Documentation for Administrators

Audit Trail

Updated on

The users Audit Trail allows users to search per user for any changes made to any of the user's records.

Setting Search Criteria

1. In the Users menu, click Audit Trail.

2. Select the applicable User from the corresponding pull-down.

The Users that populate here are based on the school that you are logged into. To change the school, select the school pull-down located in the header; this is only an option for you if you have access to multiple schools.

Audit Trail

3. You can conduct a search solely by User. However, if you want to search by User and the Editing User, select the user from the corresponding pull-down.

Audit Trail

4. You also have the option to search by a time frame using the From Date and/or To Date fields. Note: You do not have to enter a time frame; however, it will help limit and pull data, which can be extensive.

Audit Trail

5. Click Submit.

Audit Trail
Audit Trail Results


Upon conducting your search, the User tab displays first for changes made to the User record, such as username, password, etc.

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the User's name, the User's Username, the Form and/or Log Table affected, the Action made, such as UPDATE, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After. Note: If the Action is INSERT, the Before and After details will not display.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Action).

Audit Trail


Upon conducting your search, the Enrollment tab displays changes made to the Enrollment record, which predominantly stems from the Permissions tab (Users > User Info > Permissions).

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Action made, such as UPDATE,  the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the User name, the User's Username, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After. Note: If the Action is INSERT, the Before and After details will not display. In the example shown above, the Before field is blank because the change made to the profile is new; therefore, a Before does not exist.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Action).

Audit Trail

The Deductions tab displays while using ERP only.

Upon conducting your search, the Deductions tab displays changes made to the employees' deduction record.

Employee Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Action made, such as UPDATE,  the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the Deduction changed, the IP address used, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After. Note: If the Action is INSERT, the Before and After details will not display. In the example shown above, the Before field is blank because the change made to the profile is new; therefore, a Before does not exist.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Action).


The Leave tab displays while using ERP only.

Upon conducting your search, the Leave tab displays changes made to the employees' leave record.

Employee Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Action made, such as UPDATE, Type of leave, the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the User (Employee), the Bucket used, the IP address used, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After. Note: If the Action is INSERT, the Before and After details will not display. In the example shown above, the Before field is blank because the change made to the profile is new; therefore, a Before does not exist.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Action).

Employee Audit Trail
Additional Features

Type information or partial information into the Filter text box to find data quickly.

Audit Trail

a. Select the Exact check box to fiter data to match exactly what you typed into the Filter.

Audit Trail

Click Check all to select all displayed options. Click Clear to clear all options and remove all selections.

Audit Trail

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Audit Trail

Click Filters to further breakdown data.

Audit Trail

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information see Filters.

To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

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