Documentation for Administrators

Community App

Updated on

The Community App screen is used to set up some of the features used in the Community App, including Twitter feeds, login page customizations, and links to websites and documents.

The following are the minimum versions supported to download the Community App on mobile devices:

iOS 12

Android 5.0 (API level 21)

Setting the Session Timeout Length

The session timeout length determines how many minutes of inactivity may pass before teacher or admin users must log in to the app again. This setting does not affect parent or student users.

1. In the Setup menu, click Community App.

2. In the Session Timeout section of the screen, enter a whole number for the minutes of inactivity before timeout.

3. Click Save.

Community App
Adding News Feeds to the Community App

News feeds can be linked to a specific school, and can include Twitter and RSS feeds. The news feeds display on the News screen in the Community App.

In addition to Twitter and RSS feeds, users can view messages pushed to the app via Portal Messages on the News screen in the app, as well as announcements created via Communication. These messages are based on school and profile. These messages can be disabled for a specific school in the School News Settings section of the screen.

1. In the Setup menu, click Community App.

2. In the Social Media Feeds section of the screen, enter the Title of the news feed.

3. To display the news feeds only to users at a specific school, select the Linked School. Only one school can be selected. If no school is selected, all users in the district can view the news feeds.

Setting a linked school on a feed will default the feed to active for all users at that school.

4. Copy and paste the Twitter page URL into the Twitter Page field. If one does not exist, leave it blank.

5. Copy and paste the RSS field link into the RSS Feed field. If one does not exist, leave it blank.

6. Select the Force Subscription check box to display the news feeds by force for users in the school. Users will not be able to unsubscribe from these news feeds in the app.

7. Press Enter to add the row.

The row turns yellow to indicate changes have been made.

8. Click Save.

Editing News Feeds

1. In the Setup menu, click Community App.

2. Edit any of the news feed fields as needed.

The field turns yellow to indicate changes have been made.

3. Click Save.

Deleting News Feeds

1. In the Setup menu, click Community App.

2. Click the red minus sign next to the row to delete.

3. In the confirmation message, click OK.

The row is grayed out to indicate it has been deleted. You must click Save to complete deletion.

4. Click Save.

Customizing the Login Page

The Login Page section of the screen is used to add text to the bottom of the login page in the app. HTML can be used to format the text.

1. In the Setup menu, click Community App.

2. In the Login Page section of the screen, enter the text you want to appear at the bottom of the login page in the app. HTML can be used to format the text.

3. Click Save when finished.

Disabling the School News Feed for a School

The School News Settings section of the screen is used to disable school news feeds for specific schools. School news includes Portal messages and Communication announcements sent to specific schools and profiles. Disabling a school news feed will prevent any new users and existing subscribers from receiving any news/push notifications from the deactivated school.

1. In the Setup menu, click Community App.

2. In the School News Settings section of the screen, select the School in the pull-down.

3. Select Disable News Feed.

4. Press Enter to add the row.

The row turns yellow to indicate changes have been made.

5. Click Save.

Adding a Folder

Folders are used to organize links and documents in the app. Folders can be made available to specific profiles.

1. In the Setup menu, click Community App.

2. In the Links section of the screen, click New Link.

3. In the Edit Icon pop-up window, select the icon to use.

4. To use a custom image, click Custom Image.

5. Drag a file into the box or click the blue area to select a file from your computer.

The Edit Icon window is re-loaded, with your custom image automatically selected.

To delete a custom image, click Custom Image and click the red X under the image. Then click Yes in the confirmation message.

6. Click the Folder radio button.

Community App - Google Chrome

7. Enter an Icon Title for the folder.

The folder is now available in the Folder pull-down at the top of the window.

8. To add a sub-folder, click the plus sign.

9. Enter a Folder Title for the sub-folder.

10. Continue adding sub-folders as needed by clicking the + next to the folder that will house the sub-folder and entering the sub-folder title.

11. To delete a folder, click the minus sign next to the folder.

12. To add links/documents to the folder, enter the Title of the link/document in the blank row at the top of the window.

13. Enter the URL for the link or document.

14. Select the Folder.

15. Select the Profiles who can view the link in the folder. If no profiles are selected, all profiles can view the link.

16. Select Public if the link will be available to users not logged into the app.

17. Press Enter to add the row.

The row turns yellow to indicate changes have been made.

18. Click Save at the bottom of the window.

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