Documentation for Administrators

External Schools

Updated on

The External Schools screen allows users to record all of the district's partner schools.

Adding External Schools

In order to view, add, and edit external schools, you must have permission to View and Edit enabled via Users > Profiles > Setup tab. Note: If you have permission to View and not Edit, you will be able to view external schools but not add or edit schools.

1. In the Setup menu, click External Schools.

External Schools

The External Schools screen displays as existing external schools including the School Number, School Name, Partner, Customer, Contact Title, Contact Prefix, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Zip Code, Phone, Fax, Email, County Name, County Number, Region Number, District Name, District Number, and the SAT Code.

External Schools

2. To add a new external school, enter information in the top row.

External Schools

3. Enter the School Number and the School Name.

4. Select the Partner from the pull-down, which links to ERP > Accounts Receivable > Funding Sources.

5. Select the Customer from the pull-down, which links to ERP > Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Vendors/Customers.

6. Enter the Contact Title, Contact Prefix, Contact First Name, and Contact Last Name of the main contact person at the school, such as the Principal.

7. Enter the school's Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Zip Code, Phone, and Fax number.

8. Enter the contact person's Email address.

9. Enter the County Name, County Number, Region Number, District Name, and the District Number.

10. Enter the SAT Code, which is the SAT college and school four-digit codes assigned to every college and university. It can also be 6 digit code for K–12 schools known as the College Board code or CEEB code.

11. Select the Inactive check box to flag the school as inactive.

External Schools

12. Press the Enter key to save the external school data entered.

External Schools

13. To edit existing external schools, click the applicable field and make changes as needed.

External Schools

14. To delete an external school, click the delete button (red minus sign).

External Schools

15. Schools can be imported using a CSV file. Prepare a CSV file that includes a column for each column and click Import.

External Schools

a. A browser will display so you can search and upload the CSV file. Locate the file and click Open.


b. The system will try to match the columns with the correct headers. For those that are missing, select the header from the pull-down. When complete, click the Import CSV button to proceed.

External Schools

The data is added automatically.

External Schools
Additional Features

To export the listed schools to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

External Schools

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

External Schools

Click Filters to breakdown data.

External Schools

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information, see Filters.

Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displayed.

External Schools

a. From the Toggle Columns pop-up window, clear the selected check boxes of columns you want to hide from the screens.

Hidden columns remain hidden until the applicable check boxes are selected again from the Toggle Columns pop-up window.

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