Documentation for Administrators

Audit Trail

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The students Audit Trail allows users to search per student for any changes made to the Student record, Enrollment record, Grades, Address records, Attendance records, Contacts, School Choice record, and Legacy data.

Setting Search Criteria

1. To view details about all changes made to a student's record, from the Students menu, click Audit Trail.

2. Select the Student in question from the corresponding pull-down.

Audit Trail

The Students that populate here are based on the school that you are logged into. To change the school, select the school pull-down located in the header--this is only an option for you if you have access to multiple schools.

3. You can conduct a search solely by Student. However, if you want to search by student and the Editing User, select the user from the corresponding pull-down.

Audit Trail

4. You also have the option to search by a time frame using the From Date and/or To Date fields. Note: You do not have to enter a time frame; however, it will help limit and pull data, which can be extensive.

Audit Trail

The information displayed in the Audit Trail is limited to year to date.

Example of Search Combinations

In the search example shown, a Student and an Editing User have been selected. The From Date and To Date fileds have not been utilized.

Audit Trail

In the example shown, a Student has been selected and a starting date (From Date) has been entered.

Audit Trail

In the example shown, a Student has been selected, and a time frame has been defined (From Date and To Date).

Audit Trail

In the example shown, an Editing User has been selected and a To Date has been entered.

Audit Trail
Audit Trail Results

Each of the tabs requires specific permission via Users > Profiles > Students tab. For example, to view student record changes, you must have permission to the Student tab.


Click the Student tab for changes made to the Student record, such as Middle Name, 504 Entry Plan Date, etc.

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the Student's name, the IP address of the device (computer) used to make the change, the Form and/or Log Table affected, the Action made, such as UPDATE, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After.


Click the Enrollment tab to display changes made to the Enrollment record, such as grade changes, withdrawals, etc.

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the Student's name, the IP address of the device (computer) used to make the change, the School, the School Year, the Start Date, the Action made, such as UPDATE, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Action).

Audit Trail

Report Card Grades

Click the Report Card Grades tab to display changes made to the student's report card grades, such as grade changes, posted grades, etc.

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the Student's name, the IP address of the device (computer) used to make the change, the School, the School Year, the Marking Period, the Course Number, the Action made, such as UPDATE, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Action).

Audit Trail


Click the Address tab to display changes made to the student's address record, such as Street Name, etc.

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the Student's name, the IP address of the device (computer) used to make the change, the original Address, the Type, the Action made, such as UPDATE, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Action).


Click the Contacts tab to display changes made to the student's contacts records, such as phone numbers, etc.

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the Student's name, the IP address of the device (computer) used to make the change, the Contact's name, the Type, the Action made, such as DELETE, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Action).

Audit Trail


Click the Referrals tab to display changes to students' referral records including referral logging fields, including Reviewed by Admin, Time Of Day Incident Occurred, Location, etc.

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the Student's name, the IP address of the device (computer) used to make the change, the Referral ID number, the School, the School Year, Entry Date, the Action made, such as UPDATE, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Action).


Click the Attendance tab to display records that were updated by administrative users, as well as teachers.

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Date the change was made, the Editing User who made the change, the Student's name, the IP address of the device (computer) used to make the change, the School associated with the period attendance change, the Attendance Date in question, the Period impacted, the Teacher of the period changed, the Action made, such as UPDATE, and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Action).

Audit Trail

School Choice

Click the School Choice tab to display submissions or changes to school choice records made from the School Choice Application, Magnet Application, Special Placement Application, Magnet/Special Assignment, School Choice Reports, and/or Run Lottery screens.

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Date the change was made, the IP address of the device (computer) used to make the change, the Editor who made the change, the Student's name, the Program, the App Type, the Operation (Update, Insert, etc.), and the Changes made, which includes a Before and After.

The Audit Trail also displays added or deleted logging fields as INSERT or DELETE (Operation).


1. Click the Legacy tab to display other changes made to student data that was imported.

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the Data Affected, the student's Photo, the Student's name, the Student ID, student's Grade level, the user who changed data (User Changed), the Changed Date, the Record Details, and the Description of the change made.

2. Once a search has been conducted, several new filters will appear, such as an additional Report Timeframe. Use the date pull-downs or calendar icon to set new dates.

Audit Trail

3. You can also select to Filter by Data Element from the corresponding pull-down, such as Student Demographics, etc.

4. Click Update.

5. Click on the gray arrow for additional information and the related query.

Audit Trail


Click the Viewed tab to display student fields viewed by the selected user(s).

Audit Trail

As part of the Audit Trail you will see the name of the Viewing User, the corresponding students’ Student ID, the Date and time of viewing, as well as the Fields Viewed.

Additional Features

Use the Filter text box located at the top of each pull-down for a quick search. Begin typing the name of the student.

Audit Trail

a. Select the Exact check box to display results that have an exact match only and hide partial matches to the entered text.

Audit Trail

Use the Check all and Clear links for quick selections. In the example shown, data will be pulled for all students listed at the selected school.

Audit Trail

Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet. Note: This feature is only available on the Legacy tab.

Audit Trail

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen. Note: This feature is only available on the Legacy tab.

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter. Note: This feature is only available on the Legacy tab.

Audit Trail

Click the Filter button to add Filter Rules to the student results. Note: This feature is only available on the Legacy tab.

Start by adding one rule, such as Student Contains abel, as shown in the image. The first pull-down is the listed columns. The second pull-down is the rule, such as contains, equal, starts with, etc. Then enter the information you would like to filter by in the text box.

Audit Trail

a. Notice that you can also click the Add Rule link to add an additional filter.

b. You can clear the filter by clicking the Clear Rules link.

c. To remove just one rule/filter, click Remove next to each listed filter.

d. If applying more than one filter rule, select AND or OR from the pull-down to determine how the filters will be applied.

Click any of the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Audit Trail

If the resulting data contains multiple page of information, the Prev and Next buttons displays along with page numbers. Click Prev to go to the previous page and click Next to go to the next page.

You can also type a page number in the Page text box and press Enter to jump to the specified page.

Audit Trail

Click Excel icon in the Export section to download the data to an Excel spreadsheet on your computer.

Audit Trail

Click the Printer icon in the Export section to print the data.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.

Audit Trail

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information see Filters.

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