Documentation for Administrators

Mass Invoice from Schedule

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The Mass Invoice from Schedule screen allows users to bill students en masse by course, section, etc. This screen also allows users to bill and populate the students' schedules with a specified drop date en masse.

The Mass Invoice from Schedule screen was previously titled Invoice Students and remains titled Invoice Students in previous version of Focus, such as v.10.

Billing Students

1. From the Billing menu, click Mass Invoice from Schedule.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

For information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

Based on search criteria, specific students will be listed by Student ID, First Name, Last Name, their Program Title, the Program Number, the Course Title, the Section, the School, Voucher Funding Sources, as well as the Cost Reporting code, the student's Start Date, Last Billed by (such as Section or Course), and the Schedule ID. Scroll to the right to see all of the data.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

If the Use Student Vouchers system preference is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Billing, the Voucher Funding Sources column is included in the report and displays the name(s) of the active Voucher Funding Sources that pertain to the student.

3. Select the Schedule Timeframe to pull all active schedule records active as of the selected date.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

Schedule Timeframe reflects a schedule timeframe that allows you to pull all schedule records and enrollment records for the defined date range.

4. Click Go to refresh the listed students based on the Schedule Effective Date selected.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

5. Before billing, you can review the student's schedule by clicking the Student ID. For more information about the student's schedule, see the Postsecondary section of the Student Schedule document.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

6. To bill student(s), first select how you would like to bill from the Bill By pull-down. Options include Course, Section, Hours, etc.

a. Select Semester to bill between the start and end date of the active semester.

b. Select Quarter to bill between the start and end dates for the quarter.

c. Select Progress Periods to bill by the start and end dates of the active progress period.

d. Select Section to bill by the WDIS Start Date through the WDIS End Date.

e. Select Course to bill for the WDIS OCP Hours.

f. Select the Schedule Record to bil by the start and end date of the student's schedule.

g. Select Hours from the pull-down to enter the number of Hours and/or Days for which to bill students.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

h. If you select Additional Fees from the pull-down, a Select Additional Fees pull-down displays where you can select from the existing additional fees created via the Additional Fees tab of the Manage Limited Fees screen. Select as many fees as applicable, then click Yes.

i. To edit or add additional fees, click the Select Fees button to reopen the Select Additional Fees pull-down.

Invoice Students

7. Select the check boxes for the students whom are to be billed.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

Select the check box in the header to quickly select all check boxes on all pages listed.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

8. Enter/Select the Due Date in the provided text box to determine the Due Date that generates on the invoice and populates on all applicable field for student billing.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

9. When all selections have been made, click Bill.

Be cautious of how many students are selected for billing at a time. Selecting a multitude of students at once, will take some time to load.

10. Clicking Bill will automatically create invoices for the selected students as explained in the pop-up window displayed. To Print All Invoices, click the corresponding button.

a. Upon selecting to print, a PDF print preview displays. Click the Download icon to download the invoice as a file to your computer. Click the Print icon to print the invoice.


The courses billed will now display 50 Hours | 0 Days in the Last Billed column to indicate how the student was billed.

Mass Invoice from Schedule
Mass Billing & Dropping Students

1. From the Billing menu, click Mass Invoice from Schedule.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

For information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

Based on search criteria, specific students will be listed by Student ID, First Name, Last Name, their Program Title, the Program Number, the Course Title, the Section, the School, Voucher Funding Sources, as well as the Cost Reporting code, the student's Start Date, Last Billed by (such as Section or Course), and the Schedule ID. Scroll to the right to see all of the data.

If the Use Student Vouchers system preference is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Billing, the Voucher Funding Sources column is included in the report and displays the name(s) of the active Voucher Funding Sources that pertain to the student.

3. Select the Schedule Timeframe to pull all active schedule records active as of the selected date.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

Schedule Timeframe reflects a schedule timeframe that allows you to pull all schedule records and enrollment records for the defined date range.

4. Click Go to refresh the listed students based on the Schedule Effective Date selected.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

5. Before billing, you can review the student's schedule by clicking the Student ID. For more information about the student's schedule, see the Postsecondary section of the Student Schedule document.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

6. To bill student(s), first select how you would like to bill from the Bill By pull-down. Options include Course, Section, Hours, etc.

a. Select Semester to bill between the start and end date of the active semester.

b. Select Quarter to bill between the start and end dates for the quarter.

c. Select Progress Periods to bill by the start and end dates of the active progress period.

d. Select Section to bill by the WDIS Start Date through the WDIS End Date.

e. Select Course to bill for the WDIS OCP Hours.

f. Select the Schedule Record to bil by the start and end date of the student's schedule.

g. Select Hours from the pull-down to enter the number of Hours and/or Days for which to bill students.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

h. If you select Additional Fees from the pull-down, a Select Additional Fees pull-down displays where you can select from the existing additional fees created via the Additional Fees tab of the Manage Limited Fees screen. Select as many fees as applicable, then click Yes.

i. To edit or add additional fees, click the Select Fees button to reopen the Select Additional Fees pull-down.

Invoice Students

7. You can also mass add a drop date to schedule records from this screen. Select the Mass Drop check box and enter a date in the field. The date entered cannot be prior to today.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

8. Select the check boxes to indicate the applicable students for whom a drop date is to be added.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

Select the check box in the header to quickly select all check boxes on all pages listed.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

9. Click Bill once the students are selected. When the date field is populated and students are mass billed, the drop date will be placed on the corresponding students' schedule records.

10. Clicking Bill will automatically create invoices for the selected students as explained in the pop-up window displayed. To Print All Invoices, click the corresponding button.

a. Upon selecting to print, a PDF print preview displays. Click the Download icon to download the invoice as a file to your computer. Click the Print icon to print the invoice.


The courses billed will now display 50 Hours | 0 Days in the Last Billed column to indicate how the student was billed.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

11. Click the Student ID link for the billed and dropped student to review data on the Student Schedule. As shown below, the Billed and Dropped column have been populated.

Student Schedule
Additional Features

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Invoice Students

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Click the Filters feature to help find specific information quickly.

Invoice Students

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information, see Filters.

To display only select columns while hiding others, click Toggle Columns. Clear the selected check boxes to hide the column. Only selected columns will display in the report. Note: Once a column is hidden, it will remain hidden until the check box is selected again via Toggle Columns.

Mass Invoice from Schedule

You can also sort data by clicking on select headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Invoice Students
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