Administrators can view a student's progression plan to determine if the student is on track to meet plan requirements. Planned requests can be added to the progression plan to plan out what courses the student will request in order to fulfill the requirements.
The student's progression plan is assigned in the Enrollment tab in Student Info. Progression plans can be mass assigned to a group of students using Mass Assign Student Info.
1. In the Grades menu, click Progression Plan towards the top of the menu.

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.
See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.
3. In the search results, click the appropriate student.
The student's progression plan is displayed. At the top-left corner of the screen, the student's assigned progression plan is listed. The Status indicates the percentage of requirements completed.
4. Hover the mouse over the Status to view details of the student's progress.

The requirement names, number of credits across all grade levels, and requirement met status is displayed along the left side of the screen. The Requirement Met column displays the grade level for the requirement and a symbol to indicate if the requirement has been completed, is in progress, is planned, or has not been met.
The right side of the report contains a Planned Required and Earned/Scheduled Credit(s) column for each grade level. Planned requests can be entered for each requirement by the counselor/administrator or the student. If default courses were pushed to planned requests on the Progression Plan setup screen, they will display in the Planned Requests column.
The Earned/Scheduled Credit(s) columns indicate whether the student has earned credits for the requirement or the student is scheduled into a course that will fulfill the requirement when the course is completed and passed.
The bottom of the screen has a legend that explains the symbols used for Requirement Met and Earned/Scheduled Credit(s).
There is also an area where the student, counselor, and parent can sign to acknowledge their agreement with the plan.
5. At the top of the screen, select a different progression plan from the pull-down if you would like to view the student's progress if he or she were to switch to a different progression plan.
6. Click Submit to view the plan.
This does not assign the plan to the student, but is only for informational purposes.
The Import Planned Requests from pull-down is used to import planned requests from the selected progression plan. This is useful if the student changes progression plans or changes school, and the planned requests from their old progression plan needs to be imported into their new progression plan.

While viewing a student's middle school plan, you can also set the student's high school plan for their planned high school. When the student is rolled to their planned high school, their high school plan will roll with them. For general information about viewing progression plans, please see Viewing a Student's Progression Plan.
1. At the top of the student's progression plan, select the student's Planned High School.
2. Select the student's High School Progression Plan.

The selected high school progression plan is displayed as a separate tab on the student's progression plan. Click the tab to view and enter planned requests for the student's high school progression plan. When the student rolls into their planned high school, the planned requests entered on the high school progression plan will roll with the student to the new school.
For those districts that use endorsements, endorsements are assigned to students using the Endorsements select multiple field in the Graduation tab in Student Info or on the student's progression plan. When the Endorsements field is set in the Graduation tab, it is also set in the student's progression plan, and vice versa. Endorsement plans are not assigned in the student's Enrollment record like regular progression plans are.
1. At the top of the student's progression plan in the Endorsements section, select the check box for each endorsement plan to assign to the student.

This controls which endorsement plans the student and parent will be able to view on the student's progression plan. Administrators will be able to view all endorsement plans. If any endorsement plans were selected in the Graduation tab in Student Info, they will already be selected here on the progression plan.
2. When finished, click Save.