Documentation for Administrators

Create Test

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This article describes the Create Test screen as part of the built-in Focus Assessment System. If your district has purchased the add-on Learnosity assessment module and you are looking for help on creating assessments, click here.

Focus allows users to create and customize online or paper-based tests. Tests can be created using your own questions or questions shared with you by other users.

Creating a New Test

Tests can be created using your own questions, questions set up by the district, and questions shared with you by other users. You can also add new questions to the test directly from this screen.

1. In the Assessment menu, click Create Test.

Create Tests

The Items tab is automatically displayed at the left side of the screen. The District Items, My Items, and Shared Items check boxes are selected by default. District Items are questions created by the district that are shared with you. My Items are questions you have created. Shared Items are questions created by other users that are shared with you. You are able to add district questions, your questions, or shared questions to the test.

Create Tests

2. Deselect the District Items, My Items, or Shared Items check boxes to hide those questions, if desired.

Create Tests

3. Click the subject area, grade level, strand, cluster, and standard that houses the question you want to add to the test, or click Non Standard to view questions not linked to a standard.

Create Tests

4. Select the check box next to each question to add to the test, or click the check box next to the subject area, grade level, strand, cluster, or standard to select all questions within that level.

5. Click Add to Test.

Create Tests

The selected questions display in the center of the screen in the test layout.

Create Tests

6. To edit the cognitive complexity of a question, click the field and make the change as needed.

Changing the cognitive complexity of a question in the test layout only changes it on this particular test. The question will still have its original cognitive complexity when used on future tests.

Create Tests

7. To edit a question, click the edit icon.

Create Tests

The question information is displayed in a pop-up window.

8. Make any edits as needed and click Add.

Editing the question within the test layout does edit the question itself. The edits will be maintained when using the question on future tests, and when viewing the question on the Create Questions screen.

Create Tests

9. Click the red X next to a question to remove it from the test.

Create Tests

10. To add a page break to the test, click and drag Page Break bar to the desired area.

Create Tests

11. To add an additional section to the test, click Add Section.

Create Tests

Having multiple sections allows you to assign different test options, like calculators or scratch pads, to each section of the test.

After adding the section, the section is displayed in its own tab. Questions and page breaks can be added to the new section.

Create Tests

12. To remove a section, click Remove Section.

Create Tests

13. On the right side of the screen, select the Test Options.

Create Tests
Option Description
Name Enter the name of the test.
District Test This option allows the test to be shared with all district administrators.
Open to students online This option is selected by default. This allows students to take the test online in Focus.
Open in new window

Select this option so that the test opens a new browser window when the student accesses the test. 

Open Test in Security Browser Select this option to restrict students from moving outside of the test window when taking the test. 
Hide questions from teachers Select this option to prevent teachers from viewing the questions on the test.
Allow teachers to view test

Select this option to allow teachers to view the test in the FAS Tests screen.

Large Print Font Select this option to allow students to change the font size within the online test. 
Alternate Multiple Choice lettering between odd and even questions Select this option to give odd numbered questions different letter choices than even numbered questions. (e.g. even numbered questions use A, B, C, D and odd numbered questions use E, F, G, H). 
Allow retakes of the test Select this option to allow students to retake the test. When this check box is selected, the options “Insert Hightest Test Score into Gradebook,” “Average Test Scores into Gradebook,” and “Retake Refresh Time” display.
Insert Highest Test Score into Gradebook This option displays when “Allow retakes of the test” is selected. Select this option to insert the hightest test score of the student's retakes into the Gradebook. 
Average Test Scores into Gradebook This option displays when “Allow retakes of the test” is selected. Select this option to average the test scores for all of the student’s retakes into the Gradebook.
Retake Refresh Time This option displays when “Allow retakes of the test” is selected. Enter the number of minutes that must pass before students can retake the test.
Autograde Test (Questions that cannot be autograded will be excluded from score) This option is selected by default. When this option is selected, Focus will automatically grade the test questions that can be auto-graded, such as multiple choice, true/false, etc. Any questions that cannot be auto-graded, such as short response and extended response, will remain ungraded until you manually grade them.
Login Pin To require students to enter a login pin to access the test, enter the pin. If left blank, no pin is required. 

14. For each section of the test, select the Section Options.

Create Tests
Option Description
Name If desired, enter a name for the section. 
Strikout Select this option to allow students to strike out text on this section of the test. 
Calculator Select this option to provide a calculator on this section of the test. 
Scientific Calculator Select this option to provide a scientific calculator on this section of the test. 
Scratchpad Select this option to provide a scratchpad on this section of the test. 
Clock Select this option to provide a countdown clock for the test due date/time on this section of the test. 
Two Column Printing Select this option to display test questions in two columns on this section of the test. 
Shuffle Questions Select this option to shuffle questions for each student on this section of the test. 
Shuffle Multiple Choice Answers Select this option to shuffle multiple choice answers for each student on this section of the test. 

15. To view a preview of test, click the HTML tab. To view the print format of the test, click the PDF tab. The PDF can be downloaded to your computer or printed for print-based tests. To walk through the test online as a student would, click the Online tab.

Create Tests

16. Click the Item Analysis tab to view analytics for the questions used on the test.  

If a test question was used on a previous test, a graph will display for each question that indicates the number of students who selected each answer, and the tests that used this question.

Create Tests

17. To save the test as a draft, click Save Draft.

The test will save and will be available in the pull-down for viewing and editing at a later time.

Create Tests

18. To save and publish the test, click Publish Test.

Create Tests

19. Click OK in the confirmation window. says

The test will be saved and published. The FAS Tests screen will display, where the test can be assigned to students.

FAS Tests
Creating a New Answer Key Only Test

Users can create answer key only tests to be used in conjunction with paper tests or test documents uploaded into Focus. This is useful if you already have a paper test or test document that contains the test questions. Students will refer to the paper test or document for the test questions, and they will enter their answers in the answer sheet within Focus. When you upload a PDF document, the file will open directly in the student’s screen for the student to refer to. When you upload a Word document, the document will automatically download to the student’s computer for the student to view when answering the test questions. 

1. At the top of the screen, click Answer Key Only Test.

Create Tests

The New Test tab is opened by default.

2. To link questions to a standard, select the Standard Category.

Create Tests

3. Enter the # of Questions.

A corresponding number of answer fields will populate onto the screen.

Create Tests

4. Select the Answer Range. You can select A - E, A - D, or A - C.

5. In the Files box, optionally attach a file containing the test questions.

If you upload a PDF, the PDF will open directly in the student’s screen for the student to refer to as they enter the answers in Focus. If you upload a Word document, the document will automatically download to the student’s computer when they access the test. The student can refer to the Word document as they enter their answers in Focus. 

6. For each question, select the correct answer and, if desired, the applicable standard.

Create Tests

7. Select the Test Options.

For a description of test options, see Creating a New Test.

Create Tests

8. When finished, click Publish Test.

Create Tests

9. In the confirmation window, click OK. says

The test will be saved and published. The FAS Tests screen will display, where the test can be assigned to students.

FAS Tests
Creating an Answer Key Only Test Using a Previous Template

An answer key only test can be created based upon a previously created answer key only test.

1. At the top of the screen, click Answer Key Only Test.

Create Tests

2. Click the Previous Templates tab.

Any previous answer key only tests you have created are listed.

Create Tests

3. Click the test to use as a template.

Create Tests

The settings for the selected test are displayed.

4. Adjust the settings as needed.

Create Tests

5. Select the Test Options.

For a description of test options, see Creating a New Test.

Create Tests

6. When finished, click Publish Test.

Create Tests

7. In the confirmation window, click OK. says

The test will be saved and published. The FAS Tests screen will display, where the test can be assigned to students.

FAS Tests
Searching for Questions to Add to a Test

You can search for questions to add to a test by subject area, grade level, strand, cluster, standard, question ID, or user. The search will include your questions and questions shared with you by other users.

1. On the left side of the screen, click the Search tab.

Create Questions

2. Enter search criteria in the Subject Area, Grade Level, Strand, Cluster, Standard, Quester ID, and/or User fields.

3. Click Search.

Create Questions

The pop-up window displays any questions that match the search criteria.

4. Select the check box for each question to add to the test, and click Add to Test.

Create Tests

The selected questions are added to the test layout.

Adding a New Question

New questions can be set up directly on the Create Tests screen. Once added, the new question will also be available on the Create Questions screen for later viewing and editing, and will be available for use on future tests.

1. In the Items tab, click the subject area, grade level, strand, cluster, and standard where the question will be added, or click Non Standard to add a question not linked to a standard.

Create Tests

2. Click Add Question.

Create Test

3. In the pop-up window, set up the question. See Adding a New Question for detailed instructions.  

4. When finished, click Add.

Create Tests

The question is added to the test layout.

Loading Previous Test Questions into a Test

The Load Previous Test Questions button allows you to select a previously created test and load those test questions into the new test you are creating.

1. At the top of the screen, click Load Previous Test Questions.

Create Tests

2. In the pop-up window, select the test to load questions from.

3. Select Load All Questions into Current Section to load all of the test's questions into the section of the new test you have currently open.

4. Click Load.

Create Tests

The questions from the selected test are added to the test layout.

5. Continue setting up the new test as needed.

Sharing Questions

Questions can be shared with all users, district administrators, or specific users. When sharing with specific users, you can choose to share all of your questions or only specific question groups.

1. Click the Sharing Options tab on the left side of the screen.

Create Questions

2. In the Items tab, select a sharing option.

No Sharing - None of your questions are shared.

All Users - All of your questions are shared with administrator and teacher users.

All District Admins - All of your questions are shared with district administrators.  

Custom - Only share some or all of your questions with specific users.

Create Questions

3. When Custom is selected, click Add New to select a user to share with.

Create Questions

4. In the pull-down, select the user to share with.

You can begin typing the user’s name in the Filter box to locate the user in the list.

Create Questions

5. Select Share All Questions to share all of your questions, or select the specific question groups to share.

Create Questions

6. To add an additional user to share with, click Add New and repeat steps 4 and 5.

7. Click Save Settings when finished.

Create Questions
Sharing a Test Draft

Draft tests that you have created can be shared with teachers and staff.

1. Click the Sharing Options tab.

Create Questions

2. Click the Drafts tab.

Any tests you have saved as a draft are listed.

Create Tests

3. Select a sharing option under the desired test.

No Sharing - The test draft is not shared with any user.

All District Admins - The test draft is shared with district administrators.

Custom - Only share the test draft with specific users.

Create Questions

4. When Custom is selected, click Add New to select a user to share with.

Create Questions

5. In the pull-down, select the user to share with.

You can begin typing the user’s name in the Filter box to locate the user in the list.

Create Questions

6. To add an additional user to share with, click Add New and repeat step 5.

7. Click Save Settings when finished.

Create Questions
Sharing a Test

Published tests that you have created can be shared with teachers and staff.

1. Click the Sharing Options tab.

Create Questions

2. Click the Tests tab.

Any tests you have published are listed.

Create Tests

3. Select a sharing option under the desired test.

No Sharing - The test is not shared with any user.

All District Admins - The test is shared with district administrators.

Custom - Only share the test with specific users.

Create Questions

4. When Custom is selected, click Add New to select a user to share with.

Create Questions

5. In the pull-down, select the user to share with.

You can begin typing the user’s name in the Filter box to locate the user in the list.

Create Questions

6. To add an additional user to share with, click Add New and repeat step 5.

7. Click Save Settings when finished.

Create Questions
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