Documentation for Administrators

Print Teacher Schedules

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The Print Teacher Schedules screen is used to print one or more teacher schedules. The marking period, format, school periods, and other options can be defined.

Printing Teacher Schedules

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Print Teacher Schedules.

2. On the left side of the screen, enter search criteria to locate the teacher or group of teachers. On the bottom of the screen, there are additional search options that you can define if needed.

3. Select the Marking Period for which to print schedules.

4. Select the Format, Course List or Weekly Planner.

Course List Example:

Weekly Planner Example:

5. Select the Periods in the School Day to include on schedules.

6. Select Include Student Counts to include a student count for each of the teacher's periods.

7. To print the schedules on district or school letterhead, select the Letterhead Template.

8. When finished setting the print options, click Download Schedules.

A pdf preview of the schedules is displayed, which can be saved to your computer or printed.

9. Click Return to Focus to go back to the Print Teacher Schedules screen.

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