The Student Schedule screen is used to view the student schedule, export or print the schedule, lock sections on the schedule, add sections to the schedule manually or using the Auto-Schedule feature, delete or drop sections from the schedule, and edit section information.
The student's schedule can be viewed in a course list or weekly planner format. The Student Schedule screen allows you to view the schedule as of a selected effective date, view inactive courses, and view the schedule for the full year or for particular marking periods. The columns on the schedule can be customized.
In order to use the weekly planner format, start times and end times must be populated in Setup > Periods.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Student Schedule.

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.
See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.
3. In the search results, click the student's name.
The student schedule is displayed in the Course List format and excludes inactive courses by default. The Effective Date defaults to today's date.
When viewing the student schedule in a future school year, the Prior Primary School is displayed above the schedule.
4. To view the schedule as of a specific Effective Date, select a date from the pull-downs or calendar icon, and click Save to regenerate the schedule.
5. To include inactive courses (dropped courses) on the schedule, select the Include Inactive Courses check box.
The Include Inactive Courses check box will remain selected until you deselect the check box. You can navigate to a different student or leave the Student Schedule screen and then return, and the check box will be remain selected.
6. To view the schedule for a particular marking period, click the desired tab.
If the student only has full year courses, the marking period tabs will not display.
7. To view or hide the state reporting fields on the student schedule, select or deselect the Show (State) Fields check box.
8. To view or hide the vocational/WDIS fields on the student schedule, select or deselect the Show Vocational/WDIS Fields check box.
9. To customize the columns that display on the student schedule, click Customize Columns.
10. In the Customize Columns pop-up window, click a column name to remove a column from view.
The column name will be crossed out to indicate that it removed.
11. Click Save when finished.

12. Click Weekly Planner to view the schedule in a weekly planner format.
In order to use the weekly planner format, start times and end times must be populated in Setup > Periods.
The student's schedule can be exported to Excel, or a PDF of the schedule can be saved to your computer or printed. You can select a district or school letterhead template to use for the PDF, if desired.
1. To export the schedule to Excel, click the Export icon above the schedule.
2. Follow your computer's prompts to open or save the file.
3. To print the schedule, click Print at the bottom of the screen.
Deselect the "Show (State) Fields" and "Show Vocational/WDIS Fields" check boxes before printing the schedule.

Click the down arrow next to Print to select a letterhead template, print using small font, or view a Print Preview. After selecting an option, click Print.

A PDF of the schedule is generated in a pop-up window, which can be saved to your computer or printed. Close the window when finished.
Once a student's schedule is set, sections on the schedule can be locked so that subsequent Scheduler runs will not affect the student's schedule. The lock option is not available after the first day of school.
Schedules can be locked for multiple students in Scheduling > Lock Schedules.
1. Click the lock icon next to each section to lock on the schedule.
An open lock indicates the section is not locked, while a closed lock indicates the section is locked. You may choose to lock certain sections and leave other sections unlocked.
2. Alternatively, to lock all sections at once, select the check box in the header.
3. Click Save when finished.
If you know the section you want to add to the student's schedule, the section can be quickly added to the schedule using the Add a Section feature.
1. Click Add a Section beneath the schedule.
If the Add a Section link does not display, clear the Show (State) Fields and Show Vocational/WDIS Fields check boxes.
2. In the Courses & Sections pop-up window, click the subject, course, and section to add to the schedule.

The section is added to the student's schedule.
A warning message will display if there is a conflict with adding the section to the schedule, such as the section is already full or the student already has a section scheduled into that period. You can override the conflict and add the section to the schedule or you can cancel.
3. Continue adding sections as needed.
You can search for sections to add to the student's schedule using the subject, course title, course number, period, teacher, or term.
1. In the Search for a section to add area at the bottom of the screen, select the Subject, enter the Course Title, enter the Course Number, select the Period, select the Teacher, and/or select the Term.
2. Click Search.
The sections meeting the search criteria are listed, including the course title, period, teacher, room, term, credits, and number of available and total seats.
3. Click the link the Course column to add the section to the student's schedule.
The section is added to the student's schedule at the top of the screen.
A warning message will display if there is a conflict with adding the section to the schedule, such as the section is already full or the student already has a section scheduled into that period. You can override the conflict and add the section to the schedule or you can cancel.
The Unscheduled Requests section at the bottom of the Student Schedule screen displays the student's course requests that were not scheduled. You can manually add a section to a student's schedule using the unscheduled requests, overriding the conflict that prevented the Scheduler from scheduling the student into the section.
1. At the bottom of the screen in the Unscheduled Requests section, click a request link.
2. In the Courses & Sections pop-up window, click the section to add to the student's schedule.
The section is added to the student's schedule at the top of the screen.
A warning message will display if there is a conflict with adding the section to the schedule, such as the section is already full or the student already has a section scheduled into that period. You can override the conflict and add the section to the schedule or you can cancel.
An inclusion section can be manually added to a student's schedule by selecting the Inclusion check box next to the primary section. For example, if a student needs an inclusion section for English 2, select the Inclusion check box next to the English 2 section on the student's schedule. If there is no inclusion section attached to that primary section, then the Inclusion check box will not be available on the student's schedule.
1. Next to the primary section on the schedule, select the Inclusion check box.
If "N/A" is displayed in the Inclusion column next to a section on the schedule, this indicates that an inclusion section was not set up. An "X" indicates an inclusion section is set up, but has not been selected for the student.
2. Click Save.
The inclusion section that was attached to the primary section in Courses & Sections is added to the student's schedule beneath the primary section. The inclusion section Class Minutes Weekly will pull from the setup in the Inclusion tab on the section in Courses & Sections.
- If no minutes were added to the inclusion section in Courses & Sections, then the inclusion section will have 0 minutes on the schedule record and the S section will have its normal number of minutes.
- If minutes were added to the inclusion section in Courses & Sections, then the minutes on the inclusion schedule record will display this number. The minutes on the associated S section will be the S weekly minutes minus the inclusion weekly minutes.
- If the inclusion section is removed from the student or the student is dropped from the inclusion section, the minutes are added back to the S section.
3. Edit the Class Weekly Minutes for the inclusion section on the student's schedule if needed.
4. Click Save.
After updating the minutes for the inclusion section and clicking Save, the minutes for the schedule record are automatically adjusted to match the total minutes defined in the course_periods table.
5. To remove an inclusion section from a student's schedule, clear the Inclusion check box next to the parent section and click Save.
An inclusion section should only be removed in this manner if it was incorrectly added. Otherwise, the inclusion section should be dropped from the student's schedule by adding a Dropped date so that a record is kept.
The inclusion section is removed from the student's schedule.
Users with the profile permission "Allow User to Override Course Sequence" in Users > Profiles under Student Schedule can add a course to a student's schedule that has a prerequisite that was not completed. If the system preference "Require documentation when overriding prerequisites" is enabled in Setup > System Preferences > Scheduling tab, then you must select a reason when adding the course. A document may be optionally uploaded, and a comment can be optionally entered.
1. After adding the section to the student's schedule, select a Reason for the override at the top of the screen. This is required.
2. To optionally upload a document, click Upload.
3. In the pop-up window, click Select to select a file from your computer, drag a file from your computer into the box, or click the scan icon to scan a document. Close the window when finished.

4. Enter a Comment, if desired.
5. Click OK.
The section is added to the student's schedule, and the Sequence Override column is displayed. Click View/Edit to view or edit the reason, documentation, and comment.

The Auto-Schedule feature on the Student Schedule will attempt to schedule the student based on the student's unscheduled requests and available sections.
A student can also be auto-scheduled based on requests in Scheduling > Student Requests.
At the bottom of the screen in the Unscheduled Requests section, click Auto-Schedule this Student.
After the process finishes running, the scheduled sections are displayed in the student's schedule at the top of the screen, and any unscheduled requests remain at the bottom of the screen in the Unscheduled Requests section. You may manually add sections to the student's schedule, overriding the restrictions that prevented the requests from being scheduled, by clicking on the request link, using Add a Section, or using Search for a section to add.
Before the term begins through the first day of the term, sections can be deleted from a student's schedule without needing to be dropped, since attendance and grade records do not exist yet for the section. Only users with the profile permission "Allow User to Delete Sections" enabled for the Student Schedule screen have the ability to delete sections from a student's schedule.
1. Select the check box in the Delete column next to the section, or select the check box in the column header to select all sections.
The Delete check box will only be available for sections where the term has not yet begun. The Delete check box is also available on the first day of the term, as long as no attendance and grades have been entered for the section.
2. Click Save.
The selected sections are deleted from the schedule.
After the term has begun, sections that have already started cannot be deleted because attendance and grade records have already been recorded. The section must be dropped.
1. Click the Dropped column next to the section, and select the final date the student attended the section using the pull-downs or calendar icon.
2. Click Save.
The section is dropped from the student's schedule.
When entering a Dropped date that is before the Enrolled date for a section, the section will be deleted. The following warning message is displayed. Click OK to proceed.
To view dropped sections on the schedule, select the Include Inactive Courses check box at the top of the screen.
3. To drop all sections from a student's schedule, click Mass Update.
4. In the Mass Update section at the top of the screen, select Dropped in the pull-down.
5. In the second set of pull-downs, select the final date the student attended the sections.
6. Click Run Mass Update.
The date will populate in the Dropped columns for all of the sections.
7. Click Save.
The sections are dropped from the student's schedule.
Before the term has begun, the Period-Teacher field is editable on sections that have not yet started, and can be used to move a student to a different section of the course. Other fields such as the Meeting Days, Term, and state reporting fields can also be edited if needed.
1. To move a student to a different section of the same course, click the Period-Teacher field and select the desired section.
2. Edit any other section fields as needed and click Save.
Only fields with a dotted underline can be edited. Some fields, like Room and Last Modified, are not editable because they auto-populate.
Some schedule fields, such as the Meeting Days, Term, and state reporting fields, can be edited on a section after the term has already begun. The Period-Teacher field cannot be edited.
1. Click a field and make any edits as needed.
Only fields with a dotted underline can be edited. Some fields, like Room and Last Modified, are not editable because they auto-populate.
2. Click Save when finished.
Some fields on the schedule can be mass updated, including the Meeting Days, Term, Enrolled, and Dropped date.
1. Click Mass Update.
2. In the Mass Update section at the top of the screen, select the column to update in the pull-down.
3. In the second field, select the value to populate.
4. Click Run Mass Update.
The column is populated with the value.
5. Click Save.
Before First Day of School
Before the first day of school, sections can be deleted from the student schedule by selecting the Delete check box and clicking Save. See Deleting Courses from a Student Schedule Before the Term Begins.
The student can be moved to a different section of a course by selecting the new section in the Period-Teacher pull-down and clicking Save. See Editing Sections on a Student Schedule Before the Term Begins.
First Day of School
On the first day of school, sections can be deleted from the student schedule by selecting the Delete check box and clicking Save. See Deleting Courses from a Student Schedule Before the Term Begins.
On the first day of school, the Period-Teacher pull-down can no longer be used to move the student to a different section of a course.
Second Day of School and Beyond
Sections can no longer be deleted from the student schedule; they must be dropped. See Dropping Courses from a Student Schedule After the Term Begins.
Student Does Not Start on the First Day of School
If the student does not start until the third day of school, for example, then the student's Enrollment Date can be changed to the third day of school in Students > Student Info > Enrollment.
On the Student Schedule, the Enrolled date on each section can be mass updated to the third day of school. See Mass Updating Sections on the Student Schedule.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Student Schedule.

2. Enter the appropriate search criteria, and click Search.
For more information about how to conduct a student search, see Searching for Students.
3. Based on your search on the previous screen, a list of students displays via the Simple List, as displayed in the image below.
Notice that you can return to the Search Screen by clicking on the tab. In doing so, you will lose all data entered originally.
4. To open a student's schedule, click the student's name in the Student column.

The student's schedule displays once the student is selected.
1. Set an Effective Date using the Month, Day, and Year pull-downs. You can also click the calendar icon to set the date. The Effective Date will determine the courses and corresponding data listed.
Click Save to regenerate the schedule.
2. To Include Inactive Courses in the student's schedule, select the corresponding check box. Selecting this check box displays all inactive courses along with all active courses.
If the Dropped field has been completed, the course is inactive.
The Include Inactive Courses check box will remain selected until you clear the check box. You can navigate to a different student or leave the Student Schedule screen and then return, and the check box will be remain selected.
If a dropped date has been populated and that date has passed, the course is inactive. For districts/schools that pre-populate the dropped date, the course maybe display as "completed," but the course is still active.
3. Click Print Schedule to print the student's schedule in a pre-designed template (set up by the district). The print preview will display in a new tab or window. Close the tab/window when finished.
a. Click the printer icon to print the schedule. You can also click the arrow icon to download the PDF to your computer.
If the school is indicated as post secondary, the printed Student Schedule order sections in ascending order by both start date and start time.
4. To bill the student (create an invoice) for the registered course, use the BILL BY pull-down and click Create Invoice.

a. Review the Fee Summary and, if applicable, make any necessary edits to the Final Quantity fields, and click Finalize.
5. Click View Student Invoices to view the student's invoices via SIS > Billing > Student Billing. The information here is also accessable via ERP > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale for applicable users. For inforation on billing students from the student schedule and viewing existing invoices, see Billing from Postsecondary Student Schedules.
6. By default, the student schedule displays in a Course List format. Click Weekly Planner to view the student's schedule in a different format.
7. To view or hide the state reporting fields on the student schedule, select or clear the Show (State) Fields check box.
8. To view or hide the vocational/WDIS fields on the student schedule, select or clear the Show Vocational/WDIS Fields check box. For more information about each of the Vocational/WDIS Fields, see Configuring Postsecondary Student Schedules.
The default fields displayed vary depending on the profile permissions set for Schedule Fields (Permission Type) via Users > Profiles > Scheduling tab, such as Course name, Start/End Time - Teacher, Course Number, Section, Meeting Days, Room, Term, Enrolled date, Estimated Course Completion Date, Billed date, Attended Hours, Dropped date, Last Modified information, Comment, and Print Reauthorization.
9. To customize the columns that display on the student schedule, click Customize Columns. For more information on customizing columns, see Customizing and Mass Updating Student Schedules.
10. Click Mass Update to update several fields at once. For more information, see Customizing and Mass Updating Student Schedules.
The student's schedule displays once the student is selected.
If the student is currently scheduled for any courses, the courses are listed in their Schedule record with course-specific details (scroll right-left to see all of the course details).
1. Use the Search for a section to add feature to search for and add sections to the student's schedule record.
The Search for a section to add feature provides several search options to locate sections from the Courses & Sections Setup that meet specific criteria. Use a single search option, or several together; these options aggregately filter the section results, so only sections that meet all the criteria display.
2. The search options in the Search for a section to add section include: Program, Course Number, Course Title, Section ID, Period, Teacher, and Term.
Program: Select a Program from the pull-down. Programs are set up via Course & Sections.
Course Number: Enter a full or partial course number, as it appears in the Course Catalog.
Course Title: Enter a full or partial course number, as it appears in the Course Catalog.
Section ID: Enter a full or partial short name for a section, as it appears in the sections set up in Course & Sections.
Period: Select the Period from the provided pull-down.
Teacher: Select a teacher from any teacher in the school.
Term: Select a term from the pull-down.
3. Click Search when your preferred search options are selected. In the image shown, the Program, Period, and Term pull-downs have been utilized.
The sections that match the search options display.
5. To add a course from these search results, click the + (addition) icon next to the course title.
A warning prompt displays when you attempt to add a section to a student's schedule where the WDIS Class End Date has already passed. You can then Cancel adding the section or click OK to continue adding the section. Note: This may be a common pop-up conflict for AGE classes scheduled within the same "period."

If the system preference Don’t Allow Over Fill by Room setting is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Scheduling tab, Focus checks the room capacity on the first day of a student’s enrollment. If the room is at capacity, then you will receive an error message or a warning message indicating that the room is at capacity. The ability to add the course overriding the preference depends on whether the profile permission, Allow User to Overfill Rooms is set via Users > Profiles > Scheduling tab.

The selected course will be added to the list of currently scheduled courses in the student's record.
6. You can also click + Add a Section to open Courses & Sections in a pop-up window and select the section that needs to be added to the student's schedule.
7. From the pop-up window, select the Subject, Course, and Section.
8. Confirm that the section should be added, then you will see it display in the student's schedule record, as shown in the image below.
When the setting Display WDIS Start and End Dates when adding a section is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Post Secondary tab, the WDIS Start/End Dates display on the student schedule when adding a section through Search for a section to add.
The student's schedule displays once the student is selected.
If the student is currently scheduled for any courses, the courses are listed in their Schedule record with course-specific details (scroll right-left to see all of the course details).
1. To drop a course, scroll to the Dropped column. Click the underlined dash to enter a date.
2. Use the month, day, and year pull-downs to select the dropped date. You can also click the calendar icon to select a date.
3. If enabled and applicable, enter a Comment in the provided text box.

4. Click Save to drop the course.

When entering a Dropped date that is before the Enrolled date for a section, the section will be deleted. The following warning message is displayed. Click OK to proceed.
5. Click Clear Selected beneath the Dropped date to clear the date entered. Once cleared, click Save; this ensures that the students can be quickly re-enrolled into the section in case of an error.

When a transaction is cancelled by the student/parent from the Customer Ledger screen, the Dropped date is reinstated on the student’s reauthorized schedule record. Note: This change depends on the settings, Reauthorization - Do not add a drop date to continuing sections via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences/School Preferences > Scheduling.
1. On the Student Schedule, many fields are populated from the section set up via Courses & Sections but can be modified as needed. To edit schedule fields, click any field underlined in blue.
Click Save to apply the changes made.
2. The Student Schedule displays active records as of the Effective Date defined in the upper left corner. Use the Month, Day, and Year pull-downs to set a different date. You can also click the calendar icon to select a date.

3. To Include Inactive Courses in the student's schedule, select the corresponding check box. Selecting this check box will display all inactive courses along with all active courses. If the Dropped field has been completed, the course is inactive.
4. Select the Show Vocational/WDIS Fields check box in the upper right corner to display the records maintained for WDIS Surveys, such as Daily Hours and Voc. C Points Mod Date.
The following columns are added: Course Number, Section, Schedule Withdrawal Code, CTE Dual Enrollment Course Location, Funding End Date, Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award, Voc./Adult Gen. Program Code, Daily Hours, Total Hours, WDIS Survey W Days, WDIS Survey W Total Hours, WDIS Survey W Attended Hours, WDIS Survey W Attended Hours Override, WDIS Survey S Days, WDIS Survey S Total Hours, WDIS Survey S Attended Hours, WDIS Survey S Attended Hours Override, WDIS Survey F Days, WDIS Survey F Total Hours, WDIS Survey F Attended Hours, WDIS Survey F Attended Hours Override, Completion Point Code 1, Completion Point Code 1 Date, Completion Point Code 2, Completion Point Code 2 Date, Completion Point Code 3, Completion Point Code 3 Date, Completion Point Code 4, Completion Point Code 4 Date, Modified Completion Point Code, Voc. C Points Mod Date, Post Test, Adult Fee Status (First), Adult Fee Status (Second), Basic Skills Exam, Cost Reporting Code, Financial Assistance 1-5, Post Secondary Course Status, Adult Ed Functioning Level, Init, Adult Ed Functioning Level, Final, Residency for Tuition Purposes, Voc Gen Ed, Disability, Full Program Completer, Career and Technical Education Date of Program Completion, Enrollment, Not State Funded, Exempt from Total Clock Hours, WDIS Prior Year, and School Year - Course Taken.
5. The following fields can also be found on the section set up of the Courses & Sections setup screen:
Meeting Days: Indicates the days of the week the student attends the section on a regular weekly basis.
Enrolled and Dropped (WDIS: Date of Entry and Date of Exit (for program, course, and section): The enrolled date represents the first day of enrollment and the dropped date represents the last day of enrollment for the student in the section.
Dual Enrollment Indicator: Note that this field will display only if the Show [State] Fields check box in the upper right of the student schedule screen is selected.
Estimated Course Completion Date: This field will populate a course end date based upon the total hours for the course and the students enrollment date.
Estimated Program Completion Date: This field populates with the program end date based on the total hours in the program, the student's enrollment date, and the Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award, as well as WDIS Additional Hours against the Total Scheduled Hours on Subject.
Billed: The Billed filed will display the term in which the student was invoiced for the course. Note: If the section was not billed from the schedule record, this field will remain blank.
The Estimated Course Completion Date, Estimated Program Completion Date, and Billed columns display based on Schedule Fields permissions set via Users > Profiles.
Attended Hours: The Attended Hours field will display the total number of hours the student has attended for the course to date. This is based upon the attendance that the teacher enters into the system.
Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award: This is a calculated field. See the section, Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award for more information regarding total clock hours.
Daily Hours: Indicates the scheduled hours in the section for the student each class meeting. For teachers, this value will default for the student on the attendance screen. The Daily Hours will be used in the calculations for the Total Hours.
Total Scheduled Hours: Represents total membership hours. It is a calculated by multiplying the Daily Hours by the number of days the class has met during the timeframe defined by the Enroll and Drop dates.
WDIS Survey Days and WDIS Survey Total Hours: These fields indicate the number of days the class met and the total hours reported for the student during each survey period.
Voc. C Points and Dates 1-6: Indicates OCPs or LCPs earned by the student in the class and the date earned.

Post Test: Indicates the status assigned to the specific examination taken by the student.

Industry Certification ID: An independent third-party's DOE code, Certification Title, and Issuing Organization/Provide from the Industry Certification Descriptions by FLDOE.

Outcome and Date: The students Industry Certification status, awarded by the party listed in the adjacent Industry Certification Identifier column, and the date that certification was awarded.

Adult Fee Status: Indicates the status of student fees with codes that are defined and reported to DOE.

When vouchers are processed via Purchase & Pay (Student/Parent Portal), the Financial Assistance and Adult Fee Status codes are updated on the student schedule based on the deferral created. This functionality is triggered when partial payments are made on deferred items and when $0 payments are processed via Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale or Billing > Student Billing.
Basic Skills Exam: Indicates a students basic skills status, including exemption.

Cost Reporting Code: The WDIS-defined code for postsecondary instruction, provided to the adult student for the term.

Financial Assistance 1-5: Indicated whether the student received any of the following forms of need-based financial assistance for the instruction and term being reported.

Post Secondary Course Status: When the value is S or W, the Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award will be calculated for the schedule record.

Adult Ed Functioning Level, Init and Adult Ed Functioning Level, Final: Indicates a students initial functioning level, based on their first TABE or CASAS score, and the final reflects their current functioning level, based on the progress calculated from additional TABE or CASAS scores.

Residency for Tuition Purposes: Indicates the students residency status, which relates to whether the student will be billed for resident or non-resident tuition and fees.

Voc. Gen Ed, Disability: Information entered here is reported to the state if a student is receiving accommodations.

Full Program Completer: This field is displays the certificate or diploma earned for students who have completed a program.

Career and Technical Education Date of Program Completion: Shows the date on which the student officially completed his/her CTE program.

Exempt from Total Clock Hours: Indicates whether the schedule record for the student is exempt from calculating total clock hours.
Funding End Date: Populate this field to specify the date at which the funding for that individual course will end. The Total Hours will continue to accumulate on the schedule record through this date and will be sent in state reporting submissions.

1. Click Mass Update to update multiple fields at once.
2. From the Mass Update pull-down, select the field to be updated. Depending on the selection made, the criteria to be modified will vary. In the example shown, Meeting Days has been selected; therefore, the days of the week display to be altered. When alterations are assigned, click Run Mass Update.
The fileds that display in the pull-down depend upon the fields displayed in the student's schedule. To have all fields display, be sure to select the Show Florida Fields and Show Vocational Fields check boxes before mass updating.
3. You can mass update as many fields as needed. When finished, click Save to apply changes made to the student schedule.
4. Click Customize Columns to further customize the columns/fields displayed in the student schedule.
5. Clicking Customize Columns displays a pop-up screen with all possible columns. To remove specific columns from the student schedule, click the column title until it is struck out. In the example pop-up shown, some of the columns are struck out while others are not. To make a column reappear, click the column title again to remove the strike.
6. Click Save to apply changes made to the columns.
Click the Cancel button to close the pop-up and return to the student schedule without any changes taking place.

For CTE student schedule records (indicated by a Cost Reporting Code in the 300s), the Total Clock Hours Earned Towards Award is calculated when the Post Secondary Course Status is set to S - Satisfactory or Passing or when the WDIS OCP hours defined on the course is awarded to the student.

If the Exempt from Total Clock Hours field is set to Exempt, the clock hours will not be calculated.

For Program Total Clock Hours, all records identified by the same program number will be added together.
If additional hours need to be added for a student's schedule, use the WDIS Additional Hours Entry logging field, which can be accessed via Students > Student Info. The tab may vary from district to district.
a. Enter the Vocational Program Number and the number of Additional Hours, then click Save.
b. In the example below, the 1050 hours is the total clock hours based on the two completed courses and the additional 150 hours from the WDIS Additional Hours Entry field.

The student's schedule displays once the student is selected.
If the student is currently scheduled for any courses, the courses are listed in their Schedule record with course-specific details (scroll right-left to see all of the course details).
1. Select the term to include in the invoice from the BILL BY pull-down.
Semester, Trimester, Quarter, and Progress Period: Bills student based on how the marking periods are set up.
Section: Bills student based on a block of time determined by WDIS Start and End dates on the Master Schedule.
Course: Bills student based on WDIS OCP hours in Courses & Sections.
Hours: Bill student based on the hours manually selected.
Schedule: Bill student based on the exact schedule Enrolled date and Dropped date. In order to use Bill By Schedule, both the start and drop dates must be populated on the Schedule record, and the drop date must be the same as or after the start date.
As shown below, if you have selected to BILL BY Hours, a pop-up will display for the number of Hours to be entered. Enter the number of Hours to bill and click Save.

When billing by Section and the hours are less than 300, the registration fee is billed as half as of what it is when Quarter is selected from the Bill By pull-down. When the calculated hours are greater than or equal to 300, the full registration fee is billed.
When the Student Schedule Enrolled date is after the Dropped date (reauthorization), the days are considered equal to the quantity on the allocation instead of performing day calculations. Note: This is only applicable when the new "Use Max Amount on Vouchers" preference is enabled for Students > Student Info > Vouchers via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Billing.
The amount of the voucher now ignores days/hours/flat fees and fills in until max amount is reached.
When students are invoiced for a section and a term is selected as the Bill By, the invoice includes the additional hours added to the Meeting Patterns tab in addition to the total hours set on the Vocational/WDIS tab of the Section via Scheduling > Courses & Sections. Subtracted hours are subtracted from the total hours set on the Vocational/WDIS tab of the Section.
When a student's schedule is flagged with 371 (RTI) or 372 (OJT) in Cost Reporting Codes, the Adult Status Fee on the student schedule will remain K (Fee Exempt) even if a voucher is set to something other than K via Accounts Receivable > Funding Sources > Funding Sources tab.
2. Click Create Invoice when the term has been selected.
3. The Fee Summary screen displays all hourly and flat fees. Review the student's invoice information and edit the Final Quantity as needed by clicking the underlined blue line.
4. Click Finalize to create the invoice.
Focus generates an invoice upon clicking Finalize and a confirmation message displays once the invoice has been successfully created. Note: An invoice will only be generated for courses that have not yet been billed.

5. To view the new invoice in Student Billing, click Go To Invoice in the confirmation message.

From here invoices can be printed and/or payments can be entered into the schools accounting records.
6. You also have the option to view all invoices created against the student by clicking View Student Invoices on the student schedule, which opens Student Billing.
Student invoices are also viewable via ERP > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale.
You can delete invoices from individual schedule records, enhancing the management of unpaid invoice allocations. This button allows you to delete unpaid invoice allocations associated with a specific schedule, provided these invoices have no partial payments or deferrals. It's designed to streamline the process of managing financial records, especially when a student changes schedules or withdraws, by enabling the removal of associated invoices before deleting a schedule record. The button appears only when there are eligible invoices for deletion and is available to you with the necessary billing and invoicing permissions. Additionally, the system will create "AR Invoice Unaccrued" journals for each deleted allocation, ensuring financial records remain accurate and up-to-date.
In order to delete invoices, you must have permission to Delete Transactions via Users > Profiles > Billing tab.
The student's schedule displays once the student is selected.
1. Click Delete Invoices to delete unpaid invoice allocations associated with the course.
The invoices associated with the selected course are displayed including the Invoice #, Item Number, Description, Price, and Quantity.

2. Click Yes to delete the displayed invoices.

The invoices are successful removed from the selected course, yet still remain for all other invoiced courses.
$0 allocations may be automatically paid for $0 on an invoice, so they become ineligible for deletion from Student Schedule. There is an exception for $0 payments, so the invoice can be deleted.
Above the listed courses you will see a floppy disk icon; click the icon to export the information to an Excel spreadsheet.

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows), which can be found on several screens. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.