The Gradebook Grades screen allows administrators to review a student's average gradebook grade for each course, as well review the gradebook grades for individual assignments for each course.
1. In the Grades menu, click Gradebook Grades.

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.
For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
3. In the search results, click the appropriate student.
Each of the student's active courses are listed, along with the average gradebook grade for each course for the marking period selected at the top-right of the screen.
Click the Teacher link to open the teacher's record in User Info.
4. To view inactive courses, select Include Inactive Courses at the top of the screen.
5. To view courses from other enrolled schools, select Include Courses from Other Schools at the top of the screen.
6. Select the Print All Classes check box to make all of the gradebooks available for viewing and printing. Once selected, the screen will expand to show all assignments for all gradebooks for printing.
a. To print, click Print located in the footer. You also have the option of clicking the Print arrow to select a specific letter head (if applicable).
b. Clicking Print will generate a PDF print preview. From this screen you have several options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), save as a bookmark (Bookmarks icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign).
7. To view the assignments and grades for a specific course, select the course in the pull-down.
You can also click the Course link to view the assignments and grades for the course.
The assignments from the course are listed, along with the grade and other gradebook data.
7. To return to the summary screen, select Please Select a Course from the course pull-down.
8. To quickly search for and view the gradebook(s) of another student, you can type the name or partial name of the student in the Search... text box and press the Enter key.
9. To navigate to the next or previous student in the original resulting student search, click the right and left blue arrows. If only one arrow displays, you are either at the beginning or the end of the student list.