Documentation for Administrators

Student Info: Letter Log

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The Letter Log tab of Student Info provides a comprehensive interface to maintain detailed logs of communications sent to students. By following the steps outlined below, administrators can easily search for student records, log new letters, edit existing entries, and manage attached files.

Letter Log

1. In the Students menu, click Student Info.


2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.

Student Info

3. In the search results, click the student's name.

Student Info

4. Click the Letter Logging tab.

Student Info

From the Letter Log, you can view and edit the Recipient, the Date, the Subject, the Body, the Sender, the Time, and the Recipient Email. You can also download the letter as a PDF (Download File icon) or delete the file generated (Delete File icon). Hover over the (Save to Upload) fields for additional options: Scan, Upload, Take Photo, and expand.

5. To add a manual entry, enter the information in the top row including the Recipient, Date, Subject, Body, Sender, Time, Recipient Email, Academic Category.

Student Info

a. Press the Enter/Return key and/or click Save.

Student Info

b1. Once saved, you can hover over No Files to upload the letter by scanning it (click Scan), uploading it from your computer (click Upload), or by taking a photo of it with your web camera (click Take Photo).

Student Info

b2. Click Generate Letter to generate a PDF version of the letter that displays in the Letter PDF field.

Student Info

i. The Generate Letter is removed, and the letter displays in the Letter PDF field where the letter can be viewed (click the name of the file), downloaded (click the blue cloud/arrow icon), or deleted (click the red X).

Student Info

6. Edit existing letter logs, as needed. Click the fields to edit data, and click Save.

Student Info

7. Click the modal icon to view the row of data in an expanded window.

Student Info

a. Edit and change information, as needed. Click the blue/white arrows to move throw the rows of data. Click Close to close the pop-up window.

Student Info
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