The Waitlist screen allows administrative users to monitor the waitlist for courses at their school, allows users to add students to the waitlist, remove a student’s request to be on the waitlist, and restore a student to the waitlist when necessary.
1. In the Users menu, click Profiles.

2. Click the Scheduling tab. The Waitlist permissions display.
3. Waitlist: Select the View check box to allow users assigned to the selected profile to only view the waitlist but not edit the waitlist. Select the View and Edit check boxes to allow users assigned to the selected profile to view and edit the waitlist.
4. Allow User to Override Prerequisites: Select the Edit check box to allow students to be added to the waitlist even if they haven’t taken the prerequisites for the course established via Scheduling > Courses & Sections at the Course level.
5. Allow User to Send Email and Allow User to Send SMS: Select the Edit check box to allow users assigned to the selected profile to send emails and/or SMS pertaining to the Waitlist.
6. Edit Removal Reasons: Select the Edit check box to allow users assigned to the selected profile to add and edit custom Removal Reasons from the Edit Custom Removal Reasons pop-up window.
Through the Focus Student Portal, students can remove themselves from the waitlist for a course with the Allow student to remove waitlist request via Users > Profiles > Permission Type: Menu > Role: Student > My Information tab. From here, you can also give students permission to view and edit the Class Waitlist.

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Student Schedule.

2. Add a full section to a student's schedule via + Add a Section or Search for a section to add.
If the section is full, a note displays in the Confirm section explaining: That section is already full. You can add the student to your schools' waitlist!
3. Click Add to Waitlist to add the student to the waitlist for the section.
4. Click OK to add the section to the student's schedule regardless. Click Cancel to ensure the section is no longer added and the student is not added to the waitlist.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Waitlist.

2. Select the Student to be added to the Waitlist from the corresponding pull-down.
Select the Include Prior Year Students check box to select inactive students from the Student pull-down for the selected school.
3. Select the applicable School from the corresponding pull-down.
4. Select the applicable Course from the corresponding pull-down.
5. The Active check box is selected by default. Clear the selected check box to make the waitlist entry inactive. You can clear the Active check box and select the check box at a later date to make the entry active, if applicable.
6. If you are adding an inactive entry (Active check box is not selected), you must select a Removal Reason from the pull-down to explain why the entry is inactive; some options include Wait is too long, Found a job, Decided on a different career field, etc.
7. Press the Enter key to save the student to the waitlist.
Once saved, the line turns blue, the delete button (red minus sign), and Message button display.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Waitlist.

2. Select the Include Inactive Waitlist Requests check box to view waitlist entires that were made or added as inactive; i.e. where the Active check box is not selected.
3. Select the Only Openings check box to view students on the waitlist that can now be placed in the couse for which they are waiting.
4. Select the Include Prior Year Students check box to view all previous year inactive student entries for the selected school.
5. Select the Show All Schools check box to display students enrolled at all schools, not just the school selected from the school pull-down located in the header.
6. Enter a Start Date and an End Date to display students added to the waitlist in the established timeframe.
The Waitlist displays the Student name, Student ID number, DOB, Phone number, Email address, waitlisted School, waitlisted Course, Rank #, Waitlisted Date, Open Seats, Active status, the Removal Reason, and the Last Message Date (if a message was sent regarding the student's waitlist status).
The Rank # is defined based on the order in which students are added to the waitlist for a course.
7. Click the Student ID number link to open the Student Schedule.
8. Click the Open Seats link to open Course details in Courses & Sections.
A Portal alert displays if any seats are open on the waitlist.

Navigate to Setup > Rollover to roll Waitlist Requests into the next school year.

Navigate to Setup > Scheduled Jobs to create a scheduled job called Remove Scheduled Students from Waitlist, which removes students from the Waitlist when scheduled into the class for which the students were waitlisted.

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Waitlist.

2. Locate the applicable student, and click Message.
3. Before sending a waitlist message, you must create a Waitlist letter via Students > Print Letters & Send Email or a Waitlist Template via Students > Communication > Templates and select Waitlist from the Attach to Tab pull-down.
Shown below is an example of a waitlist letter, which includes waitlist fields found via Insert A Field > Schedule > Waitlist Fields.
All applicable created letters display in the template pull-down in the Message pop-up window of the Waitlist screen.

4. Select the applicable template/letter from the pull-down.
5. Click Send Message.
6. Once the message is sent, a confirmation message displays. Click Done to close the pop-up window.

7. You can make another selection and send the message another way or click the red X to close the window.

Once a message is sent, the Last Message Date column populates with the date of the message. The column will update automatically every time a new message is sent to the student/parent.
You can review your sent messages in your Sent folder in Communication.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Waitlist.

2. To delete a student from the waitlist that was added by mistake, click the delete button (red minus sign).
3. To remove a student from the waitlist or to make them inactive, clear the Active check box and select the Removal Reason from the pull-down.
Changes save automatically.

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Waitlist.

2. Click the Edit icon located in the Removal Reason field.
3. To add a new custom Removal Reason, enter the reason in the top row.
4. Press the Enter key to save the removal reason.
5. Click the Removal Reason field to edit the reason. Changes save automatically.

6. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a removal reason.

7. Click Done when finished to close the pop-up window. You can also click the X close the close the window.
Once saved, the custom reasons display in the Removal Reason pull-down, along with default system options.

Click the Excel icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet, which will be downloaded to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the listed data.

Click Filter to filter data in the displayed columns.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click the red minus sign.
c. Click the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information, see Filters.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.