Documentation for Administrators

Print Absence Summary

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The Print Absence Summary feature enables administrators to print the data generated in the Absence Summary Report to be distributed as letters or as emails.

Student Search

1. From the Attendance menu, click Print Absence Summary.

2. If searching for specific students by name or student number, enter the information in the Student text box.

Print Absence Summary

To generate the Print Absence Summary report for all students, leave the Student text box empty.

3. For a more advanced search and the ability to define a specific subset of students, click More Search Options. In the example shown, Grade 09 has been selected; therefore, the Print Absence Summary will be generated only for students in 9th grade.

4. Select the Letterhead Template from the provided pull-down. The letterhead selected will be the template displayed for all absence summaries printed. Note: Templates must first be created via Setup > Letterhead Templates.

5. Select the Include Summary & Totals check box to display absence summaries and totals on the report.

Print Absence Summary

6. You have the ability to select a Student Group from the provided pull-down. Note: Student groups must be set up beforehand in order to use this functionality via Students > Student Groups.

7. Select the Search All Schools check box to pull students from all schools in the district.

Print Absence Summary

8. Select the check box to Include Inactive Students. Selecting to Include Inactive Students will display two other options as well: Include Previous Years Inactive Students and Use Most Recent Enrollment; select the corresponding check box to determine the records pulled into the search.

Print Absence Summary

9. Click Continue.

Print Absence Summary

See Searching for Students for more information on conducting a student search.

Printing the Absence Summary

Clicking Continue on the last screen will navigate to a new Print Absence Summary screen where you can choose to preview, print, or email absence summaries to selected students/contacts.

Print Absence Summary

1. Before printing and/or emailing the absence summaries, you can further filter the data be setting a Report Timeframe. Select a month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs or click the calendar icon to select a date.

Print Absence Summary

2. Select how you would like absence summaries to be distributed; options include: Print absence summary (For each student) or Email absence summary (To each student or To each Custodial Contact).

Print Absence Summary

3. To print an absence summary for each student, be sure to first select Print absence summary: For each student.

4. Select the students for whom you need absence summaries by selecting the check box next to each student. As students are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of students pulled originally.

Print Absence Summary

If you want to print absence summaries for all students displayed, select the check box in the header.

Print Absence Summary

If Protected students are listed, and you do not have permission to View Protected Students (Users > Profiles), you will not be able to select the students for printing. For information on setting up Protected students, see Student Fields: Protected Student.

5. Once the students have been selected, you can click Preview to review absence summaries or Print. It is recommended to Print and review the generated absence summaries via the PDF print preview.

Print Absence Summary

6. If Preview is clicked, you can preview absence summaries then click Return to Focus to go back to the Print Absence Summary screen. Note: All absence summaries will look different depending on the letterhead template selected.

Print Absence Summary

The previewed or printed summary only displays a legend of codes that apply to the selected student.

The colors set for each attendance code via Attendance Setup > Codes tab > Attendance tab displays as customized by the district, as shown in the image above.

7. Clicking Print generates all of the selected students' absence summaries in a print preview screen. Click the Printer icon to print. Click the download arrow to download the document to your computer as a PDF.

a. When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the Print Absence Summary screen.

Print Absence Summary
Emailing the Absence Summary

Clicking Continue on the last screen navigates to a new Print Absence Summary screen where you can choose to preview, print, or email absence summaries to selected students/contacts.

1. Before printing and/or emailing the absence summaries, you can further filter the data be setting a Report Timeframe. Select a month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs or click the calendar icon to select a date.

2. Select how you would like absence summaries to be distributed; options include: Print absence summary (For each student) or Email absence summary (To each student or To each Custodial Contact).

3. To email absence summaries first select to whom you'd like to email them: To each student or To each Custodial Contact.

Print Absence Summary

4. The Email Subject defaults to Absence Summary - (Current Date). However, the subject can be edited by clicking in the text box.

5. To send the absence summaries to other email addresses besides the emails linked to the selected students' records, type the email(s) in the CC text box. Separate each email address with a semi-colon.

6. The check box for Send a Copy to Myself (user email) defaults to selected; clear the selection here if you do not want to receive a copy.

7. In addition to emailing the absence summaries to the student or custodial contact, you can also attach other files to send with the summary, such as a school letter or memo. You can attach up to 5 files. To select a file, click Choose File. To delete an attachment, click remove. To add another attachment/file, click Attach another file. You will be notified as to how many more files can be attached.

Print Absence Summary

8. Select the students for whom you need absence summaries by selecting the check box next to each student. As students are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of students pulled originally.

Print Absence Summary

If you want to print absence summaries for all students displayed, select the check box in the header.

Print Absence Summary

9. Once the students have been selected, you can click Preview to review absence summaries or click Send Emails. It is recommended to Preview before emailing to be sure all required information has been included and that the correct letterhead template has been selected.

Print Absence Summary

If the student or the students custodial contact does not have an email set up, you will receive an Error that no email was entered and the message was not delivered.

10. Preview absence summary then click Return to Focus to go back to the Print Absence Summary screen. Note: All summaries will look different depending on the letterhead template selected.

Print Absence Summary

The colors set for each attendance code via Attendance Setup > Codes tab > Attendance tab displays as customized by the district, as shown in the image above.

11. Click Send Emails to send absence summaries to selected students or the students' custodial contacts. Once the email has been sent, you will receive a message saying Absence Summary reports were emailed to the selected students. You will also be taken back to the main Print Absence Summary screen where you can conduct a new search, etc.

Print Absence Summary

The email addresses used for custodial contacts can be found via Student Info > Addresses & Contacts. If a parent uses a different email via the Parent Portal, it will not register here.

Additional Features

Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Print Absence Summary

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Print Absence Summary

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

Print Absence Summary

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Print Absence Summary
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