The Communication Report screen displays a log of all messages the User has sent or received including the Date the message was sent, Type of Message, Message Preview, Source, From To, Regarding Student, and more.
The report includes information about SMS, Text-to-Speech, and Phone Call, if the district has purchased and enabled the Call Out System. For more information on purchasing the Call Out System add-on module, contact your district's representative to set up a demonstration.
1. In the Users menu, click Profiles.

2. From the Permissions tab, select Menu from the Permission Type pull-down. Select Admin from the Role pull-down. Select the applicable Profiles from the corresponding pull-down.
3. Click Submit.
4. Click the Students tab.
5. In the Communication section, select the applicable check boxes for the Communication Reports permissions.

Communication Reports:
Select the View check box to grant the profile users permission to the Communication Reports screen.
View All Users:
Select the View check box to allow profile users to view records of messages sent by other users, as selected from the User pull-down. The messages viewable is limited to the school(s) in which the profile users have access.
Flag Messages:
Select the View check box to allow profile users the ability to Flag messages from the report. Once flagged, users can create referrals, as needed.
1. In the Users menu, click Profiles.

2. From the Permissions tab, select Menu from the Permission Type pull-down. Select Teacher from the Role pull-down. Select the applicable Profiles from the corresponding pull-down.
3. Click Submit.
4. Click the Students tab.
5. In the Communication Reports section, select the applicable check boxes for permission.

Communication Reports:
Select the View check box to grant the profile users permission to view the Communication Reports screen.
1. In the Students menu, click Communication Reports.

The screen defaults to the Communication History tab.
2. To run the report based on specific criteria, enter and select the applicable filters including:
a. Select a Type of message from the pull-down to filter the report to display the type of messages selected; options include All, Email, SMS, TTS (Text-to-Speech), Recorded (Phone Calls), Push Notifications. You can select one or multiple.
b. Select the Schools from the pull-down to determine which data should be pulled into the report; the pull-down defaults to All schools.
c. Enter a Start Date and an End Date to filter the report based on messages sent over the specific time frame. You can also enter just a Start Date or just an End Date to filter the report.
d. Enter a Start Time and an End Time to filter the report based on messages sent over the specified times. You can also enter just a Start Time or just an End Time to filter the report.
e. Select the Secure check box to display sent messages that have been marked as secure either by a teacher or by an administrative user.
f. Select the Emergency check box to display messages that were sent as an emergency call (Phone Call or Text-to-Speech) from the Call tab of the Communication screen.
g. Select the Flagged check box to display sent messages that have been flagged either by a teacher or by an administrative user. Selecting this check box displays all messages Flagged and Admin Flagged.
h. Select the applicable user(s) from the User pull-down to determine the messages displayed in the report. The users selected from the pull-down determine the messages Sent from the selected users.
i. Select the View All Users check box to view all messages sent by all users in the school or district depending on your accessibility.
Note: Selecting the View All Users check box automatically selects All Users from the User pull-down.
3. Click Search.
The Communication History tab displays a log of all sent messages including the Date the message was sent, the Type of message, the Message, Source, From, To, Recipient Type, To, Regarding Student, Total, Sent, Errors, Secure, Emergency, Flagged, Admin Flagged, and Referral.
The Recipient Type displays as Imported if the receipt was imported/uploaded while composing a message in Communication.
If the message was created and sent as "Send as District," the message displays in the report where the Source displays as "District." However, the From column displays the user's name. Note: In all other applicable areas, the message displays as from the District.
The Source displays as School, if the message was sent with "Send as School" selected in the original message.
The District source displays as a School source if the school as been excluded from communication via Setup >School Info> Exclude from Communication. See Did You Know? for additional info on the impacts of the exclusion.

If a message was sent with an attached Text-to-Speech message, SMS, or Phone Call, each sent message and attachment displays as a separate entry in the table. In the example displayed, an Email was sent out with an attached SMS and Text-to-Speech.
The Total, Sent, Pending, Expired, and Errors columns are driven by the Communication Queue scheduled job.
- The Total represents the total sent from the Communication screen.
- The Sent represents the number of messages received by the recipients.
- The Pending represents the number of messages waiting to be sent in the communication queue.
- The Expired represents the number of messages that were waiting to be sent and were never completed, which are now marked as expired.
- The Errors represents the number of messages not received by recipients due to an invalid phone number or email address.
See Scheduled Jobs and/or Communication for details on the Communication Queue scheduled job.
The Emergency check mark displays if the message was sent as an emergency call (Phone Call or Text-to-Speech) from the Call tab of the Communication screen. Note: In order for users to send emergency calls, they must have the applicable profile permission.
The Flagged message check mark displays if the message was flagged from the Communication screen by a teacher.
The Admin Flagged message check mark displays if the message was flagged from the Communication screen by an administrative user and a referral was added. Once a referral is added, the admin flag is locked and cannot be changed. However, if a message was flagged from this report, the Admin Flagged check box displays as selected until a referral is added.
4. Click the From name to view User Info or Student Info.
5. Click To to view all recipients' information in a pop-up window; this is helpful when there are multiple recipients so you can view each recipients that received the message.
The Recipients pop-up window displays Last Update, Status, Type, Name, Destination, School, Staff ID, Regarding Student, Student ID, Message, Expiration, and Error.
The Status displays as Duplicate if "Once Per Family" was selected from the recipient type pull-down to duplicate messages based on the recipient's contact details, such as email or phone number. Although queue records will still be generated for duplicate entries, they won't result in actual email/call transmissions.

a. Click the Name to view User Info or Student Info.
b. Click the Message to view the entire message in a message content pop-up window.
i. If translated to the preferred language of the student, parent, or user, the translated message displays. Clicking the Message displays the translated message. Click View original to view the message in the original language.
ii. To view the translated message again, click View translated.

iii. Click the white X to close the message content pop-up window.
c. Click the modal icon to view the row of data in a pop-up.
i. Click the arrows to navigate to the previous and next entries in the table.
ii. Click Close to close the pop-up window.
d. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

6a. Click the Message to view the entire message in a message content pop-up window.
a. Click the white X to close the message content pop-up window.

6b. Click Play Audio to listen to the Phone Call sent out.
The message starts playing automatically.
a. Click Pause and Play to start and stop the message.
b. Click the Volume button to change the level of the volume.
c. Click the three dots for additional options, including Download to download the message to your computer and Playback speed, which allows you to alter to speed at which the message is played.
d. Click the white X to close the Message Audio pop-up window.

6c. Upon clicking the Message for Polls, the details of the poll display including the questions and responses in a bar graph or pie chart as well as the Closing date and time. Responses are also displayed by Name and Response.
a. Click the arrows to view other questions in the poll.
b. Click the Bar Graph or Pie Chart icon to observe results presented in alternative visual formats.
c. Hover over the bars or pie pieces for percentage details.
d. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
See Polls for details.
6d. Upon clicking the Message for Sign Up sheets, the details of the sign up display including the questions and responses as well as the Closing date and time. Responses are also displayed by Name and Response.
a. Click the arrows to view other questions in the sign up sheet.
b. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
See Sign Ups for details.
7. Click the Erros numbered link to view details about the errors that have occurred.
The pop-up window displays the Last Update, Status, Type, Name, Destination, School, Staff ID, Regarding Student, Student ID, Message, and the Error.
a. Click the Name to view User Info or Student Info.
b. Click the Regarding Student to view Student Info.
c. Click the Message to view the entire message in a message content pop-up window.
i. Click the white X to close the message content pop-up window.

8. Select the Admin Flagged check box to flag the message upon reviewing the message from this report. All other messages already flagged from this report by you or other administrative users display as selected. If the message was already flagged and a referral was already added, a check mark displays that cannot be removed.
If a message is flagged by a teacher, administrative users cannot flag the message; i.e. the Admin Flagged check box doesn't display.
If you select the Admin Flagged check box, the check box is automatically selected for all entries of the same message. For example, if you select the Admin Flagged check box for the Email, the attached SMS, Text-to-Speech, and Phone Call check boxes are automatically selected, as well since they are all a part of the same message.
9. If a message was flagged by a teacher, but a referral was not added, you can click + Add to add a referral. If you or another administrative user selected the Admin Flagged check box, you can also click + Add to add a referral.
The + Add button only displays when a message from a student is flagged. All messages from different types of users can be flagged as well, but the + Add button doesn't display because a referral is not applicable.
a. In the pop-up window, select the applicable options and follow the steps for adding a referral to complete the process. Then, click Save. See Add Referral for details.
10. If a referral was created as a result of being flagged, click View to review the referral from the Referrals screen.
The Attendance tab consolidates all notifications sent as an attendance-based message created in Communication > Settings > Attendance section and includes message details such as date, type, message, etc.
1. In the Students menu, click Communication Reports.

2. Click the Attendance tab.
3. To run the report based on specific criteria, enter and select the applicable filters including:
a. Select a Type of message from the pull-down to filter the report to display the type of messages selected; options include All, Email, SMS, TTS (Text-to-Speech), Recorded (Phone Calls), Push Notifications. You can select one or multiple.
b. Select the Schools from the pull-down to determine which data should be pulled into the report; the pull-down defaults to All schools.
c. Enter a Start Date and an End Date to filter the report based on messages sent over the specific time frame. You can also enter just a Start Date or just an End Date to filter the report.
d. Enter a Start Time and an End Time to filter the report based on messages sent over the specified times. You can also enter just a Start Time or just an End Time to filter the report.
4. Click Search.
The Attendance report displays a log of all attendance messages including the Date the message was sent, the Type of message, the Message, Source, From, Recipient Type, To, Regarding Student, Total, Sent, Pending, and, Errors.
The Recipient Type displays as Imported if the receipt was imported/uploaded while composing a message in Communication.
The message displays in the report where the Source displays District or School.
5. Click the Message to view the entire message in a message content pop-up window.

a. Click the white X to close the message content pop-up window.

6. Click To to view all recipients' information in a pop-up window; this is helpful when there are multiple recipients so you can view each recipients that received the message.
The Recipients pop-up window displays Last Update, Status, Type, Name, Destination, School, Staff ID, Regarding Student, Student ID, Messages, and Error.
The Status displays as Duplicate if "Once Per Family" was selected from the recipient type pull-down to duplicate messages based on the recipient's contact details, such as email or phone number. Although queue records will still be generated for duplicate entries, they won't result in actual email/call transmissions.

a. Click the Name to view User Info or Student Info.

b. Click the Message to view the entire message in a message content pop-up window.
i. Click the white X to close the message content pop-up window.
c. Click the modal icon to view the row of data in a pop-up.
i. Click the arrows to navigate to the previous and next entries in the table.
ii. Click Close to close the pop-up window.
d. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

7. Click the Erros numbered link to view details about the errors that have occurred.
The pop-up window displays the Last Update, Status, Type, Name, Destination, School, Staff ID, Regarding Student, Student ID, Message, and the Error.
a. Click the Name to view User Info or Student Info.
b. Click the Regarding Student to view Student Info.
c. Click the Message to view the entire message in a message content pop-up window.
i. Click the white X to close the message content pop-up window.

1. In the Students menu, click Communication Reports.

2. Click the Scheduled Messages tab.
3. To run the report based on specific criteria, enter and select the applicable filters including:
a. Enter a Start Date and an End Date to filter the report based on messages scheduled over the specific time frame. You can also enter just a Start Date or just an End Date to filter the report.
b. Select the applicable user(s) from the User pull-down to determine the messages displayed in the report. The users selected from the pull-down determine the messages scheduled by the selected users.
c. Select the View All Users check box to view all messages scheduled by all users in the school or district depending on your accessibility.
Note: Selecting the View All Users check box automatically selects All Users from the User pull-down.
4. Click Search.
The Scheduled Messages report displays the Start Date, Sent Time, Recursion, Next Send Date, End Date, Created By user, Type of message, and an Emergency indicator.
5. Click the Created By user name to open User Info.
If multiple pages of records are displayed in the report, click the Prev and Next buttons to navigate between pages. You can also type the page number in the Page text area to jump to a specific page.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Click Filters to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Click the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displayed in the report.
a. Clear the selected check boxes to hide the columns from the report. Once the check box is cleared, to add the column back to the report, the check box must be selected again.
If a column is hidden from the report, the column will remain hidden until the check box is re-selected from the Toggle Columns pop-up window.
The Page Size determines the number of records displayed per page. The default is 20 records. To display more or less records per page, enter the desired number in the Page Size text area.
The number of records displayed (default is set to 20) determines the number of pages in the report.
Click any of the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Click the modal icon to view individual records from a data table in a pop-up modal to alleviate having to scroll horizontally on large tables.
Click the white arrows to navigate through the list of records.
Click Close to close the pop-up window.
The system field titled, Exclude from Communication, can be enabled via Setup > School Fields and added to School Information. By default, this field is disabled, with no permissions enabled upon installation. To enable from Setup > School Info, you can select the Exclude from Communication check box.
Activating this feature has several implications. Primarily, it removes the excluded school from district-wide communication. This means users and students of the excluded school will no longer appear in the recipient pull-down in Communication. Additionally, users associated with these schools lose access to Callout, SMS, or Attendance Communication Platform expansion features.
For schools marked as excluded, communication is restricted to within the school. Features like SMS and phone calls are disabled, and the Send as District option is modified to Send as School. This change ensures that any communication sent displays the school's title and logo, rather than the district's.
Furthermore, announcement emails sent from these schools will list the school’s title as the From Name.
In the Communication Report, these emails will show School as the source and the school title under the From field.