The Invalid Address Report verifies that students addresses is within the district, and/or the school zone where students are enrolled.
To use this report, your district must have the Address Catalog setup. The system preference, Use the Address Catalog for address validation, must be enabled as well via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Enrollment tab).
Recently, secondary schools have been removed from the search criteria to ensure that only primary schools are considered in the Zoning Issues report.
1. In the Students menu, click Invalid Address Report.

The Invalid Address Report screen displays a Confirmation window: This report will pull all students and all addresses. This operation may take several minutes.
2. Before running the report, you have the option to Include students from all schools by selecting the corresponding check box. If you do not select the check box, data will pull from the selected school (determined by the school selected from the pull-down located in the header).

3. To continue running the report and check student addresses, click OK.
You also have the option to Cancel and return to the Portal page.

Once the report runs, two tabs display: Invalid Addresses and Zoning Issues.
The Invalid Address Report defaults to the Invalid Addresses tab, which displays the student's Full Name, the Student ID, the School, the Street Address, the City, State, the Zip Code, the student's Grade level, and the Educational Choice (if applicable).
4. For more detailed information about a specific student, click the student's name in the Full Name column. Clicking the student's name here opens the Student Info screen where you can review the student's address and make applicable updates.

a. From the Student Info screen, click the Addresses & Contacts tab to review and edit data.
5. Click the Zoning Issues tab to display students' whose address is within the catalog but does not match the zoned school in address catalog as per the students' enrollment record.
The Zoning Issues tab displays the student's Full Name, Student ID, Street Address, City, Zip Code, Grade level, Educational Choice, Current School, and the student's Zoned Elementary school, Zoned Middle School, or Zoned High School.
6. For more detailed information about a specific student, click the student's name in the Full Name column. Clicking the student's name here opens the Student Info screen where you can review the student's address and make required updates.
a. From the Student Info screen, click the Addresses & Contacts tab to review and edit data.
Click the Prev and Next buttons to navigate to different pages in the report. Enter the Page number in the provided text box and press Enter to jump to the identified page.

To export the listed information to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print any of the listed information, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Click Filters to further breakdown the report when looking for data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information see Filters.
The report can also be sorted by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.