The Mass Assign User Profiles screen allows users to facilitate the mass addition of new profiles to groups of users. The Mass Assign User Profiles screen can also be used to assign different profiles to listed users.
In order to assign SIS and/or ERP profiles, you must have permission to SIS Profiles and/or ERP Profiles via Users > Profiles > Permission Type: User Fields. You must also have permission to use the Schools pull-down, Start Date, End Date, and Comment field.
The Mass Assign User Profiles screen allows you to facilitate the mass addition of new profiles to groups of users.
1. In the Users menu, click Mass Assign User Profiles.

2. Conduct a user search.
a. Enter the user(s) name or identification number in the User text box.
b. Click More Search Options to search for groups of users with similar information in any number of user fields and/or user data.
c. To pull users from a User Group, select the applicable group from the corresponding pull-down.
d. Select the Search All Schools check box to search for user at all schools in the district as opposed to searching for users in the school selected.
e. Select the Include Parents check box to include users flagged as parents in the search.
f. Select the Include Inactive Users check box to include users who do not have an active permission enrollment.
g. Click Search.
3. Select the SIS Profiles you want to assign to the user(s). You can select one or more profiles from the pull-down.
As SIS Profiles are selected from the pull-down, the SIS Profiles pull-down automatically populates for each user listed.
4. Select the ERP Profiles you want to assign to the user(s). You can select one or more profiles from the pull-down.
As ERP Profiles are selected from the pull-down, the ERP Profiles pull-down automatically populates for each user listed.
5. Select the Schools at which the profile(s) apply from the provided pull-down. Leave the pull-down blank to make the profiles active at all schools.
As Schools are selected from the pull-down, the Schools pull-down automatically populates for each user listed.
6. Enter a Start Date in the provided text box. This is the date the users can begin using the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s).
When the Start Date is entered in the text box, the Start Date text box automatically populates for each user listed.
7. Enter an End Date in the provided text box if the selected profiles should only be available to the user(s) over a specified period of time. In the example displayed, the profiles are being assigned throughout the month of August until August 31st where the school needs assistance in data entry.
When the End Date is entered in the text box, the End Date text box automatically populates for each user listed.
The End Date field should be complete when user(s) becomes inactive and no longer have access to the system. Otherwise, the user(s) will still have access to the selected profile(s) and school(s).
8. Enter a Comment in the text box, if applicable.
When a Comment is entered, the Comment text box automatically populates for each user listed.
9. Make any necessary edits to the individual user information.
10. Select the check box(es) for the users who should be assigned the profiles.
Select the check box in the header to select all listed users at once.

11. Click Save.
Profile permissions have now saved and are added via Users > User Info > Permissions tab.
The Mass Assign User Profiles screen can be used to assign different profiles to listed users.
1. In the Users menu, click Mass Assign User Profiles.

2. Conduct a user search.
a. Enter the user(s) name or identification number in the User text box.
b. Click More Search Options to search for groups of users with similar information in any number of user fields and/or user data.
c. Select the Search All Schools check box to search for user at all schools in the district as opposed to searching for users in the school selected.
d. Select the Include Parents check box to include users flagged as parents in the search.
e. Select the Include Inactive Users check box to include users who do not have an active permission enrollment.
f. Click Search.
3. Select the SIS Profiles and/or ERP Profiles you want to assign to the user. You can select one or more profiles from the pull-down.

4. Select the Schools at which the profile(s) apply from the provided pull-down. Leave the pull-down blank to make the profiles active at all schools.
5. Enter a Start Date in the provided text box. This is the date the user can begin using the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s).
6. Enter an End Date in the provided text box if the selected profiles should only be available to the user over a specified period of time. In the example displayed, the profiles are being assigned throughout the months of August and September where the school needs assistance Activities and AP Clerk.
The End Date field should be complete when the user becomes inactive and no longer has access to the system. Otherwise, the user will still have access to the selected profile(s) and school(s).
7. Enter a Comment in the text box, if applicable.
8. Repeat the previous steps for all applicable listed users.
9. Select the user check box(es) to determine which changes should be applied. If the check box for the user is not selected, the changes selected/entered will not save.

10. Click Save.
Profile permissions have now saved and are added via Users > User Info > Permissions tab.
Use the Filter text box located at the top of the pull-down for a quick search. Begin typing the name of the desired field.

a. Select the Exact check box to filter data to match exactly what you type into the Filter text box.

Click Check all to quickly select all displayed options. Click Clear to clear all selections made.

Click the floppy disk icon to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
If looking for specific information housed within the selected tab, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.
To make the report full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.