Documentation for Administrators

Purchased Add-Ons

Updated on

The Purchased Add-Ons screen allows users to review add-ons purchased by parents and/or students via Purchase & Pay. Optional Add-Ons are set up via Scheduling > Classes for Sale.

Purchased Add-Ons

1. From the Billing menu, click Purchased Add-Ons.

Purchased Add-Ons

The Purchased Add-Ons screen displays the Student #, Student Name, Purchase Date, Transaction #, Shipping Address, Course Purchased, Item Purchased, and Quantity.

Purchased Add-Ons

2. Select the Show Shipped check box to display add-ons that have already been shipped i.e. marked as shipped, as described in step 4.

Purchased Add-Ons

3. Once an item has shipped, enter the Tracking # if applicable.

Purchased Add-Ons

4. Click Mark as Shipped to remove the item from the list. To view items that have been marked as shipped, see step 2.

Purchased Add-Ons

Once you Mark as Shipped, the item will display as Shipped.

Additional Features

If the screen contains several pages of information, click the Prev and Next page buttons to view additional information. Click the Page text box to enter a page number. Press Enter to jump to the specified page.

Purchased Add-Ons

Export data to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Purchased Add-Ons
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