Documentation for Administrators

Teacher Schedules Report

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The Teacher Schedules Report displays a list of teachers and their scheduled sections for each period of the school day. The report can be used to make changes to a teacher's schedule directly on the report. The Teacher Schedules Report can also be used for packaging sections.

Viewing the Teacher Schedules Report

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Teacher Schedules Report.

The teachers are listed in the first column of the report, and the sections assigned to each teacher are listed in the Period columns across the report. The number next to a section indicates the number of students scheduled into the section. If there is more than one section scheduled into a period for a teacher, the sections are displayed in red when Highlight on Double Scheduled is selected from the Show pull-down. Click the teacher's name to open their record in User Info.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

Above the report, the percentage of teachers fully scheduled is displayed, which will update when sections are dragged and dropped on the report.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

When using the Planning Periods feature, planning periods, department planning periods, duty periods, and unavailable periods will be represented with a gray block.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Owl Breeze High School

If a planning period, department planning period, duty period, or unavailable period was assigned during the same period as a scheduled section for the teacher, the section will display within the gray block on the Teacher Schedules Report.

Teacher Schedules Report 2024-24 Windy High School

2. Click the Show pull-down to display different information in the report. You can select as many items as needed. Click Apply to display the selected options in the report.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

a. Select Room Numbers to display the room number the section is assigned on the report.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

b. Select Co-Teachers to display the sections the teacher is a co-teacher for on the report.

Co-teacher sections cannot be dragged and dropped to a different period or teacher. Changes must be made in Courses & Sections.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Owl Breeze High School

c. Select Course/Section Numbers to display the course number and the section short name on the report.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

d. Select Terms to display both Semester 1 and Semester 2 classes on the report.

If Terms is not selected to display, only classes scheduled into the term selected at the top-right corner of the screen will display on the report.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

e. If rotation days are enabled at your school, select Rotation Days to view the rotation days each section meets on the report.

f. Select Total Seats to display the total number of seats set for the section in Courses & Sections on the report. The number of students enrolled in the section will display as the numerator, and the total number of seats will display as the denominator.

Teacher Schedules Report 2024-24 Focus High School - 0041

g. Select Total number of students for the entire period to display the total number of students for each period at the bottom of the table, based on the content displayed in the report. For example, if you have the report filtered by subject to only display English sections, the period totals will only include those English sections.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

h. Select Totals to display the total number of students scheduled in each period as well as the total number of students in all of the teacher's sections (the Total Students column displays on the right side of the report).

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

i. Select Highlight on Double Scheduled to highlight periods that have more than once section scheduled for a teacher in red.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

j. Select All Teacher Sections (when filtered by subject) to display all of a teacher's sections when filtering the report by subject.

For example, when "Exceptional Student" is selected in the Filter by Subject pull-down, all of the Exceptional Student sections display on the report. Selecting "All Teacher Sections (when filtered by subject)" and applying it to the report displays the additional sections for those teachers that are not Exceptional Student sections.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

k. Select Limit to Singletons to display all of the sections that are singletons (only one section of the course is offered).

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

l. Select Limit to Doubletons to display all of the sections that are doubletons (only two sections of the course are offered).

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

The options selected from the Show pull-down are remembered and pre-loaded when you return to the Teacher Schedules Report screen.

3. For schools using a rotation schedule, select the Rotation Days to view only the selected rotation day on the report. Click Apply to update the report.

4. To assign rotation days to a section, select one or multiple rotation days from the pull-down.

5. To filter the report by subject, select the subject in the Filter by Subject pull-down. Once the subject is selected, click Apply to update the report.

The report is refreshed and displays teacher schedules for the selected subject.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

6. To filter the report by course, select the course in the By Course(s) pull-down. One or multiple courses can be selected. Once the courses are selected, click Apply to update the report.

The report is refreshed and displays teachers who have schedules including the selected course.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Windy High School

The report can also be filtered by using either of the filter options, whichever method you prefer. The first Filter button allows you to add one or multiple filter rules to filter the report. The second Filters button allows you to filter on each column of the report, just as when using the Filters functionality on data tables throughout Focus.

7. To send a message to a group of teachers via the Communication module, set your report filters as desired and click Message.

In this example, the report is filtered by subject to only display English Language Arts teachers.  

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Owl Breeze High School

The Communication screen is displayed with a message opened. The teachers included on the Teacher Schedules Report according to your report filters will be automatically selected as the recipients. Construct and send your message as desired.


8. To customize the columns that display on the report, click Customize Columns.

9. In the pop-up window, click the columns to hide on the report.

The hidden columns are struck out.

10. Click Save.

11. Click on a section to view the section information in the Courses & Sections screen, opened in a new tab. Edits can be made to the section information as needed.

Teacher Schedules Report 2022-22 Owl HS
Moving Sections to a Different Period or Teacher

Sections can be moved to a different period or teacher by clicking and dragging the blue cross next to the section on the report. Sections should only be moved prior to building packages or scheduling students. If a section is moved to a different period or teacher after you have run the Scheduler, you will need to re-run the Scheduler in order to re-distribute the students. Co-teacher sections cannot be moved to a different period or teacher by dragging and dropping. Changes to co-teacher sections must be made in Courses & Sections.

The system preference "Lock Dragging on Teacher Schedules Report as of date" in Setup > System Preferences > Scheduling tab is used to prevent moving sections on the Teacher Schedules Report as of the defined date. You will not be able to move sections on the report on or after the date.

Click the blue cross next to the section and drag the section to a different period or teacher. In this example, the section was moved from period 3 to period 4 for the same teacher.

Teacher Schedules Report 2024-24 Owl Breeze High School

Moving the section will update the teacher and period on the section.

When multiple sections are changed from one teacher to another, any assignments that were linked to multiple sections remain linked.

Packaging Sections from the Teacher Schedules Report

Sections are packaged for the purpose of linking the sections together for scheduling. This is most often used in elementary scheduling when sections for language arts, math, science, art, music, etc. are packaged together with the homeroom section as the parent section. This can also be done at the secondary level to link two sections together, such as Economics semester 1 section with Government semester 2 section. When scheduling students, students scheduled into the parent section will automatically be scheduled into the linked child sections.

Sections can also be packaged together on the Create Packages or the Courses & Sections screen.

1. Locate the teacher to create a package for on the Teacher Schedules Report.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Focus Elementary School - 0311

2. Click the first "child" section.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Focus Elementary School - 0311

3. In the Courses & Sections tab, click the Choose link the Parent Section field.

Courses & Sections

4. In the pop-up window, click the subject, course, and the homeroom "parent" section.

Courses & Sections

The selected section will display in the Parent Section field in the Courses & Sections tab.

5. Click Save, and then close the tab.

Courses & Sections

6. Repeat this process for the rest of the child sections.

Saving the Teacher Schedules Report

The Teacher Schedules Report can be saved with the filters and parameters you have set so that the report can be run again at a later time with these settings intact. The saved report is available in the Reports menu under My Reports and in Reports > Saved Reports.

1. At the bottom of the screen, click Create Report.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Owl Breeze High School

2. Enter the Report Title and click OK.

The Saved Reports screen is displayed, with the report displayed in the My Reports list. From here, you can run the report, edit the report title, select profiles and schools to share the report with, and delete the report.

Saved Reports
Printing and Exporting the Teacher Schedules Report

1. To export the report to Excel, click the Export icon above the table.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Focus Elementary School - 0311

The report is downloaded to your computer.

2. To print the report, click the Printer icon above the table.

Teacher Schedules Report 2023-23 Focus Elementary School - 0311

Follow your printer's prompts to print the report.

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