Documentation for Administrators

Associate Students with Parents

Updated on

The Associate Students to Parents screen allows users to view students attached to users as well as associate new students to users, which can be useful for tutors, case workers or 3rd party advisors who need limited access to a specific cohort of students, in addition to the parents who need additional students added to one account.

Searching for Users/Parents

1. In the Users menu, click Associate Students with Parents.

Associate Students with Parents

The Search module defaults to the Search Screen tab. This displays the Find a Parent module, which includes a search bar, the More Search Options feature, and options to Search All Schools, Include Parents, and Include Inactive Users.

Associate Students with Parents

2. Enter the search criteria in the User text box.

The search bar is not case sensitive, and full or partial entries can be in either a first last or last, first format. The comma is necessary in the last, first format. A full user name or ID number can also be entered into the search bar. Searching for ab will pull every user whose first or last name begins with Ab into the search results. To pull last names that start with Ab add a comma: enter Ab, in the search box.

3. To run parameters against a User Group, select the applicable group from the corresponding pull-down.

User Groups are set up via Users > User Groups.

4. Click More Search Options to search for groups of users with similar information in any number of user fields and/or user data.

5. Select the Search All Schools check box to search for parents across all schools for which you have access.

6. Select the Include Parents check box if attaching students to parents.

7. Select the Include Inactive Users check box to include inactive users in your search.

8. Select the Only Show Most Recen Enrollment check box for the most recent enrollment is first determined by start date, then end date, and finally by user_enrollment id. When this option is selected:

  • A new user with no profiles assigned (enrolled) at all displays as “Invalid Profile” or not at all because there is no enrollment to show.
  • If a user has multiple profiles at one school, it will return the most recent enrollment at that school (there will be one record row for that user).
  • If a user has profiles at multiple schools, it will return the most recent enrollment at each school (there will be one record row for that user at each school).

9. Click Search.

Associate Students with Parents

10. All resulting parents/users display in the User List. Click the User name to view associated students.

Associate Students with Parents

Click the red X next to the user's name to close the user and start a new search.

Associate Students with Parents

Click the user's photo to open User Info.

To return to your user search, click Back to Search Results.

User Info
Associating Students

1. Select the User from the User List to associate new students or view students already associated with the parent/user via Students > Student Info > Addresses & Contacts > Linked Users or Users > User Info > Attached Students.

Associate Students with Parents

2. The students already associated with the parent/user are displayed. Click the delete button (black minus sign) to dissociate to the student from the parent/user.

Associate Students with Parents

3. To associate new students with the parent/user, click the Search Screen tab to conduct a student search.

a. Enter the student's name in the Student text box and click Search.

For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

Associate Students with Parents

4. From the resulting students, select the check box next to the student(s) to be associated with the parent/user.

Associate Students with Parents

5. Click Associate Selected Students at the top of the screen or the bottom of the screen to attached the selected students to the parent/user.

A green check mark displays along with the following message: The selected user's profile now includes access to the selected students. In the Students Currently Associated section, you will now see the newly added student.

Associate Students with Parents

6. Continue to add students as needed by conducting a new student search from the Search Screen tab or select student already displayed in the Simple List tab.

Associate Students with Parents

7. Click the Student Addresses & Contacts screen link to open Students > Student Info > Addresses & Contacts where students can be attached as well.

Additional Features

Click the floppy disk icon to export data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Associate Students with Parents

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting information, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

Associate Students with Parents

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Associate Students with Parents

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Associate Students with Parents
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