Documentation for Administrators

Fees & Payments

Updated on

The Fees & Payments screen is used to add fees to an individual student, such as fees for sports, field trips, and overdue library books. Payments received by the school can also be documented.

Fees can be mass assigned to a group of students using Mass Assign Fees.

Adding a Fee to an Individual Student

1. In the Billing menu, click Fees & Payments.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

3. In the search results, click the appropriate student.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

4. In the blank row next to the plus sign, select the School Year and School.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

5. Select the fee Category.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

The Created By field is auto-populated with your name.

6. Enter a Description of the fee.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

7. Edit the Publish Date as needed. This is the date the fee will be published to the Parent/Student Portal.

8. Edit the Due Date.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

9. Enter the Amount of the fee. For whole dollar amounts, such as 5 dollars, simply enter 5. The ".00" will be automatically added after clicking Save.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

10. Click Save.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

After being added, fee information cannot be edited. If there is a mistake in the fee, it must be voided. The fee will remain on the student's record as a void. See Voiding a Fee for more information.

Adding a Payment

When the school receives a non-special type payment (such as a check or cash) for a student's fee, the payment can be documented in Fees & Payments. Special type payments ( - Credit Card, - Checkout, eCheck.Net, and Authorize.Net) must be completed by the parent or student in the Parent/Student Portal.

1. In the Billing menu, click Fees & Payments.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

3. In the search results, click the appropriate student.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

4. Next to the appropriate fee, click the triangle.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

5. Select the Date Paid.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

6. Select the Payment Method.

Only non-special type payment methods are available for selection.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

7. Enter any Payment Info, such as a check number when paid by check.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

8. Enter the Amount of the payment. For whole dollar amounts, such as 5 dollars, simply enter 5. The ".00" will be automatically added after clicking Save.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

9. Click Save.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

If the fee was fully paid, the fee is removed from the screen. Paid fees can be viewed by selecting Display Paid Fees at the top of the screen. The Status displays as Paid on the fee.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

If a fee was partially paid, the Amount Due on the fee will be updated to display the balance that is due. The Status displays as Partial.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

10. To print a receipt for a payment, click the printer icon next to the payment. Follow your printer's prompts to print the receipt.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome
Refunding a Payment

1. In the Billing menu, click Fees & Payments.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

3. In the search results, click the appropriate student.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

4. Next to the appropriate fee, click the triangle.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

5. Next to the payment, click Refund.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

6. At the top of the screen, enter the Refund Reason.

7. For a partial refund, enter the Refund Amount. For a full refund, leave the Refund Amount blank.

8. Click OK.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

The Status on the fee updates to Refund. The Amount Due is updated to reflect the balance due.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

The refund is added as a line in the payment info. The Payment Method displays as Refund, and the Payment Info includes the refund reason that was entered.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

9. To print a receipt for the refund, click the printer icon next to the refund. Follow your printer's prompts to print the receipt.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome
Voiding a Fee

Fees that do not have any payments can be voided. If you attempt to void a fee that has a payment, an error message will display. You must refund any associated payments before you can void the fee.

1. In the Billing menu, click Fees & Payments.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

3. In the search results, click the appropriate student.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

4. Next to the appropriate fee, click Void.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

5. At the top of the screen, enter the Void Reason.

6. Click OK.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome

The fee is removed from the screen. To view fees that have been voided, select Include Voided Fees at the top of the screen.

Voided fees have a Status of Void.

Fees & Payments - Google Chrome
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