Documentation for Administrators

Next-Year Schedule Requests (Teacher Programs)

Updated on

If your school allows teachers to enter course requests for their students for the subject area that they teach, administrators can enter course requests on a teacher's behalf in the Next-Year Schedule Requests (Teacher Programs) screen.

Entering Course Requests on Behalf of a Teacher

1. In the Users menu, click Next-Year Schedule Requests in the Teacher Programs section of the menu.


2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the teacher and click Search.

For example, enter the user's name, user's ID, or EIN in the User text box.

Next-Year Schedule Requests

See Conducting a User Search for more information on how to conduct a user search.

3. In the search results, click the teacher.

4. Select the section for which to enter course requests in the pull-down.

5. Next to each student in the list, select the Course to request for the student.

If a course request has already been entered for the student in that subject area, the course request will already be selected in the pull-down.

6. When finished, click Save.

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