Documentation for Administrators

Honor Roll Setup

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The Honor Roll Setup screen is used to set up the criteria for earning honor roll for the school. Multiple types of honor roll can be set up with different criteria.

Any previous honor roll settings have been migrated to this screen from System Preferences.

Honor roll settings are school-specific. Ensure the correct school is selected at the top-right of the screen.

Adding a New Honor Roll Type

1. In the Grades menu, click Honor Roll Setup.

Honor Roll Setup

2. To add a new type, enter the information in the blank row at the top of the table.

Honor Roll Setup

Click the expand icon to display the fields in a pop-up window for easier viewing and editing

Honor Roll Setup
Field Description
Title Enter a title for the honor roll type.
Sort Order Enter a sort order. This is a required field. The sort order determines the hierarchy of honor roll types when calculating honor roll for students.

For example, if a student meets the criteria for an honor roll type with a sort order of 1, as well as meets the criteria for an honor roll type with a sort order of 2, the student will be placed on the honor roll type with the sort order of 1.
GPA Type Select the GPA type used to calculate honor roll. Unweighted will display as the default option, while weighted and custom GPA will display if those options are enabled for the school or district. 
Grade Levels If this honor roll type is limited to students enrolled in certain grade levels, select the applicable grade levels. For example, this can be used if a middle school and high school are combined, but the honor roll criteria for high school is different from the criteria for middle school. If this field is left blank, all students at the school will be considered for this honor roll type. 
Min GPA Enter the minimum GPA value to qualify for honor roll. If left blank, no minimum GPA will be considered for this honor roll type. 
Max # Enter the maximum number each letter grade the student can have to qualify for honor roll. The letter grade options that display here are based on values that exist in Grading Scales & Comments for the school. Only positive numbers can be entered.

By leaving a cell blank/null, the letter grade will not be considered in the calculation of honor roll for the student.

For example, for straight A honor roll, the A column is left blank, and the B-F columns have 0 entered, as students cannot have any Bs, Cs, Ds, or Fs to earn straight A honor roll.
Include Standard Grades Select this option to include standard grades when determining honor roll. This will prioritize standard grades over the existence of report card grades. 
Excluded Courses If certain courses at the school are excluded from the honor roll calculation, select the applicable courses. The selected courses will not be considered in the maximum letter grade criteria. If this field is left blank, all courses at the school will be considered in the maximum letter grade criteria. 
Min Credits Enter the minimum number of credits the student must carry to qualify for honor roll. If left blank, no minimum credits criteria will be considered. 
Max Referrals Enter the maximum number of referrals the student can have and still qualify for honor roll.

Note that only processed referrals will be considered for the student when determining the student’s eligibility for this criterion. If this field is left blank, no referral criteria will be considered. 

Max Daily Absences Enter the maximum number of daily absences the student can have and still qualify for honor roll.

Note that a daily absence is defined as a daily attendance code marked as Absent in the State Code column in the Codes tab in Attendance Setup. If this field is left blank, no daily absence criteria will be considered. 

Max Unexcused Daily Absences Enter the maximum number of unexcused daily absences the student can have and still qualify for honor roll.

Note that unexcused daily absences are defined as an attendance code marked as Absent in the State Code column in the Codes tab in Attendance Setup, with the Excused check box deselected. If this field is left blank, no unexcused daily absence criteria will be considered. 

Max Period Absences Enter the maximum number of period absences the student can have and still qualify for honor roll.

A period absence is defined as a period attendance code that is marked as Absent in the State Code column in the Codes tab in Attendance Setup. If this field is left blank, no period absence criteria will be considered. 

Max Unexcused Period Absences Enter the maximum number of unexcused period absences the student can have and still  qualify for honor roll.

Note that unexcused period absences are defined as an attendance code marked as Absent in the State Code column in the Codes tab in Attendance Setup, with the Excused check box deselected. If this field is left blank, no excused period absence criteria will be considered. 

Max Period Tardies Enter the maximum number of period tardies the student can have and still qualify for honor roll.

Note that a tardy is defined as a period attendance code that has the Tardy check box selected in the Codes tab in Attendance Setup. If this field is left blank, no tardy criteria will be considered. 

Max Unexcused Period Tardies Enter the maximum number of unexcused period tardies the student can have and still qualify for honor roll.

Note that an unexcused tardy is defined as a period attendance code that has the Tardy check box selected in the Codes tab in Attendance Setup, with the Excused check box deselected. If this field is left blank, no unexcused period tardy criteria will be considered.

3. Press Enter to add the row.

The row turns yellow to indicate it has been added.

4. Click Save.

Honor Roll Setup
Editing an Honor Roll Type

1. In the Grades menu, click Honor Roll Setup.

Honor Roll Setup

2. Edit a field for an honor roll type.

The field turns yellow to indicate a change has been made.

3. Click Save.

Honor Roll Setup

Click the expand icon next to an honor roll type to view and edit the fields in a pop-up window.

Honor Roll Setup
Deleting an Honor Roll Type

1. In the Grades menu, click Honor Roll Setup.

Honor Roll Setup

2. Click the red minus sign to the left of the honor roll type.

Honor Roll Setup

3. In the confirmation message, click OK. says

The row is grayed out to indicate is has been deleted.

4. Click Save to complete deletion.

Honor Roll Setup
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