Documentation for Administrators

Master Schedule Report

Updated on

The Master Schedule Report provides a complete overview of the courses and sections that make up the school's master schedule. Edits to course and section fields can be made directly on the report, and the Mass Update feature can be used to make edits to multiple courses and sections. Customized versions of the Master Schedule Report can be created by applying filters and saving that version of the report.

"Invalid" will display after a teacher's name in parentheses if the user either doesn't have an enrollment record with a teacher profile, or they have a teacher profile that wasn't active during the applicable school year. Invalid teachers will be grayed out in the teacher pull-down, and can no longer be selected from the pull-down to assign to a section. Existing invalid teachers assigned to sections will remain selected until changed. "Inactive" will display after the teacher's name in parentheses if the user had an enrollment record with a teacher profile that was active at some point during the year, but isn't active today, or on the last day of the year, if viewing a previous year.

Viewing the Sections Tab

The Sections tab displays section information for the sections set up at your school. Changes to the section information can be made directly on the report.

1. Click the Sections tab if not already opened.

All the sections set up at the school are listed, along with all the section fields.

When viewing the Master Schedule Report for a prior school year, the Effective Date option is displayed in the Sections tab. The Effective Date checks if a student was active or future active as of that date to include them in the filled seats count. Students dropped before the effective date will not be included in the count. This functionality mirrors how filled seats are calculated in the current year.

Master Schedule Report

2. Click the i icon next to the Subject Title, Course #, or Section # to to open the subject, course, or subject information in Courses & Sections in a new tab or window.

3. Click the i icon next to the Teacher to open the teacher's user record in a new tab or window.

4. Make any edits to the sections fields as needed.

The changes are auto-saved.

The Subject Title, Course, Course #, Filled Seats, Filled Seats - Male, Filled Seats - Female, Filled Seats - IEP, Filled Seats - ELL, Available Seats, Total # of Sections, and Total # of Requests fields cannot be edited on the report, along with any section fields set in the Course Catalog. Fields that cannot be edited are grayed out or do not have a dotted underline.

For Florida districts, the Cert/Licensure/Qual Status and the Highly Qualified fields will be grayed out and uneditable if the system preference "Automatically Determine Highly Qualified Status for Class Sections" is enabled.

When the teacher is changed on a section in the Master Schedule Report, a pop-up window displays to log the change. The information entered here will save to the History tab on the section in Courses & Sections.

If your profile does not have the "History Logging Control" profile permission enabled for Courses & Sections, the "Do not log history" option will be hidden.

Deleting Sections

Users with the profile permission "Allow Deleting Sections" for the Master Schedule Report have the ability to delete sections in the upcoming school year. The ability to delete sections is removed once the new school year has begun, according to the start date of the full year marking period in Setup > Marking Periods. Additionally, the system preference "Lock Master Schedule Report deletion as of date" can be used to set a specific cut off date for deleting sections on the Master Schedule Report.

1. Click the Sections tab.

Master Schedule Report

2. Click the red minus sign next to the section you want to delete.

Master Schedule Report

3. In the confirmation message, click Delete.

Master Schedule Report
Viewing the Courses Tab

The Courses tab displays course information for the courses set up at your school. Changes to the course information can be made directly on the report.

1. Click the Courses tab.

All the courses set up at the school are listed, along with all the course fields.

Course numbers surrounded by a red box indicates the value does not match the Course Catalog. This usually occurs when extra digits are appended to the course number. Hover over the course number to view the expected value in a tool-tip.

The Course and Course # fields will display in red text if the course is marked as inactive in the Course Catalog.

2. Click the i icon next to the Subject or Course # to open the subject or course information in Courses & Sections in a new tab or window.

3. Make any edits to the course fields as needed.

A course can easily be switched to a different subject by selecting the Subject in the pull-down. This might be helpful if you have all of the courses in an "All Courses" folder and need to assign them to their subjects.

The changes are auto-saved.

The Title, Course #, Total # of Sections, and Total # of Requests fields cannot be edited on the report, along with any fields set in the Course Catalog. Fields that cannot be edited are grayed out or do not have a dotted underline.

Viewing the Co-Teacher Sections Tab

The Co-Teacher Sections tab displays any sections that have co-teachers. Changes to the co-teacher fields can be made directly on the report.  

1. Click the Co-Teacher Sections tab.

Any sections that have co-teachers defined in the Co-Teachers tab in Courses & Sections are listed, along with all the co-teacher fields.

2. Click the i icon next to the Subject, Course, or Section # to open the course or section information in Courses & Sections in a new tab or window.

3. Click the i icon next to the Primary Teacher or Co-Teacher fields to open the teacher's user record in a new tab or window.

4. Make any edits to the co-teacher fields as needed.

The changes are auto-saved.

The Subject, Course, Course #, Period, and Primary Teacher cannot be edited on the report. Fields that cannot be edited are grayed out or do not have a dotted underline.

For Florida districts, the Cert/Licensure/Qual Status and the Highly Qualified fields will be grayed out and uneditable if the system preference "Automatically Determine Highly Qualified Status for Class Sections" is enabled.

Viewing the Linked Sections Tab

The Linked Sections tab displays any parent/child sections that are set up at the school, such as elementary school homeroom sections that are linked to academic courses and specials, or secondary sections that are linked together like Economics and Government. Only the Take Attendance and Graded fields can be edited on the parent section or linked section on the report.

1. Click the Linked Sections tab.

Any parent/child linked sections set up at the school are displayed.

2. Click the i icon next to the Parent Course, Parent Section, Linked Course, or Linked Section to open the course or section information in Courses & Sections in a new tab or window.

3. Make edits to the Takes Attendance or Graded fields for the parent section or linked sections as needed.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

The changes are auto-saved.

Viewing the Inclusion Sections Tab

The Inclusion Sections tab displays any inclusion sections set up at the school with the setup fields from the Inclusion tab in Courses & Sections. Changes to editable fields can be made directly on the report.  

1. Click the Inclusion Sections tab.

Any inclusion sections set up at the school are displayed.

2. Click the i icon next to the Subject, Course, or Section # to open the subject, course, or section information for the primary section in Courses & Sections in a new tab or window.

To view the inclusion information in Courses & Sections, click the i icon next to the Section # on the Master Schedule Report to open the section information in a new tab or window, and then click the Inclusion tab.

3. Click the i icon next to the Primary Teacher to open the teacher's user record in a new tab or window.

4. Make edits to any of the inclusion section fields as needed.

The changes are auto-saved.

Select the “Inactive” check box to make the inclusion section inactive. An inclusion section can be marked as inactive even if it has been previously scheduled for a student. The existing inclusion schedule record will not be removed from the student. When an inclusion section is made inactive, it will no longer appear in the section menu for the inclusion teacher, it will not be included in state reporting, and the ability to select “Inclusion” on the primary section will no longer be available on the Student Schedule.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

The Subject, Course, Course #, Period, and Primary Teacher cannot be edited on the report.

Expanding Individual Records for Viewing and Editing

Individual records on the Master Schedule Report can be expanded in a pop-up modal for easier viewing and editing.

1. Click the desired tab.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

2. Next to the record you want to view or edit, click the modal icon.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

At the bottom of the window, blue arrow buttons are displayed, allowing cycling through the other records without having to close the modal.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

Any changes made in the modal are saved automatically. To close the modal, click Close, press esc key, or click the dimmed background.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome
Using Toggle Columns and Page Size

The Toggle Columns button is used to customize the columns that are visible on each tab of the report (with the exception of the Linked Sections tab). The Page Size field is used to set how many rows are visible on each page.

1. Click the desired tab.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

2. To customize the columns displayed on the report, click Toggle Columns.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

3. In the Toggle Columns pop-up window, deselect any of the columns you do not want to view in the tab and select any columns you do want to view.

4. When finished, click the X to close the Toggle Columns window.

The report is now customized to only display the selected columns. The report will display as customized by you each time the report is accessed.

5. To customize how many rows of information are displayed on each page of the report, enter the number of rows in the Page Size field and press Enter.

The report is updated to only display the number of rows indicated per page.

Exporting or Printing the Report

Each tab of the report can be exported to Excel or printed.

1. Click the desired tab.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

2. Click the Excel icon next to Export.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

3. Follow your browser's prompts to open or save the file.

4. To print the report, click the Print icon next to Export.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

5. In the print dialog window, select the options to print the report.

Filtering the Report

The Filters feature is used to filter the report based on data in a particular column. Filters are available in each tab of the report.  

1. Click the desired tab.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

2. Click Filter so that it says Filter: ON.

Filters display above the columns that are able to be filtered.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

3. In the filter text box, begin typing the filter criteria.

The report will filter as you type.

4. Click the down arrow to select a filter option.

5. To add an additional filter to a column, click the green plus icon.

6. To remove a filter from a column, click the red minus sign.

7. To remove all filters, click Filter so that it says Filter: OFF.

Saving a Filtered Report

After filtering the report, the report can be given a title and saved. Once saved, the report is available in a pull-down on the Master Schedule Report screen, along with the Default report, and can be re-run as needed. The saved report is also available in the Reports menu under My Reports, and in the Saved Reports screen, where it can be shared with other users if you have permission to publish reports.

1. After filtering the report, click the Save icon.

Your Toggle Columns and Page Size settings will also save to the report.

2. In the pop-up window, enter a Report Name and click Save. Close the pop-up when finished.

The saved report is now available in the pull-down, along with the Default report.

3. If you make additional changes to the saved report, click the up arrow icon to update it.

4. In the pop-up window, modify the Report Name, if desired, and click Save.

5. To delete a saved report, select the report from the pull-down and click the delete icon.

6. In the confirmation message, click OK.

Saved reports are available in the My Reports section of the Reports menu, and on the Saved Reports screen.

From the Saved Reports screen, reports can be shared with specific schools and profiles if you have permission to publish reports.

Mass Updating the Report

The Mass Update feature is used to make updates to course or section information en masse. Only editable fields can be mass updated.

When mass updating the Master Schedule Report, be sure you have filtered the report to only view the items that need to be updated. Even though you can only see one page of the report, this feature mass updates all pages.

1. Click the desired tab.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

2. Click Mass Update.

Master Schedule Report - Google Chrome

3. In the Mass Update pop-up window, select the Column to update.

4. Enter or select the Value.

Depending on the field type, the Value may be a check box, pull-down, or text field.

5. Click Update.

6. The column is updated with the value entered. The fields where the value was changed from the original value are highlighted in yellow.

7. Click Save.

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