Documentation for Administrators

Mass Invoice from Product List

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The Mass Invoice from Product List screen displays student names based on their enrollment record and allows users to mass bill students for selected products from the Product List.

The products displayed in the Item pull-down pull from the Product List in SIS and ERP, as well as the Catalog from ERP > Warehouse > Catalog.

Billing Students for Products

1. In the Billing menu, click Mass Invoice from Product List.

Mass Invoice from Product List

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.

Mass Invoice from Product List

For information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

Based on search criteria, specific students will be listed by Student ID, First Name, Last Name, Quantity, Enrollment Start Date, and Enrollment End Date.

Mass Invoice from Product List

To customize the columns displayed, click Toggle Columns.

In the Toggle Columns pop-up window, clear the selected check boxes to hide the columns from the Mass Invoice from Product List screen. Note: When a column is hidden, it will remain hidden until the check box is reselected even when you navigate away from the screen.

3. Select the product from the Item pull-down for which students are to be invoiced.

Mass Invoice from Product List

The Item pull-down populates with products from the Product List. If vouchers are enabled and used in your district, you can determine the vouchers that are applied to products from the Voucher Sources pull-down in the Product List.

4. The Price automatically populates from the Product List. With the applicable permission, click the Price to change the amount being charged.

The Price can be edited when you have Allow Price Changes permission set via ERP > Setup > Profiles.

a. Enter the New Price as well as the Reason for Price Change.

Mass Invoice from Product List

b. Click Save.

5. Enter or edit the Due Date in the provided text box. The due date determines how the student invoice is generated.

The Default number of days until Due Date setting, enabled via ERP > Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable tab, is automatically applied, but the Due Date can still be edited, as needed.

6a. If a student is being invoiced for more than one of the listed items, click the Quantity text field and change the amount.

Mass Invoice from Product List

6b. Click Mass Update to change the Quantity for all students at once.

Mass Invoice from Product List

a. The Column defaults to Quantity since it is the only column that can be updated en mass. Enter the Value that is repopulating the Quantity.

b. Click Update.

The Quantity column updates automatically as displayed in the image below.

Mass Invoice from Product List

7. Before billing, you can review the student's information by clicking the Student ID link. Upon navigating back to Mass Invoice from Product List, click Recover Options. For more information, see Student Info.

8. Select the check boxes for the students whom are to be invoiced for the product.

Mass Invoice from Product List

Select the check box in the header to quickly select all check boxes on all pages listed.

Mass Invoice from Product List

9. When all selections have been made, click Bill.

Mass Invoice from Product List

10. Clicking Bill will automatically create invoices for the selected students as explained in the pop-up window displayed. To Print All Invoices, click the corresponding button.

a. Upon selecting to print, a PDF print preview displays. Click the Download icon to download the invoice as a file to your computer. Click the Print icon to print the invoice.

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