Documentation for Administrators

Reauthorization Completion

Updated on

The Student Reauthorization Completion report allows administrations to identify the teachers who have not reauthorized their students. Once identified, administrators can also aid teachers in deciding how students will be scheduled during the next billing period in order to help automate the billing process, as well as the scheduling process.

The Reauthorization Completion Report

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Reauthorization Completion.

The Reauthorization Completion report displays teachers who need to reauthorize their students. The red Xs indicate the periods that have not been reauthorized.

Reauthorization Completion

2. Click the red X to open the selected teacher's students for reauthorization.

Reauthorization Completion

Clicking the red X opens Users > Reauthorization (Teacher Programs) where administration can reauthorize select students in a new window.

The Reauthorization Completion Report with Additional Course Data

To enable the Courses/Section Numbers check box, from the Setup menu, click System Preferences. Click the School Preferences or Default School Preferences tab, then click the Scheduling tab. Select the Enable checkboxes on Reauthorization Completion Report to show additional data check box.

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Reauthorization Completion.

The Reauthorization Completion report displays teachers who need to reauthorize their students. The report displays the course name and course number in place of the red X in the corresponding period column.

Reauthorization Completion

2. The Course/Section Numbers check box is selected by default, which enables the course name and course number in place of the red X in the corresponding period column. To revert back to the original report where you can click the red Xs, clear the selected check box. For information about the original report, see The Reauthorization Completion Report.

3. The Teacher name and employee number check box is selected by default, which displays the teachers' employee numbers as well as their names.

4. Click the course/section number to open the selected teacher's students for reauthorization.

Reauthorization Completion

Clicking the section/course number opens Users > Reauthorization (Teacher Programs) where administration can reauthorize select students in a new window.

Additional Features

Click the floppy disk icon to export data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Reauthorization Completion

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

If looking for specific information housed within the Reauthorization Completion report, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

To make the Reauthorization Completion report full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

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