Documentation for Administrators

Course Completion Codes

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The Course Completion Codes screen (previously called Schedule Enrollment Codes) allows users to set up course completion codes that will be used on students’ schedules.

Adding Course Completion Codes

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Course Completion Codes.

Course Completion Codes

This screen displays on the Scheduling menu only if the school has been selected as a Post Secondary school via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > General tab > School is Post Secondary.

2. The Course Completion Codes screen displays any existing codes; to add a new code, scroll to the bottom of the screen and begin entering information in the blank row.

Course Completion Codes

3. Start by entering the Title of the completion code in the provided text box.

4. Enter the Short Name; i.e. completion code, in the provided text box.

5. Select the Type of completion code, such as Drop, from the pull-down.

6. Select the IPEDS Exclusion check box to exclude the course recorded with the specified completion code from the IPEDS survey.

IPEDS: The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System is a system of surveys that gathers information from every post-secondary institution participating in federal student financial aid programs. This includes colleges, universities, technical schools and vocational institutions

7. Select the COE Exclusion check box to ensure the COE report finds students with this drop code on their schedules (schedule.custom_86); once located, the student is removed from COE calculations outright.

8. Select the Teacher check box to ensure the course completion code displays on the teachers' Student Reauthorization screen and on the students' schedules.

9. Select the Min Year and Max Year from the corresponding pull-downs to determine the active school years for the selected code. The Min Year pull-down defaults to the current year while the Max Year defaults to null. You can set a Min Year and leave the Max Year null, so the code remains active until a Max Year is selected.

10. When all data has been entered/selected, click Save.

Course Completion Codes

Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (black minus sign) displays next to the row.

Course Completion Codes
Editing and Deleting Course Completion Codes

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Course Completion Codes.

Course Completion Codes

This screen displays on the Scheduling menu only if the school has been selected as a Post Secondary school via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > General tab > School is Post Secondary.

The Course Completion Codes screen displays any existing codes.

Course Completion Codes

Click the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Course Completion Codes

2. To edit existing codes, click the corresponding field and edit text, change the selection of the pull-down, or clear the selected check box.

3. Once changes have been made, click Save.

Course Completion Codes

4. To delete a course completion code, click the delete button (black minus sign).

Course Completion Codes

a. Click OK to confirm the deletion. Click Cancel to return to the Course Completion Codes screen with no changes made.

Course Completion Codes

Deleting codes is not recommended. Instead, you can select a Max Year from the pull-down if the code should not be used after a specific school year.

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