Documentation for Administrators

Average Pass/Fail Grades

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The Average Pass/Fail Grades screen contains two tabs, Combine Semesters into Full Year and Split Full Year into Semesters. The Combine Semesters into Full Year tab displays students who have a failing grade in semester 1 or semester 2 in a course, along with an average grade for the two semesters that is passing. When this process is run, it will insert a new report card grade for the full year with an average of the two semesters. The Split Full Year into Semesters tab displays all failing full year student report card grades where course_history = Y and where there are two semester grade records and at least one is passing. When the process is run, it will set course_history = null for the full year grade record and course_history = Y for the two semesters, and will award credit accordingly.

The report show students with failing FY grades even if the corresponding SEM grades doesn't have a percent grade set. The report displays the letter grade if it is set on the student's report card grade for each marking period column.

Combine Semesters into Full Year

1. In the Grades menu, click Average Pass/Fail Grades.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

2. Click the Combine Semesters into Full Year tab.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

Listed are the students who have a failing grade in semester 1 or semester 2.  Displayed on this tab is the Student name, Student ID number, the Grade Level, the Course name the student is passing or failing, the Course Number, the name of the Section, Semester 1 and Semester 2 grade letter and/or percentage, grade Average, and Credits available.

3. After reviewing the grades and averages, use the Selected column to select the students for whom you want the average grade entered as the full year marking period grade. You can also clear the selection by clicking the check box for those students who have been selected by default.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

4. Click the Student ID number to open Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank. This allows you to review student grades before processing averages.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

5. Click Save Averages. The average are entered for the full year marking period for the selected courses. The course history flag and credits earned are removed from the semester record and the course history flag and credits are entered for the full year record.

a. In the confirmation pop-up screen, click Yes to combine semester grades.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

It is important to double check the selected students before clicking Save Averages. Once the averages have been saved, the process cannot be reversed.

Once averages are saved, you can review grade changes on the History tab.

Split Full Year into Semesters

1. In the Grades menu, click Average Pass/Fail Grades.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

2. Click on the Split Full Year into Semesters tab.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

Students who have a failing full year grade are listed. The students who have a semester 1 or semester 2 grade that contains a passing percentage are automatically selected, as indicated by the check mark. Displayed on this tab is the Student name, Student ID number, the Grade Level, Course name, the Course Number, the name of the Section, the Semester 1 percentage and/or letter grade, the Semester 2 percentage and/or letter grade, and the Full Year percentage and/or letter grade.

The inactive areas (grayed) indicate several Courses and Sections linked to one student. For example, AP Spanish Lang & Cu and Eng 3 are listed for the student Abe.

3. After reviewing the grades, use the Selected column to select students that do not have a passing Full Year grade. Selecting the students will ensure that the full year grade is recorded as null; the two semesters will be recorded as Y with credit being awarded to the passing semester percentage.

4. Click the Student ID number to open Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank in another tab or window (depending on browser settings). This allows you to review student grades before processing averages.

5. Click Save Averages.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

a. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Yes to split the selected grades.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

It is important to double check the selected students before clicking Save Averages. Once the averages have been saved, the process cannot be reversed.

To review changes made, see the History tab.


The History tab displays all saved averages and changes made from the Combine Semesters into Full Year tab and the Split Full Year into Semesters tab.

1. In the Grades menu, click Average Pass/Fail Grades.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

2. Click the History tab.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

The History tab displays the Student, Student ID, Grade Level, Course name, Course Number, the Section, Semester 1 percentage and/or grade letter, the Semester 2 percentage and/or grade letter, and the Full Year percentage and/or grade letter.

3. Click on the Student ID to open Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank.

Additional Features

If a report/table contains several pages of information, Page numbers display. Click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. Click the Page text box to enter a page number. Press Enter to jump to that page.

To export the listed information to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

To print any of the listed information, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Click Filters to further breakdown any report or table when looking for data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information, see Filters.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, results have been sorted by clicking on Student (name) twice; therefore, the listed students start with Z.

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