The Print Progression Plans screen is used to set the format and print progression plans for one or multiple students.
1. In the Grades menu, click Print Progression Plans.
2. At the top of the screen, enter search criteria to locate the students. For example, click More Search Options to search for the group of students using specific student information.
3. Click a category in the pull-down, and, if applicable, click the field to search by.
In this example, the Grade Level category was clicked.
To quickly find a field to search by, enter the field name in the Search text box at the top of the More Search Options pull-down. Click the desired field in the search results.
4. Once the search field is added, set the search criteria.
In this example, the search will look for students in grade 9.
5. Continue adding additional search criteria as needed.
For more information about searching for students, including searching using student groups, saving a student search, and more, see Searching for Students.
6. At the bottom of the screen, select the plan or plans you want to print in the Print Plans pull-down. If no plans are selected, then all plans assigned to the students included in the search will print.
The progression plans set up for the school in Grades > Progression Plan (in the Setup section of the Grades menu) are available for selection.
7. Select Print District Plans to include district progression plans.
District progression plans are plans that were set as District Wide in Grades > Progression Plan (in the Setup section of the Grades menu).
8. Select Print all options to include all the options (if any) that were set up for the progression plan.
9. Select Break between plans to add a page break between progression plans.
10. Adjust the Header Size, Requirement Info Size, Course Size, and Signature Header Size by selecting the desired font sizes in the pull-downs.
11. Select Show Legend to include a legend for the symbols used on the progression plan.
12. Select Use Shorter Column Headers to use shortened column titles.
For example, the Number of Credits column is shortened to Credits.
13. When finished setting the print options, click Continue.
14. On the next screen, select the check box next to each student to print, or select the check box in the column header to select all students in the list.
15. To preview the progression plans, click Preview at the top of the screen.
16. After viewing the preview, click Return to Focus.
17. To print the progression plans, click Generate Summary Reports.
A PDF is generated of the progression plans, which can be saved to your computer or printed.
18. When finished, click Return to Focus.