The Adaptive Test Report provides an overview of student performance on adaptive tests. The student’s scores are color coded on the report to indicate performance on each level of the adaptive test.
1. In the Assessment menu, click Adaptive Test Report.

2. In the search screen, enter search criteria to locate a particular test. Enter the full or partial test name or test ID number.
Use More Test Search Options to search by additional criteria. Select to Include Inactive Tests, Include Other Users Tests, Include Teachers Tests (displays when Include Other Users Tests is selected), and Include Deleted Tests, if needed. Click Search.
Alternatively, click the Test List to view a list of all active adaptive tests at the currently selected school.
3. Click the test title link of the test you want to view.
The report displays each student who took the test and his or her performance on each standard included on the test. Beneath each standard, the number of questions the student answered on each complexity level (CC1, CC2, and CC3) is displayed. A legend is provided for the color code: green indicates the student answered all questions correct at level 3, while dark red indicates no questions were answered correctly.