Documentation for Administrators

Mass Assign Student Info

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The Mass Assign Student Info screen allows administrators to simultaneously update a group of students' records.

Mass Assigning Student Info

1. In the Students menu, click Mass Assign Student Info.

Mass Assign Student Info

This navigates to the Mass Assign Student Info screen, where a Student Search module displays in addition to the More Search Options.

Mass Assign Student Info

2. Enter the appropriate information and click Search. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

3. From the Student Info to Change En Masse section, click the appropriate gray arrows to open the fields of each listed section. The categories in this list will match the student fields tabs that have been set up for students’ records in Student Info.

Mass Assign Student Info

In the example shown, the Health Immunizations section is opened and the Vision Screen Status and Vision Screening Date has been populated.

Mass Assign Student Info

You can select as many fileds as necessary to be updated before selecting the students listed at the bottom of the screen.

Example: Click the gray arrow for the Enrollment category. From the list of Enrollment fields, click on Rolling Retention/Options pull-down menu and select the appropriate option from the list.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the select the students whose information is to be updated.

Mass Assign Student Info

a. Select the check boxes next to each student to update the listed student's information. Select the check boxes listed in the header to select all students.

Mass Assign Student Info

5. Click Save to apply changes.

Mass Assign Student Info

Once the selected fields have been updated, the following message will display: The selected students were updated. The original Mass Assign Student Info screen will display; from here you can begin a new search and update new data as needed.

Mass Assign Student Info
Additional Features

Use the Filter text box located at the top of each pull-down for a quick search. Begin typing the name or number of the desired field.

Mass Assign Student Info

a. Select the Exact check box to display results that have an exact match only and hide partial matches to the entered text. For example, "math abe" as a partial match yields results, but "math abe" as an exact match, does not yield results. It would have to be entered as "abe math."

Mass Assign Student Info

Click Check all to select all check boxes displayed. Click Clear to clear all selections made/check boxes selected.

Mass Assign Student Info

Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Mass Assign Student Info

Click any of the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

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