Documentation for Administrators

Login History

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The Login History feature tracks IP addresses and whether login attempts were successful. The Login History also includes a report that tracks any hack attempts (non-existent user names) to a Focus SIS. The report displays the data and time that a login attempt was made, the IP address, and the user agent string in the non-existent users tab. User accounts that have experienced multiple failed login attempts are locked; administrators can unlock user accounts on the Login History screen.

Searching for Users or Students

1. In the Setup menu, click Login History.

Login History

2. Before conducting your search, click the Users tab, Students tab, or the Nonexistent Usernames tab.

Login History

3. Once on the selected tab, click the Search Screen tab. This displays the Find a User/Student module, which includes a search bar, the More Search Options feature, and additional options such as Search All Schools, Include Parents, etc.

Login History

For a Login History of students, click the Students tab; see Searching for Students for more information on conducting a student search. A search is needed for the Nonexistent Usernames tab.

4. Enter the applicable search criteria and click Search.

Login History

All resulting users/students display in the User List or the Simple List tab (Students) depending on the type of search you conducted.

Login History
Login History: Users

1. Once a search has been conducted, you have the option of setting a Report Timeframe. Here you can select the correct month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs, or click the calendar icon for a calendar view.

2. Click Update to enforce the entered dates.

Login History

The Login History report displays the User name, the Profiles assigned to the user, the Date and Time of the user's login, whether the login attempted for Failed or not, the IP address, whether the Mobile App Login was used to sign in, and the option to Unlock the user if locked out of the account due to multiple failed login attempts.

Login History

If the login was from the mobile app, the Mobile App Login column displays “Yes." The column could also display “App Review” if a user logged in to review the app for Apple or Google. 

A single mobile app login, or session of mobile app activity using the token from a previous mobile app login, creates just one entry in the login_history table (visible on Login History report at that school).

Login History: Students

1. Once a search has been conducted, you have the option of setting a Report Timeframe. Here you can select the correct month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs, or click the calendar icon for a calendar view.

2. Click Update to enforce the entered dates.

Login History

The Login History report displays the student's Photo, the Student name, the Student ID, the student's Grade level, the Date and Time of the student's login, whether the login attempt Failed or not, the IP address, whether the Mobile App Login was used to sign in, the option to Unlock the student if locked out of the account due to multiple failed login attempts, and the student's School.

Login History

If the login was from the mobile app, the Mobile App Login column displays “Yes." The column could also display “App Review” if a user logged in to review the app for Apple or Google. 

A single mobile app login, or session of mobile app activity using the token from a previous mobile app login, creates just one entry in the login_history table (visible on Login History report at that school).

Login History: Nonexistent Usernames Results

1. Click the Nonexistent Usernames tab to display the Login History report will display for login attempts.

Login History

2. Once a search has been conducted, you have the option of setting a Report Timeframe. Here you can select the correct month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs, or click the calendar icon for a calendar view.

2. Click Update to enforce the entered dates.

Login History

The Login History report displays the Date and Time of the attempted login, the IP address, and the User Agent String, and whether the user used the Mobile App Login.

Login History
Unlocking a User or Student Account

1. In the Setup menu, click Login History.

Login History

2. Click the Users tab or the Students tab to display the locked accounts.

Login History

3. Enter the applicable search criteria and click Search.

Login History

All resulting users/students display in the User List or the Simple List (Students) tab depending on the type of search you conducted.

Login History

4. Click Unlock in the Unlock column for the applicable student or user.

Login History
Additional Features

Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Login History

Click the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Login History

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

Login History

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Login History

Click the Filter button to add Filter Rules to the Login History report. Start by adding one rule, such as Failed Equal Yes, as shown in the image. The first pull-down is the listed columns. The second pull-down is the rule, such as contains, equal, starts with, etc. Then enter the information you'd like to filter by in the text box.

Login History

a. Click Add Rule to add an additional filter.

b. Click Clear Rules to clear all applied filters.

c. Click Remove to remove the selected filter.

d. Select AND/OR from the pull-down if more than one filter rule is being used.

Login History
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