Documentation for Administrators

User Info: Communication

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The User Info Communication reports contains the following reports:

User: The Communication User Report displays all communications directly to and from a select user.

District: The Communication District Report displays communications at the district level that are relevant to the selected user.

Communication User Report

The Communication User Report displays all communications directly to and from a select user.

1. In the Users menu, click User Info.

User Info

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the user and click Search.

User Info

3. In the search results, click the user's name.

User Info

4. Click the Communication tab.

User Info

5. The screen defaults to the User report.


6. To generate the report to display data over a specific time frame, enter a Start Date and End Date in he provided text boxes. Then, click Search.


The User report displays the Sent Time, Type of message, School, Message, who sent the message in the From column, who received the message in the To column, the Subject, if the message was sent Secure, and if the message was Flagged.


The Flagged message check mark displays if the message was flagged from the Communication screen by a teacher or administrator.


7. Click the From name to view User Info or Student Info.


8. Click To to view all recipients' information in a pop-up window; this is helpful when there are multiple recipients so you can view each recipients that received the message.

The Recipients pop-up window displays Last Update, Status, Type, Name, Destination, Regarding Student, Message, Expiration, and Error.


a. Click the Name to view User Info.

b. Click the Regarding Student to open Student Info.

c. Click the Message to view the entire message in a message content pop-up window.

i. Click the white X to close the message content pop-up window.

Communication Reports

d. Click the modal icon to view the row of data in a pop-up.


i. Click the arrows to navigate to the previous and next entries in the table.

ii. Click Close to close the pop-up window.


e. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.


9a. Click the Message to view the entire message in a message content pop-up window.


a. Click the white X to close the message content pop-up window.


9b. Click Play Audio to listen to the Phone Call sent out.


The message starts playing automatically.

a. Click Pause and Play to start and stop the message.

b. Click the Volume button to change the level of the volume.

c. Click the three dots for additional options, including Download to download the message to your computer and Playback speed, which allows you to alter to speed at which the message is played.

d. Click the white X to close the Message Audio pop-up window.

Communication Reports

9c. Upon clicking the Message for Polls, the details of the poll display including the questions and responses in a bar graph or pie chart as well as the Closing date and time. Responses are also displayed by Name and Response.

a. Click the arrows to view other questions in the poll.

b. Click the Bar Graph or Pie Chart icon to observe results presented in alternative visual formats.

c. Hover over the bars or pie pieces for percentage details.

d. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

See Polls for details.

9d. Upon clicking the Message for Sign Up sheets, the details of the sign up display including the questions and responses as well as the Closing date and time. Responses are also displayed by Name and Response.

Communication Reports

a. Click the arrows to view other questions in the sign up sheet.

b. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

See Sign Ups for details.

Communication District Report

The Communication District Report displays communications at the district level that are relevant to the selected user. This report contains messages that were generated utilizing the Send as District feature in Communication.

1. In the Users menu, click User Info.

User Info

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the user and click Search.

User Info

3. In the search results, click the user's name.

User Info

4. Click the Communication tab.

User Info

5. Click the District tab.


6. To generate the report to display data over a specific time frame, enter a Start Date and End Date in he provided text boxes. Then, click Search.

The District report displays the Sent Time, Type of message, From, School, Subject, and Message.


7a. Click the Message to view the entire message in a message content pop-up window.

a. Click the white X to close the message content pop-up window.


7b. Upon clicking the Message for Polls, the details of the poll display including the questions and responses in a bar graph or pie chart as well as the Closing date and time. Responses are also displayed by Name and Response.


a. Click the arrows to view other questions in the poll.

b. Click the Bar Graph or Pie Chart icon to observe results presented in alternative visual formats.

c. Hover over the bars or pie pieces for percentage details.

d. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

See Polls for details.

7c. Upon clicking the Message for Sign Up sheets, the details of the sign up display including the questions and responses as well as the Closing date and time. Responses are also displayed by Name and Response.

a. Click the arrows to view other questions in the sign up sheet.

b. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

See Sign Ups for details.

8. Click the modal icon to view the row of data in a pop-up.


a. Click the arrows to navigate to the previous and next entries in the table.

b. Click Close to close the pop-up window.

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