The Requests Reports are useful for monitoring course requests and planning sections. The reports included on this screen are Requests by Course, Print Requests by Student, Print Requests by Course, Duplicate Requests, Do Not Schedule Requests, Students with too many Requests, and Students with too few Requests.
The Requests by Course report displays the number of requests for each course. Requests marked as "Don't Schedule" are not included on the report.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Requests Reports.

The Requests by Course tab is opened by default, listing the subject, course, course number, total seats, number of sections (total seats and number of sections are determined by the number of seats in sections from the previous year for the course), number of requests (current demand), number of alternate requests, number of inclusion requests, number of requests by grade level, additional filled seats, and extra seats. The additional filled seats indicates the number of students scheduled into the course without having a request for the course. Negative numbers in the Extra Seats column indicates there is not enough seats based on sections and seat numbers.
2. Click on an underlined number of requests to open a list of students with that request in a new tab.
3. Click a student's name in the new tab to view and edit the student's requests.
4. Close the tab when finished.
5. Click the course link to view the course information in the Courses & Sections screen, which will open in a new tab.
6. Close the tab when finished.
7. Click an Additional Filled Seats link to view the list of students who are scheduled into the course but did not have a request for the course in a new tab.
8. Click a student's name in the tab to view the student's schedule. Close the tab when finished.
The Print Requests by Student tab is used to print student requests sheets for individual students or for a group of students.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Requests Reports.

2. Click the Print Requests by Student tab.
3. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student or group of students.
When searching using the "Requested Course(s)" option in More Search Options, you may select "Include Alternates" to include students who have requested the selected course as an alternate.
4. If desired, select Print Multiple Copies for Custodial Contacts at Separate Addresses to generate multiple copies when a student has custodial contacts with separate addresses.
5. Select a Letterhead Template, if one is set up for printing requests.
6. Select Sort Requests Sheets by Prior School to sort requests sheets by the students' prior schools.
7. Select Sort Requests Sheets by Prior School Year's Periods to sort request sheets using the prior school year's periods.
8. Click Download Requests Sheets.
A PDF preview of the requests sheets is displayed, which can be saved to your computer or printed.
Students with zero requests will have a requests sheet printed.
9. Click Return to Focus to go back to the Requests Reports screen.
The Print Requests by Course tab is used to print a list of students who have requested specific subjects or courses.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Requests Reports.

2. Click the Print Requests by Course tab.
3. To print a list of students who have requested certain subjects, select the Subjects.
4. To print a list of students who have requested certain courses, select the Courses.
5. Select the Format. Selecting PDF will generate a PDF that can be saved to your computer or printed. Selecting List will display a list of the students that can be exported.
6. To limit the results by team, select the Team.
7. Select Include Alternates will include students who have requested the course as an alternate request.
8. Select a Letterhead Template, if one is set up for printing requests.
9. To limit the results to a specific student group, select the Student Group.
10. Select Include Inactive Students, if desired.
11. Click Download Class Lists.
The PDF or list is generated.
11. Click Return to Focus when finished.
Example PDF:
Example List:
The Duplicate Requests report lists students who have more than one request for the same course. If courses have the same course number but are housed in different subject folders, these will not display as duplicate requests. For Florida districts that add an extra digit to a course number, these will also not display as duplicate requests.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Requests Reports.

2. Click the Duplicate Requests tab.
The student, student ID, course name, course number, and number of requests for that course is listed.
3. To edit a student's requests, click the student's name.
The Student Requests screen is opened in a new tab. Make any edits as needed, and close the tab when finished.
4. To delete the duplicate requests for all students in the list, click Delete All the Duplicate Requests at the top-right corner of the screen.
Be sure you wish to delete all the duplicate requests in the list, as in some cases duplicate requests are okay.
The Do Not Schedule Requests report displays course requests marked as "Do Not Schedule" in Student Requests or Mass Requests.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Requests Reports.

2. Click the Do Not Schedule Requests tab.
The student name, grade level, student ID, and course are listed. The Do Not Schedule column displays a Y to indicate the course request was marked as "Do Not Schedule."
3. To view or edit the student's requests, click the student's name.
The Student Requests screen is opened in a new tab.
The Students with too many Requests report displays students with more requests than allowed based on the number of semesters and periods scheduled in a school day (periods are selected at the top of the report). Alternate requests are not included in the totals on the report, as well as requests marked as "Do Not Schedule."
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Requests Reports.

2. Click the Student with too many Requests tab.
3. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the students you want to view and click Search. To view all students who have too many requests, click Search without entering any search criteria.
See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.
The Periods in the School Day at the top of the screen come from the periods set up in Setup > Periods. The periods that are marked as Required for Scheduling in the period setup will be automatically selected by default in Students with too many Requests. Deselect any periods not used for complete scheduling. The report displays the student name, student ID, grade level, number of requests, and number of credits. The system counts requests in the following manner:
- If sections are created for a course requested as full year, the system counts the request as 1
- If sections are created for a course requested as a semester, the system counts the request as 0.5
- If sections are created for a course requested as a quarter, the system counts the request as a 0.25
- If no sections are built for a course, the system looks at the Course Length field set on the course. If the Course Length is set to Automatic, the system will look to the "Default Course Length" system preference.
4. To edit a student's requests, click the student's name.
The Student Requests screen is opened in a new tab. Make any edits as needed, and close the tab when finished.
The Students with too few Requests report displays students with fewer requests than needed based on the number of semesters and periods scheduled in a school day (periods are selected at the top of the report). Alternate requests are not included in the totals on the report, as well as requests marked as "Do Not Schedule."
Individual students can be hidden on the report. This may be useful if certain students (such as juniors and seniors) do not need to have requests for all periods. This is controlled by the permission “Allow User to Dismiss Students on Requests Reports” in Users > Profiles.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Requests Reports.

2. Click the Students with too few Requests tab.
3. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the students you want to view and click Search. To view all students who have too few requests, click Search without entering any search criteria.
See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.
The Periods in the School Day at the top of the screen come from the periods set up in Setup > Periods. The periods that are marked as Required for Scheduling in the period setup will be automatically selected by default in Students with too few Requests. Deselect any periods not used for complete scheduling. The report displays the student name, grade level, student ID, number of requests, and number of credits. The system counts requests in the following manner:
- If sections are created for a course requested as full year, the system counts the request as 1.
- If sections are created for a course requested as a semester, the system counts the request as 0.5.
- If sections are created for a course requested as a quarter, the system counts the request as a 0.25.
- If no sections are built for a course, the system looks at the Course Length field set on the course. If the Course Length is set to Automatic, the system will look to the "Default Course Length" system preference.
4. If you have the profile permission “Allow User to Dismiss Students on Requests Reports,” you can hide students on the report by selecting the Dismiss Student check box next to each applicable student and clicking Save Dismissed Students.
The selected students are hidden on the report. The total number of students with too few requests indicated above the report will not change since the students are not permanently removed from the report, just hidden.
5. To re-display the students that were hidden, click Show Dismissed Students.
The dismissed students are re-displayed on the report.
6. Click Hide Dismissed Students to hide the dismissed students again.
7. To edit a student's requests, click the student's name.
The Student Requests screen is opened in a new tab. Make any edits as needed, and close the tab when finished.