Documentation for Administrators

Create Adaptive Test

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Adaptive tests assess each student’s cognitive complexity scores at the standard level. These tests are only for diagnostic purposes; the student will not receive a grade. Adaptive tests are only available online, and students will see this like a normal test. Although it appears the same, an adaptive test is unique because of its progression characteristics:

  • Within each standard, the adaptive test begins with three questions at a cognitive complexity of level 1.
  • If the student answers at least two questions correctly within level 1, the adaptive test moves to level 2, and so on.
  • If the student cannot answer at least two questions correctly within a level, they will not be tested at any higher levels within that standard, and test will move on to the next standard.

Adaptive tests allow users to select standards, not questions, to create tests. Students work through the test, which has been arranged by cognitive complexity, only progressing to more advanced levels after two of the questions from a preceding level are correctly answered. The creation of adaptive tests is similar to creating standard tests.

In order to use test questions on adaptive tests, the cognitive complexity must be set on each test question. Please see Adding a New Question for more information.

Assigning Standards to an Adaptive Test

1. In the Assessment menu, click Create Adaptive Test.

The Standards tab on the left side of the screen displays the standards that were set up in Assessment > Standards.  Depending on your district’s setup, the standards may be organized by subject area, grade level, strand, and cluster.

2. Click the subject area, grade level, strand, and cluster links to navigate to the standards.

3. Click the check box next to one or multiple standards to add to a test.

Click the check box next to a subject area, grade level, strand, or cluster to select all the standards within that level.

4. Click Add to Test.

The selected standards are added to the test layout in the center of the screen.

Arranging the Test Layout

You can arrange the test layout by changing the order of standards and adding sections.

1. Click and drag standards to rearrange their order.

The numbering will automatically adjust.

2. To create an additional section of the test, click Add Section.

Breaking a test up into multiple sections is beneficial when different sections of the test will need different section options (for example, one section of the test will allow a calculator, but the other section will not).

An additional Section tab is added to the test layout. When adding standards to the test, the standards are added to the section you currently have open in the layout.

3. To remove a section, click the section tab and click Remove Section.

Any standards in that section are removed from the test.

4. To remove a standard from the test, click the red X next to the standard.

The standard is removed and the numbers adjust automatically.

Setting Test Options

1. On the right side of the screen in the Test Options section, enter the test Name.

2. Select the additional test options as needed:

Option Description
District Test This option allows the test to be shared with all district administrators.
Open to students online This option is selected by default. It allows students to take the test online in Focus.
Open in new window This option opens the test in a new browser window.
Open Test in Security Browser This option restricts internet access outside of the test.
Hide questions from teachers This option is selected by default. It prevents teachers from viewing the questions on the test.
Allow teachers to view test This option allows teachers to view the test in the FAS Tests screen.
Large Print Font This option displays the test font in large print.
Alternate Multiple Choice lettering between odd and even questions This option will give odd number questions different letter options than even number questions. 
Allow retakes of the test This option allows students to retake the test between the assigned and due date/times. After selecting this option, enter a retake refresh time to set the time that must pass between test retakes.
Login Pin Enter a pin to require students to enter this pin in order to access the test. 
Setting Section Options

The Section Options area of the screen is used to set the section options, including naming the section and selecting the tools available for section. Different options can be set for each section.

1. On the right side of the screen in the Section Options area of the screen, enter the section Name.

If no section name is entered, then "Section 1," "Section 2," etc. is displayed.

2. Select each option that will be available for this section of the test.

Saving the Adaptive Test

1. When finished setting up the adaptive test, click Save.

2. In the confirmation pop-up window, click OK.

The FAS Tests screen is displayed for the test. From the Assign tab, students can be assigned the test.

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