The IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) report provides schools with access to the data requested by DOE on enrollment, program completions, graduation rates, and financial aid.
The Enrollment report provides a breakdown of student enrollment counts by level, gender, and race/ethnicity.
1. From the Billing menu, click IPEDS.

2. The Enrollment tab is selected by default.
3. The Date Range defaults to a hardcoded period from July 1 through June 30. Click in the Date Range fields to make modifications, such as setting a specific range for Fall Enrollment or 12-Month Enrollment
4. Click Run.
The first four sections of the report provide a breakdown of students by full/part time enrollment status, gender, and race for the following categories:
- First-Time Certificate Seeking
- Other Certificate Seeking
- Non-Certificate Seeking
- Full-Time Undergraduate Students
Students are categorized in each area using the information entered in the Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Placement Info logging field and Full-Time Student indicator fields located in General Demographics in the individual student record via Students > Student Info.
The next two sections display enrollment by Distance Education Status. Distance Education Status is used to track students who are enrolled in online courses. This is defined by the Distance Learning field on student schedules and the section setup in Scheduling > Courses & Sections.
The report also provides a breakdown of the Age and Gender for Full Time Undergraduate Students, Age and Gender of Part Time Undergraduate Students, Residence of First-time Undergraduate Students, Full-Time - First Time Cohort Retention and Part-Time - First Time Cohort Retention and Total Contact Hour Activity for the year indicated.
5. Click the hyperlinks to view the applicable students in the listed column.
a. The pop-up displays Student ID, First Name, and Last Name of all applicable students. From here, click the Student ID link to open Student Info.

b. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

The Completions report provides a breakdown of Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) numbers by gender and race for the current and prior year. CIP numbers are assigned to the individual programs in Scheduling > Modify Programs.
The Completions report displays students who have an A or V assigned in the Full Program Completer filed on the student schedule. If a student does not meet this criteria, the student will not contibute towards the totals displayed on this report.
The Enrollment report provides a breakdown of student enrollment counts by level, gender, and race/ethnicity.
1. From the Billing menu, click IPEDS.

2. Click the Completions tab.
3. The Date Range defaults to a hardcoded period from July 1 through June 30. Click in the Date Range fields to make modifications, such as setting a specific range for Fall Enrollment or 12-Month Enrollment
4. Click Run.
The Completion report pulls the number of students that have been marked as program completers and combines programs with the same CIP codes.
The report also provides a breakdown of all completers for the current year by gender, race, and age.
5. Click the hyperlinks to view the applicable students in the listed column.

a. The pop-up displays Student ID, First Name, and Last Name of all applicable students. From here, click the Student ID link to open Student Info.

b. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

The Graduation Rate report collects data on the number of students entering the institution as full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students in a particular year (cohort), by race/ethnicity and gender. The report includes the number of students completing their program within 150 percent of normal time for completion.
1. From the Billing menu, click IPEDS.

2. Click the Graduation Rates tab.
3. The Date Range defaults to a hardcoded period from July 1 through June 30. Click in the Date Range fields to make modifications, such as setting a specific range for Fall Enrollment or 12-Month Enrollment
4. Select the Cohort year from the pull-down.
5. Click Run.
The report displays the Graduation Rates including a breakdown by race and gender.
6. Click the hyperlinks to view the applicable students in the listed column.
a. The pop-up displays Student ID, First Name, and Last Name of all applicable students. From here, click the Student ID link to open Student Info.

b. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

The Grad 200 report provides a breakdown of students enrolled in a program for 150% - 200% longer than the time defined by DOE. Focus uses the Total Hours for Program on the Subject setup of Courses & Sections to determine if students fall into these categories.
1. From the Billing menu, click IPEDS.

2. Click the Grad 200 tab.
3. The Date Range defaults to a hardcoded period from July 1 through June 30. Click in the Date Range fields to make modifications, such as setting a specific range for Fall Enrollment or 12-Month Enrollment
4. Click Run.
The report displays.
5. Click the hyperlinks to view the applicable students in the listed column.
a. The pop-up displays Student ID, First Name, and Last Name of all applicable students. From here, click the Student ID to open Student Info.
b. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
The Financial Aid report pulls various groups of students receiving financial assistance at the selected school. These reports are populated using the Financial Assistance fields on the student schedule record and reported in WDIS State Reporting.
1. From the Billing menu, click IPEDS.

2. Click the Financial Aid tab.
3. The Date Range defaults to a hardcoded period from July 1 through June 30. Click in the Date Range fields to make modifications, such as setting a specific range for Fall Enrollment or 12-Month Enrollment
4. Click Run.
The report displays financial aid information per group.
Focus pulls students based on the following:
Undergraduate students include all new and continuing students in the school.
Full time, first-time degree/certificate seeking pulls students marked as full time in the Full Time Student Indicator field and marked as First-Time in the Certificate Seeking field of the Placement logging field.
Federal Work Study, Grants or Scholarships are determined by the Financial Assistance fields defined on student schedule records.
In state or in district is based on the Resident Status field in General Demographics.
5. Click the hyperlinks to view the applicable students in the listed column.

a. The pop-up displays Student ID, First Name, and Last Name of all applicable students. From here, click the Student ID link to open Student Info.
b. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.