Documentation for Administrators

Student Screen

Updated on

The Student Screen allows users to view the Activities & Eligibility information of a student’s record.

1. From the Eligibility menu, click Student Screen.

Student Screen

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student or group of students and click Search

Student Screen

See Searching for Students for more information.

3. Select the student by clicking their name in the Student column.

Student Screen

This navigates to the Activities sub-menu of the Student Record. 

Student Screen

4. From this screen, you can add additional activities next to the + (plus) symbol by selecting the activity from the pull-down.

a. Click Add.

Student Screen

5. Click the delete button (black minus sign) to remove an activity.

Student Screen

6. To return to the list of students as a result of your student search, click Back to Search Results. To close the open student and conduct a new student search, click the X next to the student.

Student Screen
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