Documentation for Administrators

Course Progression

Updated on

The Course Progression screen allows schools to update schedule records and move students en masse upon failing a course, completing a course, or completing a program.

Course Progression Set Up

1. In the Setup menu, click System Preferences.

System Preferences

2. Click the Default School Preferences tab, then click the Post Secondary tab.

System Preferences

3. Here you can identify the correct Withdrawal Codes to be used via Course Progression Pass, Fail, etc.

System Preferences

Selections are already made by default. Change the selections made if your district using codes that differ from the codes selected by default.

See System Preferences for more information.

4. Ensure the Course Sequence is set in order to progress students in the correct order by navigating to Scheduling > Courses & Sections.

Courses & Sections

5. At the Course level, select the correct number of sequence from the Course Sequence pull-down.

Courses & Sections

For more information, see Courses & Sections.

Course Progression

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Course Progression.

Course Progression

2. On the Course Progression screen, select the Section to Drop from the pull-down; i,e. the section the student is currently enrolled and from which will be withdrawn.

Course Progression

3. Select the Progression Type from the pull-down.

Course Progression: Students move to the next course.

Fail Out of Program: Students who have failed out of the program.

Course Completion: Students completed this course, but will not progress to another.

Full Program Completed: Students have completed program requirements.

Course Progression

4. If you selected Course Progression as the Progression Type, you must also select a New Section for which the student(s) will be enrolled from the pull-down. If you selected any of the other three options, the New Section pull-down will become inactive.

Course Progression

5. If you selected Course Progression as the Progression Type, you must also enter a Start Date for the New Section enrollment and a Withdrawal Date for the Section to Drop.

Course Progression

6. If you selected Fail Out of Program, Course Completion, or Full Program Completed as the Progression Type, you must enter a Withdrawal Date for the Section to Drop. The Start Date will be inactive along with the New Section pull-down.

Course Progression

At any point during this process, you can Clear all selections made by clicking the corresponding button; this allows you to clear all data entered and start from the beginning.

Course Progression

If a student is billed by section, the funding end date is the withdrawal date for Course Progression (Progression Type). For Fail Out of Program, Course Completion, and Full Program Completed (Progression Type), the funding end date is the WDIS End Date. If the student is billed by something other than section, the funding end date is the withdrawal date for Course Progression (Progression Type). For Fail Out of Program, Course Completion, and Full Program Completed (Progression Type), the funding end date is the end of the term.

Based on the section selected from the Section to Drop pull-down, actively enrolled students will be listed by Student Name, Student ID, Gradebook Grade, Final Grade, Attended Hours, Start Date, End Date, W/D Code, and the Progressed status.

Course Progression

The Gradebook Grade field populates with the students’ current gradebook grade; the Final Grade field populates with the students’ posted grade.

The W/D Code column displays the “Schedule Withdrawal Code” from the students’ schedules.

Course Progression

7. Select the check box for each applicable student. Select the check box in the header to select all listed students at once.

Course Progression

8. Click Save to apply changes.

9. Once saved, a Results pop-up window displays which records were updated by student ID. Click OK or the X to return to the main Course Progression screen.

Course Progression

The Progressed column updates displaying a green check mark when changes have been saved and a course progression has occurred.

Course Progression
Additional Info

If a student completes all program requirements but hasn't passed the basic skills requirement, the Program Completer field will be marked with an "O." This indication is for students who are marked with a Progression Type of "Full Program Completed." Even with this designation, the withdrawal code for these students will remain as WNC.

The "Career and Technical Education Date of Program Completion" (CUSTOM_66) reflects the withdrawal date when "Program Completer O" is set. If "Program Completer O" is not set, the date will remain unchanged. This applies only to post-secondary districts.

Additional Features

Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displayed.

a. Clear the selected check boxes to hide the column from the screen.

b. If a column is hidden, select the check box to display the column again.

Course Progression

If a column has been hidden from the screen, it will remain hidden until the check box is selected again.

To export the report of listed students, click the Excel icon to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet. You can also print the data by clicking the Printer icon.

Course Progression

Click any of the column headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Course Progression
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