The Copy School screen is used to copy data from one school to an existing school or new school. For example, once the district has the initial setup done for one of the high schools, the Copy School feature can then be used to create a new high school that will have a similar setup. After the copy is complete, modifications can be made to the new high school's setup as needed. In addition, after the calendar dates and marking period dates have been set up in one school for the upcoming school year, this data can be copied to other schools instead of setting up the dates in each school from scratch.
1. Ensure you are logged in to the school you want to copy the data from.
2. In the Setup menu, click Copy School.

3. Select Create a New School.
4. Enter the New School's Title.
5. Select the data to copy. When creating a new school, you might select all the data items.
When Calendars and/or Calendar Dates is selected, the calendar pull-down becomes active and contains all the school's attendance calendars.
6. Select the calendar(s) to copy the attendance calendar and/or dates. If no calendar is selected, all of the school's attendance calendars and/or calendar dates will be copied.
7. When copying subjects, courses, and sections, select All Courses, Subjects, & Sections to copy all of the subjects, active courses, and active sections to the new school.
To only copy specific subjects, courses, and sections, select the desired items in the pull-downs at the bottom of the screen.
After selecting one or multiple subjects, the active courses within the subject(s) will be available for selection in the next pull-down. After selecting one or multiple courses, the active sections within the course(s) will be available for selection in the next pull-down.
In order for a subject to display in the Select Subjects pull-down, it must have a short name in Courses & Sections.
7. After selecting all of the data items to copy, click OK.
A green check mark and confirmation message is displayed. The new school is now available in the schools pull-down at the top-right corner of the screen. Be sure to update School Info for the new school, as well as modify any of the copied data items as needed.
The Copy School screen can be used to copy data from one school to another. For example, after setting up the calendar dates and marking period dates for the next school year for one school, the calendar dates and marking period dates can be copied to other schools where these dates will be the same.
If the school you are copying calendar dates from and the schools you are copying calendar dates to have different rotation schedules, the rotation days from the calendar you are copying from will override the rotation days on the calendars of the schools being copied to.
For example, school A has a calendar with a 4 day rotation, and the calendar dates are being copied to schools B-Z. School B has a 6 day rotation. After copying the calendar dates, school B's calendar now only has rotation days A-D, and days E and F have been removed from the calendar.
1. Ensure you are logged in to the school you want to copy data from, and that the correct school year is selected. For example, if you are copying next year's calendar dates and marking period dates to other schools, ensure the next school year is selected.
2. In the Setup menu, click Copy School.

3. Select Copy to an Existing School.
4. Select the check boxes for the schools that will receive the data.
Use the Filter field to filter the list of schools. For example, enter "high" to locate all the high schools in the district.

5. Select the data to copy.
If the master schedule was rolled into the next school year for the schools, selecting to copy Calendars and Marking Periods will break the links between the sections and the calendars and marking periods and will create issues with the master schedule. Only copy Calendar Dates and Marking Period Dates.
When Calendars and/or Calendar Dates is selected, the calendar pull-down becomes active and contains all the school's attendance calendars.
6. Select the calendar(s) to copy the attendance calendar and/or dates. If no calendar is selected, all of the school's attendance calendars and/or calendar dates will be copied.
7. When copying subjects, courses, and sections, select All Courses, Subjects, & Sections to copy all of the subjects, active courses, and active sections to the selected school(s).
To only copy specific subjects, courses, and sections, select the desired items in the pull-downs at the bottom of the screen.
After selecting one or multiple subjects, the active courses within the subject(s) will be available for selection in the next pull-down. After selecting one or multiple courses, the active sections within the course(s) will be available for selection in the next pull-down. Focus will check if the selected programs, courses, and sections already exist in the target school(s). Only items that do not already exist at the target school(s) will be inserted.
In order for a subject to display in the Select Subjects pull-down, it must have a short name in Courses & Sections.
8. After selecting all of the data items to copy, click OK.
A green check mark and confirmation message is displayed. Visit the appropriate areas in the Focus to edit the copied data for the selected schools as needed.