The Approve Grade Changes screen allows administrators to approve teacher requests to have report card grades changed after the grade-posting window has closed. Administrators will receive a Portal alert stating how many grade change requests are awaiting review. This screen can be accessed by clicking the Portal alert or in Grades > Approve Grade Changes. Once the request is approved, the grade and GPA is updated in the database and is reflected on the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen and in reprinted report cards.
The profile permission Approve Grade Changes must be enabled via Users > Profiles > Grades tab for administrator profiles in order for administrators to have access to this screen.
Automatic recalculation of parent marking periods and GPAs are effective for Grade Change Requests via the System Preferences, Calculate GPA Automatically and Recalculate parent marking period grades and GPAs when a teacher posts grades or a grade change is approved. For more information on each of these preferences, see the Grading section of the System Preferences document.
When the system preferences Quarters grades are calculated as average of progress periods and Recalculate parent marking period grades and GPAs when a teacher posts grades or a grade change request is approved are enabled, approved grade change requests for progress periods trigger the parent marking period grades to be recalculated. For more information on each of these preferences, see the Grading section of the System Preferences document.
Approvals for grade change requests on records with only conduct or comments can be performed without requiring an actual grade. To use this feature, the Allow Posting Comments and Conduct Without a Grade system preference must be enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Grading tab.
1. From the Grades menu, click Approve Grade Changes.
![Approve Grade Changes](
The Approve Grade Changes screen can also be accessed directly from the Portal by clicking the portal alert.
The Approve Grade Changes screen is displayed. Previously reviewed requests are listed, but cannot be edited. New requests pending review are listed at the top of the table.
Review the Student, Student ID, Grade Level, Term, Standard (if applicale), Date Submitted, Teacher, Course, Course Section, Period, Conduct (if applicable), Current Grade % (percentage), Current Grade Letter, New Grade %, New Grade Letter, the teacher's Explanation, Status Explanation, Status, Status By, and Status Date.
The Standard Title displays when there are standards associated with the course selected.
The Conduct grade displays if the district is utilizing conduct grades.
If your district utilizes custom grades, teachers can select them from the corresponding pull-down, as needed, and submit them as new grades.
Changes to custom fields associated with grades can be made without altering the students grade.
2. In the Status Explanation text box, type in an explanation for approving or denying the request.
Entering a Status Explanation will be required if the system preference "Make Explanation Required on Grade Change Request Approval" is enabled.
3. Click Approve or Deny in the Status column to approve or deny the grade change request.
![Approve Grade Changes](
Your changes are auto-saved. When a request is approved, the grade and GPA is updated in the database and is reflected on the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen and in report cards. Teachers can view the status explanation and status via the Request Grade Change screen.
4. To review a specific student's Grades, click the student's name in the Student column. Clicking the student's name opens Grades > Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank.
Click the modal icon to view individual records from a data table in a pop-up modal to alleviate having to scroll horizontally on large tables.
To close the modal, click Close, press esc key, or click the dimmed background.
If the modal is opened on a non-insert row, blue arrow buttons are displayed, allowing cycling through the other records without having to close the modal.
To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.
To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.
Click Filters to further breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information, see Filters.