Documentation for Administrators

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

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The Seating Chart Contact Tracing screen allows users to search for students who are having symptoms of Covid-19 in order to review all students seated near the student in question. 

This report displays possible nearby students, which includes all students within a three desk distance from the center of the student in question; however, students can be placed anywhere and  opinions as well as seating distances can vary. This report functions as a tool for quickly identifying these students but may not reflect accurate contact information. The report accuracy depends on the accuracy of data in the seating chart(s) and the student schedules.

Generating the Contact Tracing Report

1. In the Students menu, click Seating Chart Contact Tracing.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

2. Enter all applicable search criteria, and click Search.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

For more detailed information about conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

3. To search for all students, leave the Student text box empty and click Search. You can also click the Simple List tab for all students.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

The report excludes students whose schedule record has been inactive within the last week or whose student_enrollment record is inactive at the scheduled record school when the report is run.

4. Click the reported Student link to see the student's neighboring students according to the current seating chart.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

5. Once a student is selected, you can click Back to Student List to return to your original search results.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing
The Seating Chart Contact Tracing Report

The report displays the reported student’s neighboring students in the following columns: Student Name, Student ID, Period Course Chart/Chart Title, and Teacher/Room Name.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

The resulting students pull from the current seating chart depending on sort order of the charts if more than one seating chart is used in the class. Sort Order is established via Users > Seating Charts > Charts button > Sort field for administrative users and Attendance > Seating Charts > Charts button > Sort field for teachers.

Seating Charts

The resulting students also pull from active administrative Seating Charts. Inactive charts will still show on the report for one week after their end date. The admin seating chart information display as Chart Title and Room Name on the report.

The report displays neighboring students, which are students seated close to the reported student on the primary seating chart for any of the reported student’s classes. Note: Students need to be at least 3 desks away from the primary student to avoid showing on the report. If students are arranged closely, it is possible for two students to return from the same rough direction from the student. 

If the same student is a neighbor in two different course periods, the student will have a row for each period. 

Neighbors are determined by drawing a circle from the student's position in the seating chart with a radius of 2.33 desks.

1. Select the Include Secondary Charts check box to view additional seating charts used by teachers; this is applicable if more than one seating chart is used by the student’s teacher(s). In the image displayed, the secondary seating charts are called "Period 2 ENG 3 Story Link."

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

2. Click the Student Name link to open Student Info.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

3. Click the Period Course Chart/Chart Title link to open Seating Charts. Clicking this link will either open the teacher's Seating Charts in Teacher Programs or the administrative user's Seating Charts.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

4. Click Message to open Communication in order to quickly message students and/or parents.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

Click the down arrow next to the student icon to open the category menu, which includes quick links to the following screens/information, most of which can be accessed by Student Info: Demographics, Schedule, Grades or Course History, Absences, Add Referral, Test History, SSS, Enrollment, Requests, Standard Grades, Activities, Referrals, and Grad Reqs.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

5. To close the current student and conduct a new search, click the X next to the student name in the header.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing
Additional Features

Begin typing the name or number of the desired field in the Filter text box located at the top of each pull-down for a quick search.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

a. Select the Exact check box to display results that have an exact match only and hide partial matches to the entered text. For example, "eng ap" as a partial match yields results, but "eng ap" as an exact match, does not yield results. It would have to be entered as "ap eng."

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

Click Check all and Clear for quick selections.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which is saved to your computer.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.

Seating Chart Contact Tracing

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

See Filters for more information.

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