Documentation for Administrators

Lockers/Student Rooms

Updated on


The Lockers screen is used to set up locker locations, set up lockers and locker combinations, and assign lockers to students. Lockers can be assigned to individual students or randomly assigned to a group of students. Up to five locker combinations can be set up for each locker, allowing the school to rotate through the locker combinations when the locker assignment changes.

Setting Up Locker Locations

1. On the Lockers screen, click the Locations tab.

2. In the blank row, enter a Name for the location.

3. Enter the Building, if applicable.

4. Enter the maximum number of students per locker in the Max Students Per Locker field.

5. Press Enter to add the location.

The new location is auto-saved. A new, blank row is displayed where you can add the next location.

6. To edit a field, click the field and make your changes.

The changes are auto-saved.

7. To delete a location, click the red minus sign to the left of the location.

8. In the confirmation message, click OK.

Creating Lockers

1. On the Lockers screen, click the Create Lockers tab.

2. Select the Location in which to set up lockers.

3. Enter the Number Range for the lockers, for example, 100-199.

4. Click Create.

A green check mark and confirmation message is displayed. The lockers are now available in the Lockers tab.

Assigning Lockers to Individual Students

1. On the Lockers screen, click the Assign Lockers tab.

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student or group of students and click Search.

3. For each student returned in the list, select the Locker Number to assign to the student.

The selection is auto-saved.

Randomly Assigning Lockers to a Group of Students

1. On the Lockers screen, click the Assign Lockers tab.

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the group of students, and click Search.

For example, you can search for all 9th grade students.

3. Select the Location to assign to the students.

4. Click Randomly Assign Lockers.

The lockers are randomly assigned to the group of students.

5. If you need to clear the locker assignments from the group of students, click Clear Assigned Lockers.

Viewing Locker Information and Setting Locker Combinations

1. On the Lockers screen, click the Lockers tab.

The locker information is displayed for all lockers set up in the system. This includes the locker number, active status, location, and assigned students. Any of these fields can be edited as needed. Your changes will auto-save.

2. Enter the locker combinations for the locker in the Combo 1 through Combo 5 fields.

The combinations will auto-save.

3. To assign a locker combination to the locker, select the combination in the Active Combo pull-down.

Your selection will auto-save.

Post Secondary

When a school has the system preference "School is Post Secondary" enabled, the Lockers screen is renamed Student Rooms. This screen is used to set up dorm room locations, create student rooms, and assign students to dorm rooms.

Setting Up Room Locations

1. On the Student Rooms screen, click the Locations tab.

Student Rooms

2. In the blank row, enter a Name for the location.

3. Enter the name of the Building.

4. Enter the Max Students Per Room. The maximum number that can be entered is 6.

5. When the Max Students Per Room field is set to a number greater than 1, enter a name for each of the beds in the room.

Student Rooms

6. Press Enter to add the row.

The new location is auto-saved. A new, blank row is displayed where you can add the next location.

Student Rooms

7. To edit a field, click the field and make your changes.

The changes are auto-saved.

8. To delete a location, click the red minus sign to the left of the location.

Student Rooms

9. In the confirmation message, click OK.

Creating Student Rooms

1. On the Student Rooms screen, click the Create Student Rooms tab.

Student Rooms

2. Select the Location in which to set up rooms.

3. Enter the Number Range for the rooms.

4. Click Create.

Student Rooms

A green check mark and confirmation message is displayed. The rooms are now available in the Student Rooms tab.

Student Rooms
Assigning Rooms to Students

1. On the Student Rooms screen, click the Assign Student Rooms tab.

Student Rooms

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student or group of students and click Search.

Student Rooms

3. Select the Location for which to assign rooms.

Student Rooms

4. For each student returned in the list, select the Room Number to assign to the student.

The selection is auto-saved.

Student Rooms
Clearing Room Assignments for a Location

Room assignments can be cleared for a group of students, if needed.

1. On the Student Rooms screen, click the Assign Student Rooms tab.

Student Rooms

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student or group of students and click Search.

Student Rooms

3. Select a Location.


4. Click Clear Assigned Rooms.


5. In the confirmation message, click OK.


The screen is refreshed and room assignments are cleared.

Viewing Student Room Assignments

Room information and assignments can be viewed and edited on the Student Rooms tab. Notes can also be entered.

1. On the Student Rooms screen, click the Student Rooms tab.


Each room and bed number are listed with its active status, location, and assigned student. Inactive rooms are not displayed unless "Include Inactive Rooms" is selected at the top of the screen.

2. Deselect the Active check box to make the room/bed inactive.

3. Edit the Location of the room/bed if needed.

4. Edit the Assigned Student if needed.

5. To enter notes, click the Notes field and enter the text.


Changes are auto-saved once clicking or tabbing out of the field.

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