Documentation for Administrators

Add Absences

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The Add Absences screen allows administrators to add or change attendance for one or multiple students. Past, present, or future attendance can be entered for one or multiple periods of the school day and for one or multiple school days. 

Student Search

1. From the Attendance menu, click Add Absences.

2. Enter student search criteria. If searching for specific students by name or student number, type the information in the Student Search text box.

Add Absences

3. Click Search.

For more detailed information about conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

Adding Absences

Conducting a search navigates to a new Add Absences screen. As a result of the conducted search, the students are listed at the bottom of the screen.

Add Absences

1. At the top of the screen, enter the absence criteria starting with the Periods. Select the Periods the student(s) was absent from the provided pull-down.

Add Absences

2. Select an Attendance Code for the selected periods from the corresponding pull-down.

Add Absences

3. If applicable, enter an Attendance Reason in the provided text box.

Add Absences

4. Select the days the student(s) were absent for the specified periods from the calendars. Click each day the student(s) were absent. You can select as many as needed. Once selected, a red box will display on the date. To clear the selection of a date, click the date again and the red box will disappear. The current date is highlighted in yellow.

Add Absences

5. The current month will always display in the center, preceded by the previous month, and followed by the following month. Click the arrows in the two top corners to navigate to previous and future months (the days listed depend on the set district calendars).

Add Absences

6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the student section. Here you must select the student(s) for whom the absences are being created. Select the check box next to the student. You can also select the check box in the header to select all listed students.

Add Absences

7. When the student(s) have been selected, click the Submit Absence(s) button to create the absences.

Add Absences

Upon successfully created/changing absences, a Results pop-up will display. The Inserted columns displays the number of records added. The Updated column displays the number of existing records changed.

Add Absences
Additional Features

Click the floppy disk icon to export the information to an Excel spreadsheet.

Add Absences

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Add Absences

Use the Filter text box located at the top of each pull-down for a quick search. Begin typing the name or number of the desired field in the text box.

Add Absences

Click Check all and Clear for quick selections and deselections.

Add Absences

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Add Absences
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