Documentation for Administrators

Print Statements

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The Print Statements screen is used to print billing statements for fees owed by the student.

Printing Statements

1. In the Billing menu, click Print Statements.

Print Statements - Google Chrome

2. On the left side of the screen, enter search criteria to locate the student or group of students for which to print statements.

At the bottom of the screen, there are additional search options.

Print Statements - Google Chrome

3. On the right side of the screen, select the Report Timeframe using the pull-downs or calendar icons.

Print Statements - Google Chrome

4. To print statements for a specific school, select the school. To print district fees, click the district option at the top of the list.

Print Statements - Google Chrome

5. To print statements for a particular category, click the category.

Print Statements - Google Chrome

6. Select Print Multiple Copies for Custodial Contacts at Separate Addresses to print multiple copies of the statement if the student has custodial contacts who live at separate addresses.

7. To print the statements on a letterhead, select the Letterhead Template.

8. Click Continue...

Print Statements - Google Chrome

9. Select the check box next to each student to print, or select the check box in the column header to select all students in the list.

Print Statements - Google Chrome

10. Click Preview to generate a print preview, or click Print to generate a PDF that can be saved to your computer or printed.

Print Statements - Google Chrome
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