The Bulk Enrollment screen allows post secondary schools to automatically schedule and automatically bill students using the Add a Student process in the Bulk Enrollment setup. Once the process is complete: An Order is started and placed, and students are added, the added students are automatically invoiced; the invoice displays via Billing > Student Billing > Customer Ledger.
1. In the Students menu, click Bulk Enrollment.

The Start Orders tab is selected by default, which allows post secondary schools to create a bulk enrollment/ bulk bill order.
Be sure the correct school is selected from the school pull-down located in the header, if you have access to multiple schools.
2. Enter the Order Name in the provided text box.
3. Select the School / Campus from the pull-down.
The School/Campus pull-down displays the schools set up in Setup > External Schools.
4. Select the applicable Funding Source from the pull-down.
5. Select the Form of Payment from the pull-down.
6. Select the applicable Cost Tier from the pull-down.
Cost Tiers are set up via Billing > Cost Tier Setup.
7. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
The Order Created date displays once the information is displayed.
The orders displays on the Start Orders tab until the order is placed.
8. Click View Order Items to enroll and bill for a selected course.
The Order Items tab displays including the Order Created date, Invoice Number, Order Status, School/Campus, Funding Source, Form of Payment, and the Cost Tier.
9. Select the Format from the pull-down; options includes Print (Tied to Print CBE) and Online (Tied to courses or CBE).
The Course Type defaults to CBE.
The Course Type is unique to Texas and displays as either CBE (Credit By Exam) or Print.
10. Select the applicable Course from the pull-down.
This field is not required. If a selection is not made, only an enrollment record will be created.
The courses displayed in the pull-down populate from Scheduling > Courses & Sections.
The section/course to which the students are enrolled depends on the system preference enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Scheduling tab: Schedule the section with the most available seats for each course in Bulk Create Students.
When enabled, you can select the course from the Enroll in Course pull-down.
When disabled, you can select the section from the Enroll in Section pull-down.
11. Enter the Total Quantity in the provided text box; i.e. the total number of students being enrolled.
12. Enter the Start Date and End Date for enrollment.
13. Select the Shipping Status from the pull-down. Options include: N/A, In Process, Shipped, and Delivered. The pull-down reflects the the status of shipped print materials, if applicable to the course.
14. Select the Substitute course from the pull-down to swap out the subject of a purchase with a different course tied to the same format and type.
15. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
The Unit Price ($) and Total Price ($) automatically calculate and display.
16. Add additional courses using the top line, as needed.
17. Click Place Order.
Once your order has been placed, you can begin adding students.
18. Click Add a Student.
Follow the steps listed in Add a Student.
If an order was started and not placed as described in Bulk Billing & Enrollment, it will display on the Start Orders tab where it can be edited, as needed.
1. In the Students menu, click Bulk Enrollment.

The Start Orders tab is selected by default, which displays started orders.
2. Click the Order Name to edit the name. Click the pull-downs to change the selection made, such as School / Campus. Funding Source, Form of Payment, and Cost Tier.
Changes save automatically.
3. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete the order.

4. Click View Order Items to add the course and place the order.
Follow the steps described in Bulk Billing & Enrollment to complete the order.
The Order History tab allows users to view all orders for bulk billing and enrollment placed and in progress (not yet placed from the Start Orders tab).
1. In the Students menu, click Bulk Enrollment.

2. Click the Order History tab.
Use the provided filters to pull the Order History report.
All filters are optional.
3. Select the Order Status from the pull-down to determine which orders will be pulled into the report.
4. Select the Form of Payment from the pull-down to determine which orders will be pulled into the report.
5. Select the School/Campus from the pull-down to determine which orders will be pulled into the report.
6. Select the Funding Source from the pull-down to determine which orders will be pulled into the report.
7. Enter or select the From Date and To Date to pull orders created over a specific date range. Note: You can enter a From Date and/or a To Date. Both are not required.
8. To search for orders by Invoice Number, enter the number in the provided text box.
9. Click Search.
The Order History displays Order Created, Invoice Number, Order Status, Order Name, School / Campus, Funding Source, and Form of Payment.
10. Click View Order Items to view the details of the order (bulk billing/enrollment details) and to add details, such as the Course and students.
To finish an order, see Bulk Billing & Enrollment for details.
Begin typing the name or number of the desired field in the Filter text box located at the top of each pull-down for a quick search.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which is saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click Filters to further breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
See Filters for more information.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.