Documentation for Administrators

Teacher Next-Year Schedule Request Completion

Updated on

If your school allows teachers to enter course requests for their students for the subject area that they teach, the Teacher Next-Year Schedule Request Completion report is used to view the teachers who have not entered requests for their students for the next school year. You can enter course requests on the teacher's behalf.

In Users > Profiles, the permission "Next-Year Schedule Requests" must be enabled for teacher profiles.

Viewing the Teacher Next-Year Schedule Request Completion Report

In the Scheduling menu, click Teacher Next-Year Scheduled Request Completion.

The report lists teachers who have not entered requests. An X in a period column indicates the teacher did not enter requests for some or all of their students in that period.  

Entering Course Requests on Behalf of the Teacher

1. Click an X to open the Next-Year Schedule Requests teacher program in a pop-up window, where you can enter requests on behalf of the teacher.

The section taught in the period that you clicked is automatically displayed. You can change the section at the top of the screen, if needed. If the teacher has entered some requests already, the course request will display next to the student.

2. Next to each student in the list, select the Course to request for the student.

3. When finished, click Save and close the pop-up window.

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