00 in the Amount text box(es) to make the item inactive; this is no longer a viable option as items can now be added, billed, and purchased as $0.00.

9. Select the Once Per Term check box to make the item billable once per term. Students will only be billed the fee when they’re billed for the term. This fee is year specific and students will be billed the same fee again the next year if the program crosses years.

10. Select the Once Per Program check box to make the item billable once per program at the initial invoicing from the student schedule, even if the program crosses years.

When a fee in a given class fee template is marked as Once Per Program, the fee is listed only separately as an additional fee during check out, until the student is charged once per program per student per year. These fees are not included in the listed or charged base price for classes for sale ensuring students and other users are not over charged in Purchase & Pay.

11. Select the Class Fee check box to identify the fee as a class fee on the Fee Report.

Non-tuition fees marked as class fee are calculated in the Class Fee column in the Fee Report.

12. Select the Taxable check box if the item is taxable (where specified state and/or local tax will apply via ERP > Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable tab).

13. Select the Tuition check box to designate the fee as a tuition fee.

All fees selected as tuition will be grouped on the student receipt, if the system preference Merge Tuition Fees when Printing Receipts/Invoice is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Billing tab.

14. Select the 1098-T check box if the fee should be included on 1098-Ts.

15. Select the Auto Pay check box for any items that should be automatically charged to the Student or Parent upon the due date. Parents and students are charged using saved credit cards in their Wallet; if a card hasn't been saved or is invalid, the payment will not be processed and the outstanding balance will remain on the account.

The Auto Pay feature is linked to the scheduled job called Autopay Invoices, which needs to be configured to run nightly to ensure that Auto Pay Invoices are automatically charged. See Scheduled Jobs for more information.

16. Select applicable Voucher Sources from the pull-down to identify sources that can automatically defer the cost of funding sources when the student is billed. Note: The applicable Funding Sources must first be marked as vouchers via ERP > Accounts Receivable > Funding Sources.

Vouchers work for Flat Fees and Hourly Fees, as well Daily fees.

  • The Bill Per selection (Day, Flat Fee, Hour) on the Fee Template will determine how the voucher is applied.
  • Flat Fee: Any overlap of the dates and the amount and percent apply once.
  • Hour Fee: Multiply voucher by the hour. For example, 5 hours per day X 5 days X voucher amount $5 = a discount of 25 per day on days that overlap with the voucher time period.
  • Day Fee: Voucher apply once per day.
  • If a student purchases more than one item from the same fee template, the voucher will apply to each line item in the invoice.
Manage District Fee Templates

17. Select the Discount Does Not Apply check box to ensure that created discounts (Billing > Manage Discounts) cannot be applied upon paying for said fees.

Manage District Fee Templates

The Discount Does Not Apply field displays when the setting Enable Discounts in Purchase & Pay is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Billing tab.

18. Select the applicable Cost Tier from the pull-down, which are set up via Billing > Cost Tier Setup. None, one, or multiple can be selected here.

Manage District Fee Templates

19. Enter the billable Amount for the item in the text box. Note: If you selected Hour from the Bill Per pull-down, enter the amount that will be billed per hour. If you selected Flat Fee from the Bill Per pull-down, enter the entire amount that should be billed. If you selected Day from the pull-down, enter the amount that will be billed per day.

20. Select the Inactive check box if the item is no longer active and can no longer be pulled into student fees. Note: You can also select the inactive check box until you are ready to make the item available.

21. Specify the accounting strip information by selecting the applicable elements from the pull-downs, such as Fund, Facility, Internal Account, Internal Project, etc. Note: Accounting strip elements mary vary from district to district.

Manage District Fee Templates

22. Click in any of the text boxes and press Enter to save the item. Once saved, the line will turn blue and the delete button displays (red minus sign).

Manage District Fee Templates

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete an added item. You can delete an item as long as it has not been used in billing a student.

23. Click the green plus sign to add a different Cost Tier to the same item, such as Non-Resident or Free/Reduced.

Manage District Fee Templates

a. Select the Cost Tier, enter the Amount, select the Inactive check box as needed, and select the accounting strip elements from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Fund, Center, etc. Then, press the Enter key to save the line of data.

Manage District Fee Templates

Click the green plus sign as many times as needed to add additional cost tiers.

Managing District Fee Templates by Program

1. From the Selected Template tab, scroll down to the Programs Using Template section to assign the the selected template to a program.

2. Programs already assigned to the selected district fee template are listed. To add a new program, select it from the Program pull-down.

3. When the program is selected, press the Enter key to save the data. Upon saving the Program, a delete button (red minus sign) and a Push Update button display.

4. Click the Push Update button to push the updated fees out to the schools that offer the programs selected in the district. Note: If this button is not clicked, the scheduled job Automatic Application of District Template Fees can be run in order to push the fees to the schools via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.

a. Click Push Update All to push the updated fees out to all programs logged.

Manage District Fee Templates

5. To edit any existing programs, click the pull-down and change the selection. Changes save automatically.

6. To remove a Program, click the delete button (red minus sign). You can remove programs as long as it has not been used in billing a student.

Managing District Fee Templates by Course

1. From the Selected Template tab, scroll down to the Courses Using Template section to assign the the selected template to a course.

Manage District Fee Templates

2. Courses already assigned to the selected district template fee are listed. To add a new course, select it from the Course pull-down.

3. When the course is selected, press the Enter key to save the data. Upon saving the Course, a delete button (red minus sign) and a Push Update button display.

Manage District Fee Templates

4. Click the Push Update button to push the updated fees out to the schools that offer the programs selected in the district. Note: If this button is not clicked, the scheduled job Automatic Application of District Template Fees can be run in order to push the fees to the schools via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.

a. Click Push Update All to push the updates fees to all courses logged.

Manage District Fee Templates

5. To edit any existing courses, click the pull-down and change the selection. Changes save automatically.

6. To remove a Course, click the delete button (red minus sign). You can remove courses as long as it has not been used in billing a student.

Manage District Fee Templates
Manage District Fee Templates by Forms

1. From the Selected Template tab, scroll down to the Forms Using Template section to select the form(s) that will use the fee template.

Manage District Fee Templates

You can use a fee template with a Form Builder form or student enrollment form created with the Application Editor.

2. Select the Form from the pull-down.

Manage Fee Templates

Student enrollment forms that are published to /apply are not available for linking on the Manage Fee Templates screen (school level), but are available for linking on the Manage District Fee Templates screen as long as the system preference Require the user to select their desired school from a drop-down is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Online Application.

3. Press the Enter key to save the data. Upon saving the Form, a delete button (red minus sign) displays.

4. Click the Push Update button to push the changes to the Manage Fee Templates screen for schools.

Manage District Fee Templates

a. Click Push Update All to push updated fees to all listed forms.

5. To edit any existing forms, click the pull-down and change the selection. Changes save automatically.

6. To remove a form, click the delete button (red minus sign). You can remove forms as long as they have not been used in billing a student.

Manage Fee Templates
Additional Features

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see Filters.

You can also sort data by clicking on select headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-downs to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Manage District Fee Templates

On select pull-downs, select the Exact filter check box to filter pull-downs based on text entered exactly. If the Exact filter check box is not selected, partial matches are displayed.

Manage District Fee Templates

Click Check all to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

Manage District Fee Templates
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